[Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019]
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
All animals of the canine or feline species, both male and female.
Physical injury that creates a risk of death or that causes actual disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any part of the body,
Any person having a right of property in a dog or cat, or who keeps or harbors a dog or cat, or who has it in his/her care or acts as its custodian, or who knowingly permits a dog or cat to remain on or about any premises owned or occupied by him/her.
Shall be held and construed to mean any and all of the following dogs:
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed of dogs.
The American Staffordshire Terrier breed of dogs.
The American Pit Bull Terrier breed of dogs.
Dogs which have the appearance and characteristics of being predominately of the breeds of the dogs known as "Staffordshire Bull Terrier," "American Pit Bull Terrier," or "American Staffordshire Terrier."
Allowing a dog to be off the private premises of the owner or keeper, or his/her agent or servant, and not on a leash or confined to the arms, motor vehicle, trailer or other conveyance of the owner or keeper, his/her agent or servant.
A person upon the premises of the owner or keeper of the dog in question without license or privilege to be upon said premises,
Any dog running at large or a dog on the premises of its owner or keeper but not confined to said premises by a leash, fence, structure or other means that would prevent the dog from leaving such premises.
Any dog, whether or not running at large and whether or not unrestrained, that without provocation has bitten, or otherwise attacked, any person not a trespasser, causing serious physical injury to that person that exceeds purely nominal damage.
Any unrestrained dog, whether or not running at large, that without provocation, has attempted to bite or otherwise attack any person not a trespasser.
Any unrestrained dog, whether or not running at large, that, without provocation, has placed any person not a trespasser in apprehension of immediate serious physical injury.
Any dog that has killed another dog, cat, or other domestic animal without provocation.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.020; Ord. No. 7-93 §§ 73.070 — 73.090, 1993; Ord. No. 5-2004 § 1, 4-20-2004; Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019]
Dog License Required, It shall be unlawful for any person to own, possess, harbor or keep any dog within the City limits of the City of Greenfield without having purchased a dog license for such dog, and securely attaching said license on the collar of such dog. Said licenses shall be provided by the City with each license being manufactured from a durable material and identified by a number and color indicating date of expiration. The fee for issuance of such license shall be nine dollars ($9.00), and each license shall be valid for a term of three (3) years from the date of issuance. Tags must be renewed triannually in order to comply with this regulation. The City Clerk shall keep a record of all such licenses issued, and the City shall presume that the person obtaining such license is the legal owner of the dog wearing such license. A copy of an accurate photograph identifying the dog in question shall be provided to the City Clerk by the applicant. Said photograph shall be kept as a part of the file concerning the dog's license. If the amount the City pays for a dog tag increases, the cost of the license fee shall automatically increase by a like amount. Dog licenses may hereafter be issued at such time and for such periods of time as the City Clerk may determine.
Rabies Vaccination Required. It shall be unlawful to possess, harbor or keep any dog within the City limits of the City of Greenfield that has not been inoculated for rabies. The City Clerk may not issue any license as provided in the preceding Subsection A except upon presentation of a currently valid certificate, or other satisfactory evidence, showing affirmatively that such dog has been vaccinated against rabies and that such vaccination is currently effective against rabies.
Licensing of Pit Bull Dogs.
The City Clerk may not issue any license, as provided above, for any Pit Bull dog. In the event that any dog already licensed in accordance with these regulations is due for the annual renewal of its license and it is alleged to be a Pit Bull dog, the City Clerk may renew such dog's license through the following procedure:
The Clerk will review the records of the City in order to determine whether or not the dog in question has been found running at large or been otherwise alleged to be a vicious dog as defined herein;
The owner or keeper of the said dog shall deliver their duly executed affidavit to the City Clerk certifying that, irrespective of the said dog's appearance, it has never exhibited the aggressive behavioral traits associated with Pit Bull dogs and guaranteeing that the said dog is of a docile nature.
In the event that the City Clerk finds both of the criteria set forth above are in the dog's favor, its license may be renewed for another year.
Identification Tags On Dogs Required. Any dog found within the City limits of the City of Greenfield that is not wearing a collar with the City license as provided above shall be liable to be impounded as provided in Section 205.050 of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 11-2010 §§ 1 — 2, 12-21-2010; Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019]
It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any dog to permit the same to run at large within the City of Greenfield at any time. Any dog found without the tag described in Section 205.020 or otherwise running at large shall be impounded.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.040.1; Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019[1]]
It shall be unlawful to own, keep or harbor a vicious dog in the City of Greenfield.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also amended the title of this Section which was formerly "Vicious Dogs Prohibited — Exceptions."
[Ord. No. 12-2010 §§ 1 — 2, 12-21-2010; Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019]
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, the City Police, and any other person especially designated by the Board of Aldermen and the Mayor for such purpose, to take up any dog without a valid license tag or any dog running at large, and impound the same. In effecting the capture of any such dog the Officers are authorized and directed to use traps, nets, tranquilizer guns, or any other humane method.
[Ord. No. 13-2010 §§ 1 — 2, 12-21-2010; Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019]
Every officer impounding a dog under this Chapter shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after such impounding, enter upon a registry open to the public and in plain public view at the City Hall of the City a description of such dog, including breed, color and approximate size, and the date apprehended and, if the owner or keeper is known, the name and address of such owner or keeper; or the owner or keeper shall be given actual notice of the impoundment of such dog before disposition of such dog.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.080; Ord. No. 4-2004, 3-16-2004; Ord. No. 14-2010 §§ 1 — 2, 12-21-2010; Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019]
As a part of the process of recovering any dog impounded under this Chapter, and in addition to any Court costs and fines which might accrue as a consequence of any alleged ordinance violations, the Owner or Keeper thereof may reclaim the same by paying to the City Clerk or other official especially designated to receive the same, the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per day for the purpose of reimbursing the City for its costs in feeding and caring for such dog, and keeping it impounded. In addition, the owner must pay a dog recovery charge in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00). If the owner has previously recovered the same dog from the City, the recovery charge shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00).
[R.O. 2006 § 205.090; Ord. No. 15-2010 §§ 1 — 2, 12-21-2010; Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019]
It shall be the duty of any Officer impounding any dog under this Chapter to keep the same impounded for a period often (10) days, unless such dog shall be reclaimed by his/her owner under Section 205.70. If, after the expiration of ten (10) days from the date of such impoundment, such dog has not been reclaimed, the same shall be transferred to a new owner or disposed of in a humane manner. The City assumes no liability to the owner of the dog after the expiration of the ten-day impoundment period, in any event.
[Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019]
In order to retrieve an impounded dog the owner thereof must, within ten (10) days of the dog having been impounded, proceed in the following fashion, to wit:
Report to the Greenfield Police Department and accept any summons issued regarding the particular facts and circumstances surrounding the impoundment of the animal;
Provide proof of their own identity, the dog's valid license, and proof of the dog's current rabies vaccination,
Reimburse the City for the expense of impound and release in accord with the provisions of Section 205.070.
Exception. Any dog alleged to have bitten or otherwise exposed another person or animal to rabies shall not be released until such time as the said dog can be definitively certified to be free of the rabies virus. In such case the dog may be impounded longer than the ten (10) days authorized by these Ordinances so long as the Owner/Keeper of the said animal delivers a written notice to the City Clerk declaring his or her intention to personally pay the dog's expenses for such period as therein defined.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.095; Ord. No. 5-2009, 8-4-2009; Ord. No. 02-2019, 5-21-2019[1]]
Any person may acquire an unclaimed dog from the City impoundment upon payment of a fee in the sum of five dollars ($5.00).
If a person acquiring a dog from the City impoundment intends to keep the dog within the City, he or she shall immediately obtain a dog license and show proof that the dog has an effective rabies vaccination as required by Section 205.020. No person may acquire and keep a Pit Bull dog or vicious dog, as defined by Section 205.010, within the City.
No person who has received a citation for allowing or permitting a dog to run at large in violation of Section 205.030 shall be allowed to acquire the dog without paying to the City the cost of keeping such dog impounded and the recovery charge as provided in Section 205.070.
All references to section numbers are to the corresponding section in Chapter 205 of the Municipal Code. "Citation" as used in this Section shall mean a summons issued to appear in the Municipal Court of the City of Greenfield, Missouri.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also amended the title of this Section, which was formerly "Acquiring a Dog or Cat."
A person is guilty of animal neglect when he/she has custody or ownership or both of an animal and fails to provide adequate care or adequate control which results in substantial harm to the animal.
A person is guilty of animal abandonment when he/she has knowingly abandoned an animal in any place without making provisions for its adequate care.
Animal Neglect Or Animal Abandonment Are Ordinance Violations. For a first (1st) offense of either violation, a term of imprisonment not to exceed fifteen (15) days, or a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or both such fine and imprisonment may be imposed. For a second (2nd) or subsequent violation of either offense, a term of imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) days, or a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or both such fine and imprisonment may be imposed. All fines and penalties for a first (1st) conviction of animal neglect or animal abandonment may be waived by the court provided that the person found guilty of animal neglect or abandonment shows that adequate, permanent remedies for the neglect or abandonment have been made. Reasonable costs incurred for the care and maintenance of neglected or abandoned animals may not be waived.
In addition to any other penalty imposed by this Section, the court may order a person found guilty of animal neglect or animal abandonment to pay all reasonable costs and expenses necessary for:
The care and maintenance of neglected or abandoned animals within the person's custody or ownership;
The disposal of any dead or diseased animals within the person's custody or ownership;
The reduction of resulting organic debris affecting the immediate area of the neglect or abandonment; and
The avoidance or minimization of any public health risks created by the neglect or abandonment of the animals.
A person is guilty of animal abuse when a person:
Intentionally or purposely kills an animal in any manner not allowed by or expressly exempted from the provisions of Sections 578.005 to 578.023 and 273.030, RSMo.;
Purposely or intentionally causes injury or suffering to an animal; or
Having ownership or custody of an animal knowingly fails to provide adequate care or adequate control.
Note — Under certain circumstances this offense can be a felony under state law.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.170; Ord. No. 8-2002, 12-17-2002]
No person shall at any time keep, harbor or own at one (1) location within the City more than a total of three (3) dogs and/or cats over the age of six (6) months. This provision shall not apply to a lawfully operated commercial kennel, animal hospital or the City pound.
Any person in physical possession and control of any animal shall remove excreta or other solid waste deposited by the animal in any public or private area not designated to receive such wastes including, but not limited to, streets, sidewalks, parking lots, public parks or recreation areas and private property. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to a guide dog accompanying any blind person.
Whenever rabies becomes prevalent in the City, the Mayor shall, according to the necessity of the case, issue a quarantine order requiring every owner or person in charge of any dog or dogs within the limits of the City to either kill or impound his/her dog or dogs or to have such dog or dogs immunized. Said order shall be published once in the paper officially publishing the business of the City and, in the absence of such paper, shall be posted as in case of sales of personal property. The Mayor is authorized by proclamation to terminate any such quarantine whenever, in his/her judgment, the necessity for it no longer exists.
Any person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of a class D felony:
Baiting or fighting animals;
Permitting baiting or animal fighting to be done on any premises under his/her charge or control;
Promoting, conducting, or staging a baiting or fight between two (2) or more animals;
Advertising a baiting or fight between two (2) or more animals;
Collecting any admission fee for a baiting or fight between two (2) or more animals.
Any person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of a class A misdemeanor:
Knowingly attending the baiting or fighting of animals;
Knowingly selling, offering for sale, shipping, or transporting any animal which has been bred or trained to bait or fight another animal;
Owning or possessing any of the cockfighting implements, commonly known as gaffs and slashers, or any other sharp implement designed to be attached to the leg of a gamecock;
Manufacturing, selling, bartering or exchanging any of the cockfighting implements, commonly known as gaffs and slashers, or any other sharp implement designed to be attached to the leg of a gamecock.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.130; CC 1975 § 73.410]
It shall be unlawful for any person to molest, injure or disturb any small birds or fowl of the nest, young or brood of any such birds or fowl within the City.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.140]
A person commits the offense of allowing animals to run at large if he/she fails to keep any animal of the species of cattle, hogs, horses, mules, sheep, goats and all other domestic animals, also geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys and all other domestic fowls including ratite birds, or any exotic animal or any domesticated wild animal confined within an enclosure provided by the owner of such domestic animal, ratite bird, exotic animal or domesticated wild animal. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. No. 10-2008, 10-21-2008]
No person shall own or keep a dog or any other animal which barks, whines, howls, yelps or creates any other disturbance which is so loud and continuous or untimely so as to disturb an individual who is a neighbor and who does state in writing that he/she will so testify under oath if called to testify about such matter.
The term "untimely" as used in this Section shall mean between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.
The term "neighbor" as used in this Section shall mean an individual residing in a residential structure within one hundred (100) yards of the property on which the dog or other animal is kept or harbored.
Any animal which is the subject of a complaint and found off the premises of the owner may be impounded as provided in Section 205.050 et seq. of the Municipal Code.
Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of an infraction and shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). Every day a violation of this Section shall occur or continue shall constitute a separate offense.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.150; Ord. No. 8-2002, 12-17-2002]
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any animal of the species of cattle, hogs, horses, mules, sheep, goats and all other domestic animals, also geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys and all other domestic fowls including ratite birds or any exotic animal or any domesticated wild animal in an enclosure or pasture, the exterior boundary of which is within two hundred (200) feet of the dwelling house of another or a church, school or place of business without the written permission of the owner or occupant of such dwelling house, trustees of such church or school or owner of such place of business.
Subsection (A) of this Section shall not be applied retroactively to prohibit the keeping of livestock which is being lawfully kept within the City on the date that this Section is enacted. If ownership of the tract or parcel of land on which the livestock is being kept changes, Subsection (A) of this Section shall apply to that tract or parcel of land.
Violations of this Section shall be punishable under the penalty provisions of Section 100.220. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. Upon conviction under this Section, the Animal Control Officer shall have the right to seize and impound the animal(s).
[R.O. 206 § 205.160; Ord. No. 8-2002, 12-17-2002]
Livestock unlawfully kept in the City or found upon property not owned or controlled by the livestock owner may be captured and impounded by the Animal Control Officer. The owner of impounded animals shall be liable for all reasonable charges for capturing and impounding such animals, including all charges incidental thereto. The owner, upon satisfactory proof of ownership, shall be entitled to redeem the livestock upon payment of all charges and expenses.
In the event animals impounded under the provisions of this Section are not claimed by the owner or charges associated with the impoundment are not paid within fifteen (15) days after notice of the date, description of the animals and location of the capture has been posted in at least three (3) public places in the City, the livestock may be sold at a public sale and the cost of capturing, impounding and selling such animals shall be paid into the City Treasury. Any proceeds of the sale in excess of the cost to the City shall be refunded to the owner, but if the owner cannot be determined shall be treated as unclaimed property.
A person commits the offense of knowingly releasing an animal if that person, acting without the consent of the owner or custodian of an animal, intentionally releases any animal that is lawfully confined for the purpose of companionship or protection of persons or property or for recreation, exhibition or educational purposes.
As used in this Section, "animal" means every living creature, domesticated or wild, but not including Homo sapiens.
The provisions of this Section shall not apply to a public servant acting in the course of such servant's official duties.
No person may keep any lion, tiger, leopard, ocelot, jaguar, cheetah, margay, mountain lion, Canada lynx, bobcat, jaguarundi, hyena, wolf, bear, non-human primate, coyote, any deadly, dangerous or poisonous reptile, or any deadly or dangerous reptile over eight (8) feet long in any place other than a properly maintained zoological park, circus, scientific or educational institution, research laboratory, veterinary hospital or animal refuge, unless such person has registered such animals with the local law enforcement agency in the County in which the animal is kept.