In addition to the general goals listed in the statements of § 390-3, Purpose, and § 390-4, Community development objectives, it is the purpose of this district to encourage the continuation of the traditional land use patterns in the early village setting of Kimberton, allowing a reasonable level of development to occur while preserving those areas which characterize the unique heritage of the area; and to provide for medium- and high-density residential development which is compatible with existing residential development in areas of the Township which contain environmental features generally suitable for such development, high groundwater yields, and accessible to transportation systems and community facilities appropriate for such development. In addition, this district is designed to provide additional flexibility and opportunity for accommodating multifamily housing needs on a smaller scale than what has been provided for in the PRD Planned Residential Development District.
This purpose is to be achieved by employing the following techniques, as permitted by Section 605 of Act 247,[1] the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, to ensure that proposed designs for infill development and development on the fringe of the village are compatible with the planning goals for this area.
Encourage a compact form of development by allowing lot design alternatives, as permitted by Sections 503(5) and 603(c)(5) of Act 247,[2] which permit the concentration of land use on certain portions of the tract while leaving other portions open so as to promote designs compatible with the village.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. §§ 10503(5) and 10603(c)(5).
Require land use designs which preserve natural, scenic and historic resources as permitted by Section 604(1) of Act 247.[3]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10604(1).
Retain the boundaries (or edges) of the village as essential components that serve as a transition between adjacent uses and distinguish the village as a unique community, as enabled by Section 605(1) of Act 247.[4]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10605(1).
Establish a viable network of greenway land areas that complement the land use pattern of the village and promote pedestrian circulation to reinforce the community character and decrease reliance on the automobile. These greenway land components should link the village with surrounding areas, including existing recreational facilities, and correspond to the recommendations of the Township Open Space and Recreation Plan.
Define landscaping, circulation, parking, signage and community facility/services standards that are unique to the village setting and are compatible with its particular design requirements.
Ensure that new development is compatible with the availability of essential services or facilities, as required by Section 604(1) of Act 247, and that new demands as required by the project are adequately addressed.
To encourage the continued agricultural uses in surrounding areas in keeping with the traditional village pattern of land use and the goal to preserve farming as an important land use and economic activity, as provided by Section 604(3) of Act 247.
Provide opportunities for the creation of a variety of residential dwelling types in keeping with the character, scale, and architecture of the traditional village setting, in accordance with Section 604(5) of Act 247.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10605.
In the RM Residential Mix District, the following regulations shall apply.
Uses by right. A building may be erected, altered or used, and a lot or premises may be used by right for any one of the following uses and no other:
Single-family detached dwelling, single-family semidetached dwelling.
Woodland preserve, game preserve, wildlife sanctuary or other conservation use.
Passive agricultural uses.
Breeding or raising of animals (excluding the raising of pigs, which is expressly prohibited), provided that the minimum area of the tract on which the use is conducted shall not be less than 10 acres and shall be subject to the provisions of § 390-163.
Essential services.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(6), which permitted planned residential development and immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 204. This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(7) through (9) as Subsection A(6) through (8).
Low-intensity recreation use area.
Municipal building or use.
Bed-and-breakfast use, provided that:
One improved off-street parking space per guest bedroom shall be provided;
The bed-and-breakfast shall be occupied by the owner and operator thereof;
The principal building on the lot shall be a historic resource and shall be an integral component of the bed-and-breakfast; and
Non-host bed-and-breakfast uses shall be permitted on properties not containing a historic resource, provided that the rental period shall not exceed 15 consecutive days and the number of overnight guest stays shall not exceed 60 nights per year. The owner shall also register with the Township prior to commencement of the use and on or before the end of January of each calendar year, providing the owner's name, the type of bed-and-breakfast use, the number of guest rooms, the number of guest bedrooms, the number of rental nights in the prior year, and the emergency contact information of the property owner.
Uses by special exception. Any of the following uses may be permitted as a special exception when authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board, subject to the standards contained herein and § 390-228 of this chapter:[2]
Life-care community, subject to the provisions of § 390-155.
Municipal or public uses; governmental or public utility building or use; not to include business facilities, storage of materials, trucking or repair facilities, the housing of repair crews, private or municipal landfills.
Combination of two or more residential dwelling types on the same tract, provided that the minimum tract size is not less than 25 acres.
Medium-intensity recreation use area, including private clubs for swimming, golf, horseback riding, tennis or other racquet sports, provided that:
The minimum tract size is not less than 10 acres;
Each structure or building shall be clearly incidental to the outdoor use;
Any club or lodge building and its services shall be for the use of members and their guests only;
No commercial activity or use such as a high-intensity recreation use, amusement park, recreational vehicle campground, driving range, pitch and putt, or miniature golf course, and similar uses customarily carried on as a business shall be permitted; and
All activities shall occur and be confined to property owned by the club.
Conversion of a single-family detached dwelling or other detached buildings, subject to the provisions of § 390-147.
Communications towers, subject to the provisions of § 390-167 of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(1), which permitted two-family and multifamily residential building types, was repealed 3-20-2023 by Ord. No. 204. This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(2) through (7) as Subsection A(1) through (6).
Accessory uses. The following accessory uses shall be permitted, provided that they are incidental to any of the foregoing permitted uses:
Customary residential accessory uses.
Private swimming pools, subject to the provisions of § 390-165.
Customary agricultural accessory uses.
Private noncommercial greenhouses.
Home occupations, in accordance with the provisions of § 390-152.
Accessory dwelling units, subject to the provisions of § 390-144.
Roadside stands for the sale of farm products and in accordance with the provisions of § 390-162.
Private, noncommercial nursery.
Communications antennas mounted on an existing public utility transmission tower, existing building or other existing structure, and communications equipment buildings subject to the provisions of § 390-167 of this chapter.
Lot area.
Single-family dwelling or nonresidential uses. Every lot containing a single-family dwelling or nonresidential use shall have an area of not less than 20,000 square feet, provided that, in the case of an interior lot, any right-of-way or accessway connecting such lot to a road or street shall be in addition to the minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet.
Two-family dwelling (duplex or twin dwelling). Every lot containing a twin or duplex dwelling shall have a lot area of not less than 15,000 square feet per dwelling unit, provided that, in the case of an interior lot, any right-of-way or accessway connecting such lot to a road or street shall be in addition to the minimum lot area of 15,000 square feet per dwelling unit.
Multifamily dwelling (including but not limited to townhouses, apartments and quadruplex units). Every lot or tract containing a multifamily residence shall meet the following specifications:
The minimum tract size for multifamily dwellings shall not have a lot area less than 15 acres.
The gross density for development of multifamily dwellings shall not exceed five dwelling units per acre.
The net density for development shall not exceed seven dwelling units per acre.
No unit shall be less than 20 feet in width.
Lot width.
Single-family dwelling or nonresidential use. Every lot containing a single-family dwelling or nonresidential use shall not be less than 100 feet in average width, with 35 feet minimum width at the street line or, in the case of an interior lot, the front lot line.
Two-family dwelling. Every lot containing a twin or duplex dwelling shall have an average aggregate lot width for two dwelling units of 125 feet, with 50 feet minimum aggregate width at the street line or, in the case of an interior lot, the front lot line.
Multifamily dwellings. Every tract containing multifamily dwellings shall not be less than 300 feet in width at the building setback line.
Front yard. There shall be a front yard of not less than 75 feet from the building setback line to the street line or, in the case of an interior lot, the front lot line.
Side yards.
For every single-family or two-family dwelling, there shall be two side yards not less than 35 feet in aggregate width and neither of which shall be less than 15 feet in width.
For every principal building other than a dwelling, there shall be two side yards, neither of which shall be less than 35 feet in width.
For multifamily dwellings there shall be two side yards, neither of which shall be less than 50 feet in width.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard on each lot, which shall be not less than 30 feet in depth, unless the lot is a reverse-frontage lot; in which case, the requirements of § 390-136D of this chapter shall apply.
Lot coverage. Not more than 40% of the adjusted tract acreage may be occupied by buildings, structures or other impervious coverage. This calculation of lot coverage shall not include impervious coverage attributable to public sidewalks or driveways serving the lot (the scope of such exclusion to include shared driveways but to exclude discrete parking areas other than those directly in front of an approved garage).
Accessory buildings and structures: in accordance with § 390-144 of this chapter.
Maximum height regulations. The maximum height of buildings and other structures erected or enlarged in this district shall be as follows:
For any principal building or any building used for dwelling purposes: 35 feet.
For any farm building or farm structure, except silos and silo-related equipment: 65 feet.
For any accessory building or structure, except accessory farm buildings and farm structures: 25 feet.
Water and sewer service. All developments shall submit information as required by the Board of Supervisors verifying that adequate and safe water and sewer facilities are available to service the proposed development without causing adverse environmental damage or negatively affecting adjacent property owners.
Greenway land.
Not less than 50% of the gross lot area shall be designated as and used exclusively for greenway land.
No more than 25% of the area designated for greenway land shall have environmental limitations such as floodplains, steep slopes (in excess of 25%), or wetlands.
A maximum of 25% of the greenway land is permitted to be used for individual on-lot disposal systems, stormwater facilities, community sewage treatment/storage lagoons, and nonelevated community sewage absorption areas.
Portions of the tract which comprise the village fringe shall be composed of greenway land. The width of the village fringe greenway land shall be at least 200 feet. This minimum buffer requirement may be waived by the Board of Supervisors if topography, new or existing vegetative screening meeting the requirements of § 390-139B of this chapter, or other conditions render the provision unnecessary.
Sidewalks and/or pedestrian walkways/trails shall be provided in accordance with §§ 315-44C and 315-48 of Chapter 315, Subdivision and Land Development, of the Code of the Township of West Vincent.
A hierarchy of greenway land and recreational areas shall be distributed strategically throughout the village for maximum benefit and convenience of the residents and shall culminate in a central village green or square.
All greenway land shall be designed to add to the visual amenities of the area by maximizing its visibility for persons passing the site or overlooking it from nearby properties.
The ownership, location, design, layout and maintenance of greenway land shall be in accordance with Article XX of this chapter and § 315-47 and Article VII of Chapter 315, Subdivision and Land Development, of the Code of the Township of West Vincent.
Greenway land shall be used to meet the following objectives:
Contribute to the village fringe.
Create linkages between lots and adjacent greenway land/recreation or greenway land parcels.
Comply with recommendations of the Township Open Space and Recreation Plan, including the "Recommendations Summary Map."
Reinforce the traditional village land use pattern by locating structures close to the road.
Provide buffers to cultural resources or enhance scenic vistas.
Complement facility infrastructure requirements such as water supplies, wastewater treatment, stormwater control, etc.
Preserve sensitive environmental resources.
Retain woodlands as important environmental and aesthetic local resources.
Enhance the character of the village setting by complementing the built environment in ways such as providing space for landscaping, community events, pedestrian linkages, and other such design opportunities.
Reflect how passive and active greenway lands and recreation are now used in the village, whether they are adequate, and how they may be complemented.
The following additional site development standards shall apply to multifamily developments.
Building separation.
The minimum horizontal distance between separate buildings shall be as follows.
Between facing walls within 25° of being parallel: 50 feet if either wall contains windows.
In all other cases of facing walls: 25 feet.
Where walls do not face each other: 25 feet between building corners.
These minimum horizontal distances may be reduced at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors if the building design contains varied setbacks, building orientations and window treatments, or otherwise results in an improved design.
At least 25% of courts formed by the arrangement of more than one building shall be greenway land not occupied by parking areas or other uses, court areas to be measured on a straight line between building corners.
A separation distance shall be created of no less than 200 feet between courts, measured from building corners forming the perimeter of courts.
Exterior walls. Exterior walls shall be faced with maintenance-free material other than cinder block, plain concrete block or concrete poured in place.
Rear of buildings. The rear of buildings shall not face, or be within 25° of being parallel to, any public road.
Attached building (townhouses).
The arrangement of two or more buildings in clusters as seen in front elevation or an elevation normal thereto shall have a maximum horizontal dimension of 200 feet if each building is variously oriented. The maximum horizontal dimension of clusters oriented in the same direction shall be 275 feet.
There shall be no more than five units to any single building and no more than three buildings to any court.
Buildings shall be arranged in a maximum of two rows within 25° of being parallel. Arrangement of buildings in three or more rows, whether with long or short walls facing, will not be permitted.
Exterior walls greater than 80 feet in length will not be approved and exterior walls collinear with or parallel to fire walls, at least five feet in horizontal length and of full height, may be required to assure offset or variety of exterior surfaces of both.
Use of gables and variations of color, texture or of ridgeline height or orientation may be required to provide architectural diversity and individuality for the various building subdivisions or sets of them.
Other multifamily buildings and apartment buildings.
Unless the applicant has incorporated unique architectural design, apartment buildings and other multifamily buildings shall generally have a maximum exterior wall perimeter at any level of no more than 500, no straight facade or roofline segment of which may be longer than 60 feet.
Apartment buildings and other multifamily buildings shall be no more than 35 feet in height, except on recommendation of the Planning Commission and approval by the Board of Supervisors where it can be shown that the top of the buildings will not alter the visible horizon as seen from a public road.
Accessory uses. No outdoor swimming pool, tennis court or similar facility shall be located closer than 100 feet to any adjacent residential property.
Uses by right.
Parking: as required by § 390-135 of this chapter.
Access and highway frontage: as required by § 390-136 of this chapter.
Lighting: as required by § 390-141 of this chapter.
Landscaping and screening: as required by § 390-139 of this chapter.
Village design standards: as required by § 390-142 of this chapter.
Visual resource protection standards: as required by § 390-143 of this chapter.
Uses by special exception.
Parking: as required by § 390-135 of this chapter.
Access and highway frontage: as required by § 390-136 of this chapter.
Interior circulation and emergency access: as required by § 390-137 of this chapter.
Loading and unloading: as required by § 390-138 of this chapter.
Landscaping and screening: as required by § 390-139 of this chapter.
Storage: as required by § 390-140 of this chapter.
Lighting: as required by § 390-141 of this chapter.
Village design standards: as required by § 390-142 of this chapter.
Visual resource protection standards: as required by § 390-143 of this chapter.