[Adopted as Sec. 13.05 of the former Municipal Codebook]
Any new industrial user wishing to connect to the public sewerage system within the City shall be required to complete an industrial request to discharge before applying for a plumbing permit. The City will determine whether or not the proposed industrial user must provide further information to the City. If no further information is needed, the prospective industrial user may apply for a plumbing permit.
Any existing industrial user that desires to increase the amount, or change the nature, of the waste discharged to the City sewer system shall submit an industrial request to discharge to the City. The request will be evaluated to determine if further information is required.
Upon request of the City, each industrial user may be required to submit to the City a baseline monitoring report. The report shall contain data on the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the industrial user, such as projected flows, concentrations of compatible pollutants, oils and grease, and any toxic substances as defined by this chapter. The purpose of the baseline monitoring report is to determine whether the wastewater discharged by an industrial user is compatible with the City's wastewater facilities or should be regulated through the use of a permit.
Based upon the information supplied in the baseline monitoring report, the City shall determine if the industrial discharge is subject to categorical pretreatment standards or if the industrial discharge contains substantial amounts and/or concentrations of substances regulated or limited by this chapter. In the event the industrial discharge does contain substances regulated by this chapter or is subject to categorical pretreatment standards, the City shall so notify the industrial user and said user shall not discharge industrial wastes into the City's wastewater facilities, except pursuant to a permit issued by the City.
Upon receiving notification by the City pursuant to Subsection A hereof, the industrial user shall make written application to the City for issuance of a permit to discharge. The City may issue a permit to the industrial user, which may include, but not be limited to:
The name, address and telephone number of the industrial user, and the identity of an authorized representative to act on its behalf.
A description of the industrial user's permitted connection or connections to the public sewer system and its location.
The average and/or maximum limit of various wastewater constituents that may be discharged by such user.
Any limit on the maximum rate of industrial discharge or the time of the discharge.
A requirement for a monitoring manhole or some other means to collect a representative sample of the industrial user's discharge.
A description of both the frequency of self-monitoring that is required and of the method of sample collection.
A discussion of reports that must be submitted to the City.
A compliance schedule for construction of pretreatment facilities, if required.
The requirements for records retention.
The notification procedure to be followed if the industrial user intends to change the characteristics of its wastewater discharge.
A statement concerning the City's right to inspect the industry's facilities.
The agreement of the holders of the permit to indemnify the City from and against any and all liability for injury or damage arising out of or related to the activities of the holder in discharging industrial wastes.
A statement of the applicable pretreatment standards that the user must abide by.
A statement that a violation of pretreatment requirements as specified may be subject to various penalties as listed in this chapter.
Upon issuance of such permit, the industrial user shall faithfully comply with all provisions thereof and as contained in this chapter, as amended from time to time.
Any permit issued under this article shall be effective for a period not to exceed five years from the date thereof. Any user holding a permit shall apply for a permit renewal at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of the user's existing permit.
Permits issued under this article are personal as to the user/holder thereof and may not be subsequently assigned or transferred, by operation of law or otherwise, to any successor or assignee without the prior written approval of the City.
All industrial users shall notify the City in advance of any change in its industrial operations that could have an effect upon the waste and wastewaters generated, or of any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants in their discharge. In such event, the City may add to, change or modify the conditions of such permit to give recognition to the change in industrial operation.
The City reserves the right to amend any issued permit by adding or deleting such provisions, requirements and conditions as it deems appropriate. The City shall notify the industrial user of any changes in the permit at least 30 days prior to the effective date of such change. Any change or new condition to the permit shall allow for a reasonable period of time for compliance by the user.
Any permit issued under this article shall be revocable by the Common Council for violation of the terms and condition thereof, and such violations may be subject to penalties listed in this chapter.
The City, at its own discretion, may require an industrial user to install a suitable structure, together with such necessary meters and other appurtenances, in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes being discharged to the public sewerage system. Such structure, when required, shall be accessible and safely located and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the City. The structure shall be installed by the owner at his expense and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times. In the event that the industrial user fails to construct such a structure, the City may do so and shall assess the cost thereof to the industrial user.
The City may require the industrial user to collect representative samples of its wastewater discharge, to analyze the sample for parameters specified by the City, and to report the results to the City in a timely manner. Any samples collected during such monitoring shall follow a strict chain-of-custody procedure to ensure security of the samples and anonymity during analysis.
The City may elect to independently monitor the discharge of any industrial user to assess compliance with applicable standards. Any samples collected during such monitoring shall follow a strict chain-of-custody procedure to ensure security of the samples and anonymity during analysis.
The Public Works Department may require pretreatment of industrial discharges if, in its opinion, pretreatment is necessary to protect the wastewater facilities or prevent the discharge of incompatible pollutants and to comply with the requirements of this chapter. The criteria for such a decision are the existing capacity of the plant relative to BOD and SS.
Existing industries or new industrial users found to be subject to applicable categorical pretreatment standards shall be in compliance with these standards in accordance all federal, state, and local laws or regulations.
Grease, oil, and/or sand interceptors or traps may be required to be installed by the user at its own expense when, in the opinion of the Public Works Department, such facilities are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease or floatable oils in excess of limitations specified in § 493-13 hereof, or any sand, inflammable wastes, or other harmful ingredients. Such interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the Public Works Department and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning by the user and for inspection by the Department.
When pretreatment facilities are required, the industrial user shall construct and install the necessary facilities at its own expense, and in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Public Works Department, and any other local, state, or federal agencies having regulatory authority with respect to such pretreatment facilities. No pretreatment plant or facility shall be constructed or operated unless all plans, specifications, technical operating data and other information pertinent to its proposed operation and maintenance have been approved as described.
All pretreatment facilities shall be operated and maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operating condition at the user's expense.
The Public Works Department shall determine the wastewater discharge requirements for the pretreatment facilities. Dilution of an industrial discharge for purposes of reducing the pollutant characteristics or concentrations to below the limitations established by this chapter, or below any other applicable pretreatment standard, is prohibited.