[Adopted 9-27-2016 by G.O. No. 17-2016[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 1-1-2017.
Legislative intent and Complete Streets Policy. The City of Yonkers seeks to improve the City's interconnected network of transportation facilities which accommodate all modes of travel in a manner that is consistent with neighborhood context and is supportive of community goals by establishing a Complete Streets Policy to incorporate active transportation into the planning, design and operation of all future City streets projects, whether new construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or pavement maintenance. Active transportation attempts to better integrate physical activity in our daily lives through increased emphasis on walking, bicycling, and public transportation. Active transportation improves public health, reduces traffic congestion, enhances air quality, and supports local economic development. Complete streets are streets that are planned, designed, operated, and maintained to enable safe access for all users, and upon which pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, persons with disabilities, and motorists of all ages and abilities are able to safely move along and across. The City of Yonkers acknowledges the work of the Complete Streets Advisory Board, which comprised various community stakeholders and is led by the Living Your Fullest Everyday (LYFE) Coalition in the City of Yonkers.
The City Engineer shall include bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities in all street construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and pavement maintenance projects conducted by or on behalf of the City, as appropriate, subject to the exceptions contained herein.
The City shall plan, design, build and maintain all bicycle, pedestrian and transit facilities in accordance with accepted and appropriate federal, state, and local standards and guidelines, but will consider innovative and/or nontraditional design options, as appropriate.
The incorporation of bicycle, pedestrian and transit facilities shall be mandated in all street construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and pavement maintenance projects undertaken by or on behalf of the City, except under one or more of the following conditions, where the City Engineer must provide an explanation as to how the exception applies:
The City Engineer determines there is insufficient space within the right-of-way or insufficient need within the community to safely accommodate such new facilities.
The City Engineer determines that establishing such new facilities would require excessive or disproportionate cost.
The City Engineer determines that the inclusion of such new facilities would create a public safety risk for users of the public right-of-way.
The project is limited to routine or seasonal maintenance activities, such as mowing, sweeping and pavement repairs.
Bicyclists and pedestrians are prohibited by law from using the facility.
The City Council and the Mayor shall receive an annual report from the City Engineer on the City's consistency with this Policy with respect to all street construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and pavement maintenance under design or construction by or on behalf of the City. This report shall be made available to the public on the City's website.
The City Engineer may establish rules, regulations and procedures necessary for the implementation and administration of this article, including, without limitation, creating a complete streets capital projects checklist.
The City Engineer will review all planning studies and/or engineering reports for street projects prepared by or on behalf of the City.