The maximum speed at which vehicles may proceed on or along any street within the Borough is hereby established at 25 miles per hour, except on those streets forming part of the state highway system, and except that the speed limit for vehicles proceeding on or along those streets or parts of streets described below is hereby established at the rate of speed indicated:
Name of Street
Speed Limit
All alleys
Entire length
The police officers of the Borough are hereby given authority to enforce the speed limits set out in this section by the use of electronic speed-timing devices as those devices are approved by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Department of Transportation. The proper officers of the Borough are authorized and directed to place appropriate and approved signs at appropriate locations in the Borough advising that the devices are or may be used. The speed limits in the Borough shall be posted on fixed or variable official traffic control devices (signs) erected in accordance with regulations adopted by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, which regulations require posting at the beginning and end of each speed zone and at intervals not greater than 1/2 mile.
Traffic control signals shall be installed and operated at the intersection of those streets described below.
Broad Street and Harford Street
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3112(a)(3)(ii) of the Vehicle Code, no person shall make a right turn (or a left turn from a one-way roadway onto a one-way roadway) on a steady red signal at the locations described below:
Red Signal Facing Traffic on
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
Broad Street
Harford Street
Harford Street
Broad Street
[Amended 5-6-2019 by Ord. No. 463]
The streets or parts of streets described below are hereby designated as one-way streets in the direction indicated.
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Elderberry Alley
Harford Street to Chestnut Alley
Huckleberry Alley
Harford Street to Chestnut Alley
Pine Alley
Harford Street to James Street
It shall be unlawful for the operator of a motor vehicle or tractor to make a U-turn on any of the streets or parts thereof described below.
Name of Street
Broad Street
Entire length
Harford Street
Entire length
[Amended 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
No person shall make a turn of the kind designated (left, right, all) at any of the intersections described below or go straight through these intersections.
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Prohibited Turn
At Intersection of
Apple Alley
Broad Street
Gooseberry Alley
Broad Street
Peach Alley
Broad Street
Pear Alley
Broad Street
Plum Alley
Broad Street
Lanes for right or left hand turns only, as indicated, are hereby reserved upon the streets or parts of streets described below, and traffic for any other purpose upon such lanes is hereby excluded.
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Lane Reserved
Permitted Turn
All vehicular traffic shall keep to the right of the following structures or barriers located in the center of the specified intersections:
Structure On (Name of Street)
Location (Intersection)
Sarah Street
At a point 150 feet west of Broad Street (Tom Quick Monument)
The intersections described below are hereby established as stop intersections, and official stop signs shall be erected in such a position upon the first-named street as to face traffic approaching the second-named street in the direction or directions indicated. All vehicles and tractors approaching any such intersection upon the first-named street, in the direction or directions indicated in each case, shall come to a full stop, within a reasonable distance, before entering any such intersection.
Controlling Traffic
Ann Street and Broad Street
East/West on Ann Street
Ann Street and Fifth Street
East/West on Ann Street; North/South on Fifth Street
Ann Street and Fourth Street
East/West on Ann Street; North/South on Fourth Street
Ann Street and Seventh Street
East/West on Ann Street
Ann Street and Sixth Street
East/West on Ann Street; North/South on Sixth Street
Ann Street and Third Street
East/West on Ann Street; North/South on Third Street
Apple Alley and Blackberry Alley
West on Apple Alley
Apple Alley and Currant Alley
[Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
Apple Alley and Fifth Street
[Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
West on Apple Alley
Apple Alley and Gooseberry Alley
[Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
East on Apple Alley
Apple Alley and Raspberry Alley
[Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
East on Apple Alley
Blackberry Alley and Harford Street
North/South on Blackberry Alley
Blackberry Alley and Peach Alley
East/West on Peach Alley; North/South on Blackberry Alley
Blackberry Alley and South Broad Street
West on Blackberry Alley
Broad Street and Constitution Avenue/Sarah Street
[Amended 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
South on Constitution Avenue
Broad Street and Sawkill Avenue
Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
South on Broad Street
Catharine Street and Broad Street
East/West on Catharine Street
Catharine Street and Fifth Street
East/West on Catharine Street; North/South on Fifth Street
Catharine Street and Fourth Street
East/West on Catharine Street; North/South on Fourth Street
Catharine Street and Seventh Street
East/West on Catharine Street
Catharine Street and Sixth Street
East/West on Catharine Street; North/South on Sixth Street
Catharine Street and Third Street
East/West on Catharine Street; North/South on Third Street
Cherry Alley and Blackberry Alley
West on Cherry Alley
Eighth Street and Harford Street
North on Eighth Street
Elderberry Alley and Harford Street
South/North on Elderberry Alley
Elderberry Alley and West Ann Street
North/South on Elderberry Alley
Fifth Street and George Street
East/West on George Street; North/South on Fifth Street
Fifth Street and Harford Street
North/South on Fifth Street
Fifth Street and High Street
East/West on High Street; North/South on Fifth Street
Fifth Street and Sarah Street
North on Fifth Street
Fourth Street and George Street
East/West on George Street; North/South on Fourth Street
Fourth Street and Harford Street
South on Fourth Street
Fourth Street and High Street
North/South on Fourth Street; East/West on High Street
Front Street and Harford Street
South on Front Street
George Street and Broad Street
East/West on George Street
George Street and Currant Alley
[Added 4-15-2024 by Ord. No. 489]
North/South on Currant Alley
George Street and Sixth Street
East/West on George Street; North/South on Sixth Street
Harford Street and Route 209
East/West on Harford Street
Harford Street and Route 6
East/West on Harford Street
High Street and Broad Street
East/West on High Street
High Street and Fourth Street
North/South on Fourth Street
High Street and Seventh Street
East/West on High Street
High Street and Sixth Street
East/West on High Street; North/South on Sixth Street
High Street and Third Street
East/West on High Street; North/South on Third Street
James Street and Eighth Street
East/West on James Street
James Street and Seventh Street
East on James Street
John Street and Broad Street
West on John Street
John Street and Fifth Street
East on John Street
John Street and Sixth Street
North/South on Sixth Street; East/West on John Street
Lower Harford and Second Street
North/South on Second Street
Mott Street and Harford Street
North on Mott Street
Ninth Street and Harford Street
North on Ninth Street
Peach Alley and Third Street
[Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
East on Peach Alley
Pear Alley and Blackberry Alley
East/West on Pear Alley; North/South on Blackberry Alley
Pear Alley and Currant Alley
[Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
Pear Alley and Gooseberry Alley
[Amended 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
Pear Alley and Raspberry Alley
Raspberry Alley and Ann Street
[Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
North/South on Raspberry Alley
Raspberry Alley and Catharine Street
[Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
North/South on Raspberry Alley
Raspberry Alley and Sarah Street
South on Raspberry Way
Route 209 and Second Street
North on Second Street
Sarah Street and Broad Street
East/West on Sarah Street
Sarah Street and Constitution Avenue
East on Sarah Street
Sarah Street and Fifth Street
[Added 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 483]
East/West on Sarah Street
Sarah Street and Sixth Street
West on Sarah Street
Second Street and Harford Street
North/South on Second Street; East/West on Harford Street
Second Street and Route 209
South on Second Street
Seventh Street and Harford Street
North/South on Seventh Street
Seventh Street and Mill Street
South/North on Seventh Street
Sixth Street and Harford Street
North/South on Sixth Street
Third Street and Harford Street
South on Third Street
Water Street and Mill Street
North on Water Street
Water Street and Seventh Street
North/South on Water Street
West John Street and Current Alley
[Added 4-15-2024 by Ord. No. 489]
North on Currant Alley
West Sarah Street and Raspberry Alley
East and West on Sarah Street Alley
The intersections described below are hereby established as yield-right-of-way intersections, and official yield signs shall be erected in such a position upon the first-named street as to face traffic approaching the second-named street in the direction or directions indicated. All vehicles and tractors approaching any such intersection upon the first-named street, in the direction or directions indicated, shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on the second-named street so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time that the operator of such vehicle or tractor is moving across or within such intersection.
Controlling Traffic
It shall be unlawful for any person driving a vehicle to pass any other vehicle which is proceeding in the same direction upon any of the streets of the Borough, except for those streets or portions thereof described below:
Name of Street
The following streets or portions of streets are hereby designated as being for local traffic only. "Local traffic" as used herein, shall mean access to and egress from properties and business or parking facilities located along said streets, including the operation of any commercial vehicle or tractor necessary to pick up or deliver any goods, wares, merchandise or material from or to any premises located upon such street or portion thereof:
Name of Street
Ann Street
Entire length
Apple Alley
Entire length
Blackberry Alley
Entire length
Catharine Street
Entire length
Cherry Alley
Entire length
Chestnut Alley
Entire length
Cranberry Alley
Entire length
Current Alley
Entire length
Elderberry Alley
Entire length
Fifth Street
Entire length
Fourth Street
Entire length
George Street
Entire length
Gooseberry Alley
Entire length
High Street
Entire length
John Street
Entire length
Mulberry Alley
Entire length
Peach Alley
Entire length
Pear Alley
Entire length
Pine Alley
Entire length
Plum Alley
Entire length
Race Alley
Entire length
Raspberry Alley
Entire length
Second Street
Entire length
Sixth Street
Entire length
Strawberry Alley
Entire length
Third Street
Entire length
Water Street
Entire length
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle having a gross weight in excess of four tons upon any of the streets of the Borough, except for those streets or portions thereof described below:
Name of Street
Broad Street
Entire length
Harford Street
Entire length
Mill Street
Entire length
Seventh Street
From Harford Street north entire length
The provisions of this section shall not apply to any motor vehicle when and while the same is making a local delivery or deliveries to any building, house or property abutting on such streets.
The Mayor is hereby authorized to designate as play streets, whenever he shall deem such action advisable, and for whatever period of time directed by him, any portion of any street in the Borough whereon sledding and coasting shall be permitted. Such street shall be set apart and marked off for this purpose on the orders and under the direction of the Mayor.
No person shall operate any motor vehicle or tractor upon any play street at any time when such street shall be so designated, except in case of emergency, with special permission of the Mayor or of the police officer in charge, who shall first clear such play street of all persons using such street for the purpose for which it was set aside.