[Ord. No. 8341 § 4, 1-3-2017]
The City Treasurer shall be selected as follows:
Selection. He or she shall be appointed to his or her position by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, for a term as specified herein.
Term Of Office. The City Treasurer shall hold his or her office for a period of two (2) years or until his or successor is duly elected or appointed and qualified, whichever occurs later. If for any reason a City Treasurer vacates his or her office, his or her successor shall complete that term of office, even if the same be for less than two (2) years.
Qualifications For Office. The City Treasurer shall possess the following qualifications before he or she shall take office:
He or she must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
He or she must be a registered voter in the State of Missouri.
He or she need not reside within the City;
He or she must be a resident of the State of Missouri;
He or she must not be at the time of his or her appointment in arrears for any unpaid City taxes, or forfeiture or defalcation in office; and
He or she may not hold any other office within the City government.
Removal From Office. The City Treasurer shall vacate his/her office under the circumstances set out in Section 115.020 of this Code.