The Village Board shall not approve any final plat unless it determines that it is in compliance with the Illinois Plat Act (765 ILCS 205/0.01 et seq.) and all pertinent requirements of this chapter, including those set forth in the sections below.
The subdivider of every subdivision, whether major or minor, but excluding land specifically exempted from the Illinois Plat Act as now or hereafter amended [765 ILCS 205/1(b)], who desires final plat approval shall file six copies of the final plat and supporting data with the Village Clerk and pay all associated filing fees not later than one year after preliminary plat approval has been granted. However, with the consent of the Village Board, the subdivider may delay application for final approval of part(s) of the tract shown on the preliminary plat for successive one-year periods. No subdivision plat or replat shall be filed for record or recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds unless and until the approval of the Village is endorsed thereon. No lot shall be sold for such subdivision plat or replat until it has been approved by the Village Board and filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds as required by the state statutes.
For official filings, the subdivider shall file the approved final plat with the County Recorder of Deeds within 60 days after the Village Board has approved the same and the Mayor has affixed his signature thereto. One copy of the final plat shall be given to the Village Clerk's office by the subdivider, bearing the official stamp of the County Recorder attesting its recording, within 20 days of such action.
Every final plat shall be prepared, certified, signed and sealed by a registered Illinois professional land surveyor on Mylar film with waterproof black ink at a scale not greater than 100 feet equals one inch, with a minimum printed text height and width of 1/8 inch, provided that the resultant drawing shall not exceed 24 inches by 36 inches. Exceptions to scale and sheet size may be granted by administrative approval during the preliminary plat phase. The final plat and supporting documentation shall, at a minimum, depict and include all of the following information:
North arrow, graphic scale, date of field survey and date of plat preparation;
Name of subdivider, name of subdivision, location and position of the subdivision by aliquot parts of the section, township, range and meridian relative to the original Federal Rectangular Public Land Survey System, including county and state;
A closed metes and bounds or other adequate legal description of the exterior boundary of the tract to be subdivided which is referenced to a remote point of commencement tied to the Federal Rectangular Public Land Survey System in sufficient detail to locate the point of beginning of the tract and retrace the boundary in the absence of other field monumentation, and the included area of the subdivision to the nearest 1/100 of an acre;
Accurate boundary lines, with dimensions, curve data, bearings or azimuth angles necessary to create a mathematically closed boundary of the tract to be subdivided, with positional closure after azimuth adjustment not exceeding 1:10,000;
All dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimal parts thereof;
References to recorded plats of adjoining platted land within 300 feet, by record name, plat book, page number and recording number;
Accurate locations of all existing streets intersecting the boundaries of the subdivision;
Right-of-way lines of all streets, other rights-of-way, easements, and lot lines with accurate dimensions, angles, or bearings and curve data, including radii, arcs or chords, points of tangency, and central angles;
Name and right-of-way width of every proposed street;
Purpose of any existing or proposed easement(s);
Consecutive numbering of each lot, lot dimensions, and (in a separate list) lot areas;
Purpose(s) for which sites, other than private lots, are reserved;
Building or setback lines with accurate dimensions;
Covenants, agreements and deed restrictions of all types which will run with the land;
Description and location of all known existing subdivision and Federal Rectangular Public Land Survey System monuments as well as reestablishment of lost or obliterated corners of the same from which future surveys may be made, together with elevations of any benchmarks; and the surveyor must, at the time of making his survey, establish permanent monuments (set in such a manner that they will not be moved by frost) which mark the external boundaries of the tract to be divided or subdivided and must designate upon the plat the locations where they may be found;
Monumentation shall be set in the field by the professional land surveyor preparing the plat or personnel under his direct supervision. The plat shall be a true and accurate scaled representation of the monuments set or recovered in the field, and the monument location, type, material and size shall be as shown on the plat. Monuments shall be set at the true location of each lot corner, block corner, point of radial curvature and point of radial tangency, as well as the exterior boundaries of the tract to be subdivided. Witness corners may only be used where physical barriers prevent setting the monument at the true location or where monumentation already exists representing the same point. All monuments set in the field shall contain, at a minimum, a 1/2-inch-by-30-inch-long ferrous or magnetic source that is recoverable by ferrous metal-detecting equipment commonly employed in the land surveying practice. Monuments shall also bear the registration number of the professional land surveyor and be set flush with the final surface elevation;
In the event a private septic disposal system is proposed for each lot, certification by a registered Illinois professional engineer will be required on the face of the plat or in subsidiary documents certifying that the proposed land use, the proposed lots and the known soil properties and characteristics of the area are adequate for such systems in accordance with Illinois Department of Public Health standards;
Drainage statement by a registered Illinois professional engineer certifying that to the best of his knowledge and belief, the drainage of surface waters will not be changed by the construction of the subdivision or any part thereof, or that if such surface water drainage will be changed, reasonable provision has been made for collection and diversion of such surface waters into public areas, or drains, which the owner has a right to use, and that such surface waters will be planned for in accordance with Chapter 291, Stormwater Management, of the Village Code and generally accepted engineering practices so as to reduce the likelihood of damage to adjoining properties because of the construction of the subdivision. Said statement shall also be executed by the owner and developer.
In addition, the subdivider shall furnish the Village Board with a sample sales contract which reflects both restrictive covenants and local development ordinances to which the property will be subject.
As required by state law (765 ILCS 205/2; 65 ILCS 5/11-12-8), the certificates included in Attachment 1 to this chapter, Final Plat Certificates, shall be executed on the final plat.
Within 30 days from the date of application for final plat approval, the Village Engineer and the Administrator shall review said final plat (and supporting data), and shall each advise the Village Board in writing whether it substantially conforms to the approved preliminary plat and improvement plans. A copy of their advisory report shall be forwarded to the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission may prepare an addendum to said report (should it so desire), and forward same to the Village Board.
The Village Board shall either approve or disapprove the application for final plat approval by resolution within 60 days from the date of said application or the filing of the last item of required supporting data, whichever date is later, unless the Board and the subdivider mutually agree to extend this time limit. The Village Board shall not approve any final plat unless:
The final plat substantially conforms to the approved preliminary plat; and
The final plat manifests substantial compliance with the design and improvements standards of this chapter, the Village Zoning Code, and the Official Map; and
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
To the Board's knowledge and belief, the final plat complies with all pertinent requirements of state law; and
Either of the following has been met:
All required improvements have been completed, inspected, accepted, and dedicated; or
The subdivider/developer has posted a performance bond to guarantee the satisfactory completion and dedication of all required improvements.
If the Village Board disapproves the final plat, its resolution shall specify the aspects in which the plat fails to meet the above conditions for approval.
The Village Clerk shall attach a certified copy of the Board's resolution of approval or disapproval to the final plat. One copy of the resolution and plat shall be retained by the Clerk, one copy shall be filed with the Administrator, and one copy shall be given to the subdivider.
(See 65 ILCS 5/11-2-8.)
Once a final plat is approved by the Village Board, it shall not thereafter be modified; provided, however, that minor changes may be made upon written application to the Administrator. Major changes require the filing of a new final plat and complete re-review. (See § 300-40.)