[Amended 11-12-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-9]
Removal of snow and ice from sidewalks. The owner, occupant or person in charge of any parcel or lot that fronts upon or abuts any sidewalk shall keep such sidewalk clear of all snow and ice. If snow accumulates on the sidewalk due to natural means or by any other means, the sidewalk shall be cleared of all accumulated snow and ice within 24 hours from the time the snow ceases to accumulate on the sidewalk. If ice has formed on any sidewalk in such a manner that it cannot be removed, the owner, occupant or person in charge of the parcel or lot which fronts upon or adjoins the sidewalk shall keep the sidewalk sprinkled with sand or salt to permit safe travel by pedestrians.
Snow removal into streets, sidewalks, or adjacent property prohibited. No person shall push, shove, blow, or in any way deposit snow or ice onto any public streets, alleys, public or private sidewalks, or public lands dedicated to public use, or onto adjacent property under different ownership; however, for parcels or lots located where existing buildings are constructed within five feet of the street right of way and the sidewalks exist from the right-of-way to the curb-line, the owner, occupant, or employee of the owner or occupant, may deposit snow and ice from the sidewalk onto the public street.
If the owner, occupant, or person in charge of any parcel or lot that fronts upon or abuts any sidewalk fails to keep the sidewalk clear of snow and ice as required by ordinance, the Public Works and Utility Director, the Director's agents, or other agent as designated by the Village may provide written notice to the owner or occupant directing that the snow and ice be removed no later than 12:00 noon the day following the date notice is given. Notice may be hand-delivered or mailed to the last known address of the owner of the property.
If the owner, occupant, or person in charge of any parcel or lot fails to keep the sidewalk clear of snow and ice, regardless of whether notice has been given, the Public Works and Utility Director may cause such sidewalks to be cleared of snow and ice and shall report the expenses to the Village Administrator. The Village Administrator shall bill the owner for the removal of snow or ice at the tax bill address, which shall be payable within 10 calendar days. Any bills not paid shall be entered in the tax roll as a special charge against the lot or parcel and collected like other taxes upon real estate as provided in § 66.0907, Wis. Stats.
Any person who violates or fails to comply with any provision of § 281-40 shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than $25 nor more than $500. Each day such violation or failure to comply continues shall be considered a separate offense. Any forfeiture imposed shall be in addition to any special charges imposed by the Village for removing the snow and ice.