The Zoning Administrator shall have the following duties and powers:
Advise applicants as to the provisions of this chapter and assist them in preparing permit applications and appeal forms.
Issue permits and certificates of compliance and inspect properties for compliance with this chapter.
Keep records of all permits issued, inspections made, work approved and other official actions.
Have access to any structure or premises between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of performing these duties.
Submit copies of decisions on variances, conditional use permits, appeals for a map or text interpretation, and map or text amendments within 10 days after they are granted or denied, to the appropriate district office of the Department.
Investigate and report violations of this chapter to the appropriate municipal planning agency and the district attorney, corporation counsel or municipal attorney.
When required. Unless another section of this chapter specifically exempts certain types of development from this requirement, a zoning or building permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Administrator before any new development, as defined in § 665-30 of this chapter, or any change in the use of an existing building or structure is initiated.
Application. An application for a zoning and building permit shall be made to the Zoning Administrator upon forms furnished by the municipality and shall include, for the purpose of proper enforcement of these regulations, the following information:
General information.
Name, address, and telephone number of applicant, property owner and contractor, where applicable.
Legal description of the property and a general description of the proposed use or development.
Whether or not a private water supply or sewage system is to be installed.
Site development plan. The site development plan shall be submitted as a part of the permit application and shall contain the following information drawn to scale:
Dimensions and area of the lot;
Location of any structures with distances measured from the lot lines and center line of all abutting streets or highways;
Description of any existing or proposed on-site sewage systems or private water supply systems;
Location of the ordinary high-water mark of any abutting navigable waterways;
Boundaries of all wetlands;
Existing and proposed topographic and drainage features and vegetative cover;
Location of floodplain and floodway limits on the property as determined from floodplain Zoning Maps;
Location of existing or future access roads; and
Specifications and dimensions for areas of proposed wetland alteration.
Expiration. All permits issued under the authority of this chapter shall expire six months from the date of issuance.
Except where no zoning or building permit or conditional use permit is required, no land shall be occupied or used, and no building which is hereafter constructed, altered, added to, modified, rebuilt or replaced shall be occupied until a certificate of compliance is issued by the Zoning Administrator subject to the following provisions:
The certificate of compliance shall show that the building or premises or part thereof, and the proposed use thereof, conform to the provisions of this chapter.
Application for such certificate shall be concurrent with the application for a zoning, building or conditional use permit.
The certificate of compliance shall be issued within 10 days after notification of the completion of the work specified in the zoning, building or conditional use permit, providing the building or premises and proposed use thereof conform with all the provisions of this chapter.
The Zoning Administrator may issue a temporary certificate of compliance for a building, premises, or part thereof pursuant to rules and regulations established by the municipal governing body.
Upon written request from the owner, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a certificate of compliance for any building or premises existing at the time of ordinance adoption, certifying after inspection, the extent and type of use made of the building or premises and whether or not such use conforms to the provisions of this chapter.
Note: This section is only applicable if the municipality chooses to require a conditional use permit for all or some of the permitted uses listed under § 665-11 of this chapter.
Application. Any use listed as a conditional use in this chapter shall be permitted only after an application has been submitted to the Zoning Administrator and a conditional use permit has been granted by the Board of Appeals following the procedures in § 665-26C, D and E of this chapter.
Conditions. Upon consideration of the permit application and the standards applicable to the permitted uses in § 665-11C of this chapter, the Board of Appeals shall attach such conditions to a conditional use permit, in addition to those required elsewhere in this chapter, as are necessary to further the purpose of this chapter as listed in § 665-2. Such conditions may include specifications for, without limitation because of specific enumeration, type of shore cover; erosion controls; increased setbacks; specific sewage disposal and water supply facilities; landscaping and planting screens; period operation; operational control; sureties, deed restrictions; location of piers, docks, parking areas and signs; and type of construction. To secure information upon which to base its determination, the Board of Appeals may require the applicant to furnish, in addition to the information required for a zoning or building permit, other pertinent information which is necessary to determine if the proposed use is consistent with the purpose of this chapter.
The municipal governing body may, by resolution, adopt fees for the following:
Zoning and building permits.
Certificates of compliance.
Public hearings.
Legal notice publications.
Conditional use permits.
Rezoning petitions.
Where a zoning and building permit or conditional use permit is approved, an appropriate record shall be made by the Zoning Administrator of the land use and structures permitted.
Where the conditions of zoning and building permit or conditional use permit are violated, the permit shall be revoked by the Board of Appeals.
The City Mayor shall appoint a Board of Appeals under § 62.23(7)(e), Wis. Stats., consisting of five members subject to confirmation by the municipal governing body. The Board of Appeals shall adopt rules for the conduct of its business as required by § 63.23(7)(e)3. Wis. Stats.
Powers and duties. The Board of Appeals:
Shall hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement or administration of this chapter.
Shall hear and decide applications for conditional use permits.
May authorize upon appeal in specific cases, such variance from the dimensional terms of this chapter as shall not be contrary to the public interest, where owning to special conditions unique to a property, a literal enforcement of this chapter will result in unnecessary hardship as defined in § 665-30. In the issuance of a variance, the purpose of this chapter shall be observed and substantial justice done. The granting of a variance shall not have the effect of granting or extending any use of property that is prohibited in the zoning district by this chapter.
Appeals to the Board. Appeals to the Board of Appeals may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer, department, board or bureau of the community affected by an order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Zoning Administrator or other administrative official. Such appeals shall be taken within a reasonable time as provided by the rules of the Board by filing with the official whose decision is in question, and with the Board of Appeals, a notice of appeal specifying the reasons for the appeal. The Zoning Administrator or other official whose decision is in question shall transmit to the Board all the papers constituting the record on the matter appealed.
Public hearing.
Before making a decision on an appeal or application, the Board of Appeals shall, within a reasonable period of time, hold a public hearing. The Board shall give public notice of the hearing by publishing a Class 2 notice under Ch. 985, Wis. Stats., specifying the date, time and place of the hearing and matters to come before the Board. At the public hearing, any party may present testimony in person, by agent or by attorney.
A copy of such notice shall be mailed to the parties in interest and the appropriate district office of the Department at least 10 days prior to all public hearings on issues involving shoreland-wetland zoning.
The final disposition of an appeal, or application for a conditional use permit, before the Board of Appeals shall be in the form of a written decision, made within a reasonable time after the public hearing and signed by the Board chairperson. Such decisions shall state the specific facts which are the basis of the Board's determination and shall either affirm, reverse, or modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed, in whole or in part, dismiss the appeal for lack of jurisdiction or prosecution, or grant the application for a conditional use.
A copy of such decision shall be mailed to the parties in interest and the appropriate district office of the Department within 10 days after the decision is issued.