[Adopted 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 7391]
Internet auto sales facilities are commercial enterprises with unique qualities which differentiate them from other permitted uses and, as such, require the imposition of certain specific regulations intended to promote the public health, safety, comfort, morals and convenience by ensuring that such uses are compatible with neighboring property and only minimally impact the area roadway network.
All vehicle dealers must be in compliance with applicable regulations of the Illinois Secretary of State's office with respect to licensing, and obtain a state dealer's license.
A vehicle dealer is any person engaged in the business of selling or dealing in, on consignment or otherwise, five or more vehicles during the year, or who acts as an intermediary, agent or broker for any licensed dealer or vehicle purchaser, or who represents or advertises that he/she is engaged in or intends to engage in such a business.
An internet vehicle dealer is a vehicle dealer who primarily sells or deals through the internet.
The point-of-sale, for any transaction involving any internet vehicle dealer who has a physical presence within the corporate limits of the City of Crystal Lake, shall be the City of Crystal Lake.