[Adopted 8-8-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017]
Pursuant to the authority granted by the Lake Ontario and Connected Waterways Relief Act in Monroe County, real property impacted by flooding located within Monroe County shall be granted assessment relief for the calendar year 2017 as follows:
For real property that lost at least 10% but less than 20% of its improved value due to flooding, the assessed value attributable to the improvements shall be reduced by 15% for purposes of the participating municipality on the impacted tax roll;
For real property that lost at least 20% but less than 30% of its improved value due to flooding, the assessed value attributable to the improvements shall be reduced by 25% for purposes of the participating municipality on the impacted tax roll;
For real property that lost at least 30% but less than 40% of its improved value due to flooding, the assessed value attributable to the improvements shall be reduced by 35% for purposes of the participating municipality on the impacted tax roll;
For real property that lost at least 40% but less than 50% of its improved value due to flooding, the assessed value attributable to the improvements shall be reduced by 45% for purposes of the participating municipality on the impacted tax roll.
The County Executive, or her designee, is authorized to complete all necessary documents for grant funding in association with the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence Seaway flood recovery and International Joint Commission Plan Mitigation grant program.
The 2017 operating budget is amended to recognize additional erroneous assessment revenue of $500,000 in general fund 9001, funds center 1209020000, County General, and appropriate such revenue into general fund 9001, funds center 1209020000, County General.