[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Shelter Island 3-26-2011 by L.L. No. 3-2021[1]. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Ch. 109, Site Plan Review, adopted 9-15-2017 by L.L. No. 9-2017.
The purpose of this chapter is to create a simple review process that allows the Town to ensure that new or changing businesses do not negatively impact the surrounding area but which does not impose a significant regulatory burden on business. To this end, both the elements and the procedures are intended to be flexible and scalable based on the needs of the individual project. This is not intended to be an architectural or aesthetic review.
When required. This chapter shall apply and a site plan review shall be required when any business within the Town of Shelter Island:
Commences operation; or
Significantly changes, alters or expands their use or intensity of use of premises in a manner that will significantly affect the characteristics of the site as outlined in § 109-3A; or
Applies for a building permit for any use, building or structure, except the single-family or two-family home use on a single and separate lot, customary accessory uses to single-family or two-family residential home use as stated in the Town Code.
Replacements and repairs. In-kind and in-place, minor or periodic repairs and similar projects that do not significantly alter the characteristics of the site may be approved by the Building Department without the need for a formal site plan review so long as they otherwise conform to any other the applicable codes.
Scalability. It is the intent of this chapter to allow for scaling the scope and intensity of each individual review to match the complexity of the proposed project or venture while keeping the procedure simple and consistent for all applicants.
Early intervention. The Town aims to improve communication and understanding early in the process in order to save time, money and effort for the applicants, their architects and/or engineers. As part of the initial review process, the Building Department shall identify any and all possible issues that are subject to review and shall require that the applicant address only those procedures and standards applicable to the individual project.
Fairness. It is the intention of this chapter to recognize that time is often of the essence in commencing or rehabilitating a business and by way of early intervention, communication and collaboration ensure that while a full and complete review is conducted, that it does not unnecessarily delay or burden the applicant.
Determining factors. In considering and acting upon site plans, the following shall be taken into consideration for the general public health, safety and welfare, the comfort and convenience of the public in general and the residents of the immediate neighborhood in particular, and the Town may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards as may be required in order that the result of its action may, to the maximum extent possible, further the expressed intent of this chapter and the accomplishment of the following objectives in particular:
Traffic. All proposed traffic accessways are adequate in number, width, grade, alignment and visibility, are located in proper relationship with intersections, pedestrian crossings and places of public assembly, permit emergency vehicle access and are in conformance with and do not disturb overall traffic pattern safety considerations.
Interior circulation and parking. Adequate off-street parking, handicap parking, and loading spaces are provided to satisfy the parking needs of the proposed uses on site and the provisions of §§ 133-8B(8) and 133-9F(1) of the Town Code, and the interior circulation system is adequate to provide convenient access to such spaces consistent with pedestrian safety.
Landscaping and screening. All required service, storage and similar areas are appropriately screened from view and to provide a noise buffer.
Existing development, Comprehensive Plan and prior stipulations. The development proposed is at a scale and density consistent with existing development, with the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Shelter Island and with all prior zoning variances, wetlands permits, special permits and stipulations.
Natural features and environmental concerns. Due regard shall be paid to all-natural features and the general environmental impact on and adjacent to the site, including but not limited to wetlands, water bodies, drainage courses, wetlands, marshes, dunes, bluffs, beaches, escarpments, woodlands, large trees, land clearing, unique or endangered plant and wildlife habitat and flood hazard areas.
Cultural features. Due regard shall be paid to all cultural features on and adjacent to the site, including but not limited to archaeological and paleontological remains, old trails, historic buildings and sites and agricultural fields.
Pavement. All plazas and other paved areas intended for use by pedestrians shall use such pavement and plant materials so as to encourage their use by pedestrians during all seasons of the year and prevent the creation of vast expanses of pavement.
Lighting. All outdoor lighting is of such nature and so arranged and, if necessary, timed, so as to preclude the projection of direct light and glare onto adjoining properties and streets and shall be in compliance with Chapter 83, Lighting, of the Town Code.
Drainage. The drainage system and layout proposal will afford an adequate solution to any drainage problems. Any construction activities involving soil disturbance of more than one acre shall be in compliance with the provisions of the New York State MS4 program, all NYSDEC regulations and this chapter.
Public utilities. The plans for water supply and sewage disposal are adequate. Installation of a nitrogen reducing septic system.
Public address or sound system. Any sound or public address system shall be such that no sound from a system shall be audible on adjoining properties or on the adjacent street and shall be in compliance with this chapter, and Chapter 92, Noise, of the Town Code.
Handicapped access (ADA compliance). The plan and building design shall accommodate the needs of the handicapped and be in conformance with the state standards for construction concerning the handicapped.
Energy conservation. The site plan and building design shall maximize the conservation of energy and ensure compliance with the New York Energy Code.
Size. The size of the subject parcel and the extent of the proposed development and/or disturbance of the applicant's premises.
Burden sharing. Nothing herein shall preclude the Town Board from requesting that the applicant attempt to enlist neighboring properties to participate in the construction of joint or shared improvements, such as parking, access or drainage, provided that a problem has been identified which can be mitigated only by joint action and an implementation plan has been formulated to institute said mitigation.
Determination of necessity. Within 10 days of receipt of an application for a building permit or any inquiry from an applicant regarding a new business or a change of use, the Chief Building Inspector or his/her designee shall make a written determination as to whether a site plan review is required pursuant to § 109-2A based upon the factors set forth in § 109-3, which shall be forwarded to the Town Board for consideration at the next work session.
Application required. If site plan review is necessary, the applicant will be required to submit an application for site plan review through the Town Clerk.
Where additional Town Board permits are required for a project undergoing site plan review, such permits may be heard simultaneously with the site plan review. Separate hearings shall not be required.
Any permit or variance that is required to be obtained from the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals must be heard separately by those boards.
Where multiple permits are considered simultaneously, a single resolution shall suffice to address all permits.
Submittal of application. Site plan review shall commence with an applicant submitting a site plan review application and the applicable fee to the Town Clerk. The submission shall include two full-size copies and a digital copy (in PDF form or any other electronic standard requested by the Building Department) of all documents.
Site plan application elements. A complete site plan application shall consist of the following and shall contain one hard copy and one electronic copy in .pdf format:
A completed site plan application form and site plan review fee.
An environmental assessment form, Part 1, where required by Chapter 60, Environmental Quality Review, of the Town Code. (No application shall be deemed complete until either a negative declaration has been made for the application or, if a positive declaration is made, until a draft environmental impact statement has been accepted by the Town Board as satisfactory.)
A site plan (see Appendix[1]).
The applicant shall submit a site plan map at a minimum scale of one inch equals 40 feet prepared by a New York State licensed architect, landscape architect, professional engineer or surveyor that shall include the relevant elements as shall be required by and available from the Building Department.
The Building Department, at its discretion, shall have the authority to allow the site plan to omit any elements not necessary for making an initial determination. However, the Town Board may later require that such omitted information be provided even if initially omitted as not relevant.
Nothing within this section shall prevent the Building Department or Town Board from requiring additional elements to be submitted at any time in support of an application if it is determined that other information is necessary to determine conformity of the proposed site plan with the spirit and intent of this chapter.
Editor's Note: The Appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Any other information required by the Building Department.
Completion review.
Within 10 business days following receipt of a site plan review application, the Building Department shall, at its sole discretion:
Determine whether the application is complete pursuant to § 109-10B; and
Deem the application complete or request further information or amendments from the applicant by first class mail or email. (Responses to requests for further information or amendments shall be reviewed by the Building Department and responded to within 10 business days.)
Substantive review.
Within 15 business days of deeming an application complete, the Building Department shall:
Determine whether the proposed site plan complies with any and all applicable codes; and
Determine whether a zoning variance, wetlands permit or special permit is necessary pursuant to the requirements of all provisions of Chapter 133, Zoning, or Chapter 129, Wetlands.
If a zoning variance is necessary, it must be determined before a full site plan review can be conducted but shall not prevent conditional approval.
Specify the areas of concern in the submitted plan based on the factors contained in § 109-3 and prepare a written synopsis of all the applicable sections of the site plan review, specific to the particular project, with recommendations as to requirements to impose;
Notify the applicant of any deficiencies (Responses to requests for further information or amendments shall be reviewed by the Building Department and responded to within 10 business days.); and
Forward this synopsis and recommendations to the Town Board.
Conditional approval.
Upon receipt and review of an application, the Building Department may, upon request and at its own discretion, with written notice to the Town Board, issue temporary conditional approval for a business to operate under the proposed site plan, subject to the following:
The applicant must consent to the conditional site plan in writing; and
The applicant must provide proof of liability insurance with a per-occurrence limit of at least $1 million; and
The applicant shall agree in writing to make any changes contained in the final site plan or discontinue the use proposed in the site plan; and
The conditional approval may be revoked by the Building Department at any time for any violation of the Town Code or for failing to comply with the proposed site plan; and
The Building Department shall advise the Town Board of all relevant terms of the conditional approval at the first available work session.
Conditional approval shall not extend to permitting the construction of any structure that would be difficult or impossible to alter or remove should such action be later ordered.
Conditional approval may be granted for a specified period of time or until such time as the final site plan is approved by the Town Board.
The conditional approval shall be superseded by the final site plan once the latter is approved by the Town Board.
Once the Building Department has submitted its synopsis:
The Town Clerk shall deliver electronic copies of the application and synopsis to:
All members of the Town Board and the Town Attorney; and
All participants in the initial review meeting; and
Any other municipal or county agency or district that has jurisdiction or that is potentially affected by the proposed development, as deemed necessary by the Building Department or the Town Board.
Initial review meeting. If the Building Department determines that a site plan review is necessary, an initial conference shall be scheduled to be conducted within 15 business days.
Required representation:
The applicant or their representative(s); and
A representative of the Building Department; and
A representative of the Town Board; and
A representative of the Planning Board; and
A representative of the Zoning Board; and
A representative of the Conservation Advisory Council; and
Any other person that the Town Board deems necessary.
Issues to be determined:
The elements of site plan review applicable to the proposed project; and
The boards, committees and agencies that should review the proposed project; and
The time frames under which submissions must be provided and decisions made.
Ultimate authority. If the representatives at the initial review meeting are unable to agree upon any issue, it shall be decided by the Town Board.
The Town Board, at its discretion, may refer the site plan to any Town department, board or committee whose expertise it believes would be helpful in evaluating the material presented and the issues to be determined.
Any department, board or committee to whom any information is referred for review must provide a response to the Town Board in a timely manner not to exceed 15 business days.
Public hearing.
The Town Board shall fix a time and place for a public hearing and shall provide for giving notice of the hearing by publishing a notice in the official newspaper at least 10 calendar days prior.
At least 10 calendar days prior to the hearing, the applicant shall mail notice of the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is within 200 feet of the property involved in the application. Such notice shall be made by certified mail and be addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. On or before the commencement of the public hearing, the applicant shall file a radius map prepared by a professional engineer, surveyor or architect and an affidavit with postal receipts annexed thereto confirming mailing of said notices.
The applicant or his agent shall also erect or cause to be erected a sign or signs which shall be displayed on the parcel upon which the application is made, facing each public street on which the property abuts, giving notice that an application has been made to the Town Board, and stating the time and place where the public hearing will be held. The sign(s) shall not be located more than 10 feet from the street line, and shall not be less than two feet nor more than six feet above the natural grade at the street line. The sign(s) shall be displayed for not less than 10 calendar days immediately preceding the public hearing date. The applicant shall file an affidavit with the Town Board that he has complied with the provisions of this subsection. Failure to submit such affidavit shall result in the adjournment of the public hearing.
A public hearing shall be conducted as scheduled, at which time the applicant and all interested parties shall be given the opportunity to address the Town Board and ask and answer questions at the meeting where the presentation is made.
Approval of a site plan shall require a simple majority. At its discretion, the Town Board may vote on the application at any time after the public hearing has concluded. If it is determined that further information is necessary to render a decision, the matter may be adjourned to the next regular meeting of the Town Board or to a special meeting.
In determining whether to approve an application, the Town Board shall consider those factors set forth in § 109-3 as well as any other factors it finds relevant.
Notice of decision.
Within seven calendar days of the vote on the application, the Town Clerk shall notify in writing the Building Inspector, the applicant, and any other party designated by the Town Board, of its approval, approval with modifications or disapproval.
A statement shall be placed on all written determinations for site plans approved by the Town Board to the effect that the owner(s) agree(s) to comply with the plan and all conditions noted thereon. The owner(s) or a bona fide agent responsible for completion of the work shall be required to sign such statement and provide such guaranty before any approved plans will be released by the Town Board. In the event that the site plan is not signed by the owner or his agent within 45 calendar days of the date of the written determination of the Town Board approving the administrative site plan, said written determination shall be deemed null and void.
Ultimate authority. The Town Board is the ultimate authority in determining site plan review and nothing in this chapter shall prevent the Town Board from assuming jurisdiction over the process at any time or waiving any requirement in the application or review process that is not mandated by Suffolk County, New York State or federal law, statute or regulation.
Any proposed amendment to the site plan must be approved by the Town Board pursuant to the procedure set forth in § 109-10, except that those site plans incorporating amendments made at the direction of the Town Board may be approved by the Building Inspector upon submission to the Building Department.
Neither a site plan nor amended site plan shall be required as part of a submission for a subsequent building permit so long as site conditions have not changed since the submittal of the most recently approved site plan on file in the Building Department.
In all cases where site plan approval is required by this chapter, no building permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector except upon authorization of and in conformity with plans approved by the Town Board.
No other work that destroys the natural topography of the site may take place until site plan approval or written permission has been received from the Town Board. The Town Board reserves the right to require corrective regrading and landscaping should a landowner intentionally proceed with this work prior to approval or written permission.
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until all requirements of site plan approval have been completed or an undertaking to complete them, with a cash deposit or other surety acceptable to the Town Board, shall have been given to and accepted by the Town Board. Such undertaking shall provide for completion on or before a certain time and, unless such time is extended by resolution of the Town Board, if the requirements of site plan approval have not been completed by such date, any certificate of occupancy which shall have been issued shall automatically become null and void. The determination of the Town Board whether such requirements have been completed shall be based on a recommendation from the Building Department and shall be final and binding where the same have not been completed before issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
For the purpose of obtaining approval for construction, an approved site plan shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of approval unless a building permit is obtained.
Applicants shall submit the requisite fees with an application for a site plan or amended site plan, in an amount established from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.
The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the Building Inspector or by any Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Shelter Island.
An offense against the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a violation under the Penal Law and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $250 and not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both.
Any violation of this chapter that is not corrected within 30 days of receipt of a notice of violation may be charged as a separate and distinct violation.
The Town may require removal of any structure constructed in violation of this chapter and may order the discontinuance of any use not permitted under the terms of the site plan review.