[Adopted as Sec. 13.08 of the former Municipal Codebook]
There is hereby levied and assessed, upon each lot or parcel of land with a building having a lateral available to discharge normal sewage to the public sewer system, a wastewater service charge based upon rates established by the Common Council. Said charges shall be assessed and collected monthly. The wastewater service charges taxed or levied pursuant to this article shall be collected by the Utility. Wastewater service charges shall consist of a fixed charge and volume charge to recover operation and maintenance expenses, debt service, replacement fund, and depreciation fund expenses from all users in a fair and equitable manner. Fixed charge shall be the minimum monthly wastewater service charge as established by resolution of the Common Council of the City of Reedsburg, as amended from time to time. The current fixed charges shall be based on the size of the water meter(s) serving the user.
Volume charge. In addition to the minimum fixed charge, there shall be a volume charge based on water usage as determined from regular water meter readings by the Water Utility. The charge shall be determined by resolution of the Common Council, as amended from time to time.
If customers obtain all or part of their water from sources other than the Water Utility, all or any part of which is discharged into the public sewers, a flat-rate charge shall be determined for wastewater service. Should the City determine that the minimum flat-rate charge is less than the charge would be on a metered basis, the City shall have the authority to set a higher rate based on estimated total usage and the metered rate schedule. Should the residential customer request it, a water meter shall be installed and the customer shall be charged on the same basis as commercial or industrial customers having private water supplies.
Summer adjustment for water not reaching the sewerage system. Sewerage bills for residential customers of the sewerage system shall be reduced by 15% for the billing periods of July, August and September. For the purposes of this article, "residential customers" means persons who are full-time residential occupants of a property, notwithstanding the zoning classification of the property. The Director of Public Works shall designate the customers who will receive the seasonal adjustment. Notice of this adjustment shall be given in sewerage bills in the billing cycle, which precedes the adjustment.
Charges for industrial wastewater may be based on the same method used for normal concentration wastewater described in § 493-28 when the concentrations of pollutants in said wastewater do not exceed normal concentration wastewater. Otherwise, charges for industrial wastewater shall be based on volume, BOD, suspended solids, ammonia, phosphorus, and such other constituents that affect the cost of collection and treatment as provided herein; the amount of charge shall reflect the cost incurred by the Public Works Department in treating said constituents. Charges shall be made in accordance with rates established by resolution of the Common Council hereafter.
Charges for industrial wastewater based on volume, BOD, suspended solids, ammonia, and phosphorus shall be calculated as follows:
Waste Charge = FC + VC + PC
the fixed meter charge based on the rates established in § 493-28A
the volume charge as defined in § 493-29C
the pollutant charge as defined in § 493-29D
The volume of industrial discharge used for computing the volume charge shall be the actual volume of waste as determined by an industrial waste metering installation or, in lieu of such facilities, the metered water consumption, subject to adjustments as otherwise provided herein. The volume charge shall be calculated as follows:
Volume Charge (VC) = VD\1,000 x $V
the volume of industrial discharge for time period, gallons
the unit volume charge established in § 493-29E per 1,000 gallons
The pollutant charges shall be based on the actual measured concentration of the industrial wastewater for BOD, suspended solids, ammonia, phosphorus and any other constituents; in lieu of actual discharge measurements, the Department may elect to use average assumed concentrations. The total pollutant charge shall be the sum of each individual pollutant charge, calculated as follows:
Pollutant Charge (PC) = VD\1,000 x CP x $P x 0.00834
the volume of industrial discharge for time period, gallons
the concentration of pollutant as determined by the Department, mg/L
the unit pollutant charge established in § 493-29E per pound of pollutant
The rates of charge for each of the aforementioned constituents will be at the prevailing rate at the time. The Reedsburg Common Council may adjust rates. Said prevailing rates shall be assessed as follows:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Unit Charge
Volume ($V)
$ per 1,000 gallons
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
$ per pound
Suspended Solids (SS)
$ per pound
Ammonia-Nitrogen (NH3-N)
$ per pound
Phosphorus (P)
$ per pound
In addition to the above charges, the Public Works Department's costs of sampling and analyzing industrial wastes may be charged to the applicable industry.
Where industrial wastes are of such a strength or magnitude, or are delivered over such a period of time that the above charges do not reflect the actual cost of treatment to the Public Works Department, the Department reserves the right to establish a special charge for handling the waste. The portion of charge related to debt service shall be based on the design capacity required for the particular waste. In no event shall the charges be less than those charges determined by applying the above charges.
If an industrial user obtains all or any part of its water from sources other than the City of Reedsburg Water Utility, all or any part of which is discharged into the public sewers, the user shall be required to have a water meter or meters installed for the purpose of determining the volume of water obtained from these other sources. Should the City determine that the water usage is too small to justify a meter, the City shall have the authority to waive this requirement and a flat rate may be charged based on estimated water usage and the metered rate schedule. The water meters shall be furnished by the Public Works Department and installed by the user. All costs in connection with the water meter installation shall be at the expense of the user. The Public Works Department will charge for each meter at the rate of 50% of the basic rate set for that size meter charged each period, not a one-time payment, to compensate for furnishing, reading and servicing the meter. This charge shall be in addition to the wastewater service charge.
In the event that an industrial user produces evidence satisfactory to the City that significant amounts of the water used for all purposes do not reach the sanitary sewer, the user may be permitted to have an exemption water meter(s) installed. Said meter(s) shall be furnished by the Public Works Department and installed by the user. All other costs shall be at the expense of the user requiring the meter(s), including any piping revisions required to ensure that the exemption meter measures only water not reaching the sanitary sewer. The City will charge for each meter at the rate of 50% of the basic rate set for that size meter charged each period, not a one-time payment, to compensate for furnishing, reading and servicing the meter. This charge shall be in addition to the wastewater service charge. The amount of exemption water measured shall be subtracted from the total amount of water used by the person to determine the applicable wastewater service charge.
Service charges for septage, leachate and holding tank waste are calculated based on the following assumed concentrations and the unit rates specified in § 493-29E:
Holding tank waste: $/1,000 gal.
(Based on BOD @ 600 mg/L; SS @ 1,800 mg/L; NH3-N @ 100 mg/L; and P @ 30 mg/L)
Septic tank waste: $/1,000 gal.
(Based on BOD @ 5,000 mg/L; SS @ 15,000 mg/L; NH3-N @ 350 mg/L; and P @ 300 mg/L)
Leachate waste. Based upon analysis of a suitable sample(s), the charge for leachate waste shall be calculated at the same rate as the surcharge for industrial wastewater as authorized in § 493-29 of this article.
A charge of no more than 1% per month will be added to bills not paid within 20 days from date of issuance. The late payment charge shall be applied to the total unpaid balance for utility service, including unpaid payment charges. This charge is applicable to all customers.
Each wastewater service charge levied by, or pursuant to, this chapter is hereby made a lien upon the corresponding lot, land, or premises served by a connection to the sanitary sewer system of the City, and if the same is not paid within the period allotted for such payment, said charge shall constitute a lien on the property served and be inserted in the City tax roll as provided in § 66.0821, Wis. Stats., in the same manner as water rates are taxed and collected under the provisions of § 66.0809(1) or § 62.69(2)(f), Wis. Stats., as same has been, and from time to time may be, amended or recreated, so far as applicable.
An audit of the Department's financial standing shall be made biannually. This audit will be used to review the adequacy of the existing rates, and said rates shall be adjusted if necessary to provide sufficient revenues to adequately finance the Department's operation in accordance with the original intent of the rate structure. The biannual audit and review shall also be used to ensure that each recipient of sewage service (or user class) is charged in proportion to the cost of providing said recipient (or user class) with sewage service. Excess revenues collected from a class of users shall be applied to the costs attributable to that class for the next year, and the rates shall be adjusted accordingly.
All sewer customers shall be notified annually of the current sewer charges.
Income from the wastewater service charges that constitutes funds designated as "replacement" shall be separately accounted for and shall not be utilized for any other purpose except replacement. These costs include costs necessary to ensure replacement of all equipment, accessories or appurtenances to maintain the wastewater facilities.
Income from the wastewater service charges that constitutes funds designated as "depreciation" shall be separately accounted for and shall not be utilized for any other purpose except reconstruction or improvements of the collection system.
Water bypass meters prohibited in all residential zones. Separate meters, commonly referred to as "sewer deduct meters," installed by the property owner for the purpose of measuring water usage for lawn watering, car washing, swimming pools or similar such usages of water which bypasses the City sewer systems are prohibited in the City. Sewer deduct meters existing at the time of passage of this article may continue to be used until the property changes ownership or the existing meter fails, at which time the meter's use shall cease and shall be removed.
[Amended 8-27-2007]