[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Avis as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 9-7-1999 by Ord. No. 224 (Ch. 1, Part 7, of the 1992 Code of Ordinances)]
The office of Borough Ordinance Officer, hereinafter called "Ordinance Enforcement Officer," is hereby created by the Borough of Avis.
The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall be appointed for an indefinite term by a majority of all members of Borough Council. The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall serve at the pleasure of Borough Council and may be removed at any time by a majority vote of all Council members.
The compensation of the Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall be fixed from time to time by Borough Council.
The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall be responsible for the efficient and proper administration of such ordinances of the Borough of Avis as are assigned to said Officer by Borough Council. The duties of the Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Inspections to determine conformance with applicable ordinances.
Keeping of records.
Issuance of written annual reports.
Prosecution of violation of ordinances of the Borough.
Such other activities as may be assigned by Borough Council.
In the discharge of his/her duties, the Ordinance Enforcement Officer or his/her authorized representative, upon showing proper identification where requested, is hereby authorized to enter and inspect, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., any structure or premises in the Borough to enforce the provisions of this article and of those other applicable ordinances. The assistance and cooperation of all other Borough officials, including Police and Fire Departments shall be available to the Ordinance Enforcement Officer to assist in the performance of his/her duties and in securing right of entry.
If any owner, operator or occupant or other person in charge fails or refuses to permit entry and free access to a structure or premises under his control, or to any part thereof with respect to any authorized inspection, the Ordinance Enforcement Officer may, upon a showing probable cause exists for the inspection, file a complaint and petition for and obtain an order directing compliance with the inspection requirements of this article from a court of competent jurisdiction. Any person who refuses to comply with such an order issued pursuant to this section shall be subject to such penalties as may be authorized by law for violation of a court order.
An official record shall be kept of all business and activities of the Office of Ordinance Enforcement and all such records shall be open to the public for inspection at all appropriate times, except that no individual, owner, operator, occupant or other person shall be subject to unwarranted invasion of privacy and except that all evidence or information obtained in the course of any inspection shall be considered privileged information and shall be kept confidential. Such evidence or information shall not be disclosed except as may be necessary in the judgment of the Ordinance Enforcement Officer for the proper and effective administration and enforcement of the provisions of this article and shall not otherwise be made public without the consent of the owner, occupant, operator or other person in charge of the premises inspected.
The Enforcement Officer or other official or employees of the Borough shall not, while acting for the Borough, render himself/herself liable personally because of any act or omission as required or permitted in the discharge of his/her official duties. Any suit instituted against such Ordinance Enforcement Officer, official or employee, because of any act performed by him/her in the lawful discharge of his/her duties, shall be defended by the Solicitor of the Borough of Avis and in no case will said officer, official or employee be liable for costs in any action, suit or proceeding.