[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The salary and wage schedule shall be confirmed by the Board and shall include a minimum and maximum rate of pay for each class in the job classification. The salary and wage schedule shall not be adjusted without approval of the Village Board.
At the sole discretion of the Village Board, wages and salaries may be adjusted to meet changes in living costs.
Any employee may be required to work temporarily at duties in a lower job classification at his regular pay.
Any employee may be required to temporarily, but not to exceed 60 days, work at duties in a higher classification or to temporarily engage in part of the duties in a higher classification at his regular rate of pay. After 60 days, employees shall be compensated for working at a higher classification. The amount of compensation will be determined by the Mayor and/or applicable committee chairman. Compensation will be retroactive to the date the employee started the higher classification duty and will continue until return to regular duty.
An employee may be reassigned due to health or age reasons to a job classification which he is capable of performing if an opening exists.