No obstructions such as signs, structures, parked vehicles, fences or vegetation shall be permitted in any district between the heights of 2 1/2 feet and 10 feet above the plane through the mean curb grades within the triangular space formed by a fifteen-foot setback from the intersection of the two street right-of-way lines, except for the B1 Central Business District.
For collector and arterial streets intersecting with other collector or arterial streets or railways, the corner cutoff distances establishing the triangular vision clearance space shall be increased to 50 feet.
In all districts, except Business B1, adequate loading areas shall be provided so that all vehicles loading, maneuvering, or unloading are completely off the public right-of-way and so that all vehicles need not back onto any public right-of-way.
Size and location. Each loading space shall be not less than 12 feet in width, 35 feet in length, and have a minimum vertical clearance of 14 feet, and may occupy all or any part of any required yard.
Square Feet of Floor Area*
Required Off-Street Loading Spaces
Under 10,000
From 10,000 to 30,000
For each additional 30,000 or major fraction thereof
1 additional
Funeral Home
Office, hotel retail, service, wholesale, warehouse manufacturing, processing or repairing uses
Under 10,000
From 10,000 to 25,000
From 25,001 to 40,000
From 40,001 to 60,000
From 60,001 to 100,000
For each additional 50,000 or major fraction thereof
1 additional
See § 690-9 for definitions.
In all districts except B1 and in connection with every use, there shall be provided, at the time any use of building is erected, enlarged, extended, or increased, off-street parking stalls for all vehicles in accordance with the following:
Size of each parking space shall be not less than 180 square feet (10 feet by 18 feet) exclusive of the space required for ingress and egress.
[Amended 10-10-2022 by Ord. No. 1945-22]
Location to be on the same lot as the principal use. No parking stall or driveway except in a residential district shall be closer than 10 feet to a residential district lot line or a street line opposite a residential district.
Surfacing. All off-street parking areas shall be hard-surfaced with either hot mix or cold mix asphalt or concrete and shall be properly drained so as not to create either a hazard or nuisance on either private or public property. Any parking lot for five or more vehicles shall have the aisles and spaces clearly marked. In the extraterritorial area, parking lots may be excepted from these requirements if they do not contribute to sedimentation of ditches, culverts and road surfaces or are otherwise hazardous or a nuisance.
Number of parking stalls required are shown in the following table:
Minimum Parking Required*
Single-family dwellings and mobile homes
2 stalls for each dwelling unit
Multifamily dwellings
1.5 stalls for each dwelling unit
Hotels, motels
1 stall for each guest room, plus
1 stall for each 3 employees
Hospitals, clubs, lodges, dormitories, lodging houses and boardinghouses
1 stall for each 2 beds, plus
1 stall for each 3 employees
Sanitariums, institutions, rest homes and nursing homes
1 stall for each 5 beds, plus
1 stall for each 3 employees
Medical and dental clinics
3 stalls for each doctor
Churches, theaters, auditoriums, community centers, vocational and night schools, and other places of public assembly
1 stall for each 5 seats
Colleges, secondary and elementary schools years of age or more
1 stall for each 2 employees, plus
1 stall for each 10 students of 16
Commercial, retail, restaurants, bars, places of entertainment, stores
1 stall for each 200 square feet of building area accessible to the public
Manufacturing and processing plants, laboratories, and warehouses
1 stall for each 2 employees
Financial institutions, business, government and professional offices
1 stall for each 300 square feet of floor area
Funeral homes
1 stall for each 4 seats
Bowling alleys
5 stalls for each alley
See § 690-9 for definitions.
Uses not listed. In the case of structures or uses not mentioned, the provision for a use that is similar shall apply.
Combinations of any of the above uses shall provide the total of the number of stalls required for each individual use.
Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area shall be arranged to reflect the light away from adjoining premises in any residential district and streets.
During a site plan review, parking waiver reductions shall be reviewed by the Plan Commission as follows:
The applicant made a good-faith effort to provide as many parking spaces as possible on the site, on other property under the same ownership, or through joint-use provisions; or
That there is a surplus of on-street or public spaces in the area that can accommodate the generated parking demand; or
That the applicant can provide evidence that the minimum parking required is excessive for the proposed business.
The requested waiver is the smallest possible reduction of parking spaces that would accommodate the proposed use.
Adjacent or nearby properties will not be adversely affected.
The applicant proposes to add bicycle and/or pedestrian walkway facilities in lieu of some required auto parking spaces.
[Added 12-31-2015 by Ord. No. 1821-16]
Parking lot landscaping.
[Added 11-25-2019 by Ord. No. 1893-19]
Parking lots or additions to existing parking lots, located in residential, commercial, or industrial districts are to be landscaped around the perimeter. Landscaping can be accomplished with a variety of plants and berms. A variety of tree heights, shrubs and planting materials shall be incorporated into the design to provide visual interest, provided that said trees do not interfere with public utilities.
Tree islands, new parking lots. Tree islands, along with other landscaping within open, off-street parking areas, shall be designed to help control circulation of cars and pedestrians, identify entrances and exits, provide reference points for locating cars in large lots, give summer shade to people and cars, furnish open ground for drainage and snow storage, camouflage, soften and improve the appearance of large parking lots, provide environmental and aesthetic benefits and be a positive asset to a shopping area or a business establishment. Any parking lot or parking lot addition constructed after this chapter's effective date that contains all of the following: more than one aisle, two or more rows of parking stalls, and an area of 15,000 square feet or more shall provide and maintain in that area constructed after this chapter's effective date, canopy-type shade trees hardy to this region in tree islands totaling not less than 3% of the surfaced parking area constructed after this chapter's effective date. The minimum size of each tree island shall be not less than 162 square feet. The Zoning Administrator or Plan Commission shall review a drawing of the perimeter or islands indicating the size, type and location of the islands, the plant materials, the protection afforded the plantings, including curbing, staking and mulching, and provisions for maintenance. Preserving existing trees is encouraged and shall be a factor in considering the proposal.
[Amended 1-8-2018 by Ord. No. 1857-18]
Driveways for one- and two-family dwellings shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide and a maximum of 24 feet wide. Two-family residential properties may have a single driveway up to 48 feet wide.
Driveways for commercial and industrial uses shall not exceed 35 feet in width.
Driveways for commercial and industrial uses may exceed 35 feet in width if approved by the Plan Commission. The applicant shall show evidence of hardship, and the extended width shall be the minimum needed.
Islands between driveway openings in new developments shall be provided with a minimum of 12 feet between all driveways and six feet at all lot lines.
All driveways shall be hard-surfaced with either hot mix or cold mix asphalt or concrete and shall be properly drained so as not to create either a hazard or nuisance on either private or public property. In the extraterritorial area, driveways may be excepted from these requirements if they do not contribute to sedimentation of ditches, culverts and road surfaces or are otherwise hazardous or a nuisance.
[Added 12-31-2015 by Ord. No. 1821-16]
All commercial, industrial, multifamily, and mixed-use developments that require parking areas of 50 or more spaces shall provide an internal pedestrian walkway(s). The walkway shall be marked, separated and/or constructed of materials distinguishable from the driving surface with a minimum width of five feet to and between or among the following areas, unless modified by the Plan Commission:
Public entrances to each commercial, industrial, multifamily, mixed-use building on the site.
Public sidewalks along the perimeter streets adjacent to the development.
Adjacent land uses and developments.
Adjacent public parks or other public or civic uses.