[Amended 9-12-2005]
Purpose. These regulations are intended to facilitate a contemporary, professional, and office-like setting within the business center. In addition to office uses, the City encourages research, product development, and associated retail development, thereby providing a desirable location for those business types which are harmonious with and do not constitute a hazard or a nuisance to surrounding communities and lands. These regulations are further intended to ensure that the architectural designs of both buildings and sites are consistent with the standards necessary to maintain a quality mixed-use business center that is attractive to all tenants and owners.
Permitted uses. No parcel in the business center may be built upon, altered or occupied for any purpose or use unless said purpose or use has been referred to the Reedsburg Industrial Development Commission (RIDC) and Zoning Administrator. The kinds of uses deemed appropriate by the City are set forth below and are for illustrative purposes only.
Business and professional offices.
Computer, research and development facilities.
Educational and scientific research.
Laboratories, research and testing.
Product development.
Light manufacturing activities.
Food products.
Computers and communications equipment.
Warehousing incidental to the primary use.
Other uses expressly stated herein, provided that any such use is closely related to those included in these regulations and provided further that the Reedsburg Plan Commission approves the use conditionally or otherwise.
Retail sales are permitted if such sales are incidental to a permitted use.
Prohibited uses.
The following uses are prohibited within the business center: businesses or industries which, on the basis of actual physical and operational characteristics, would be detrimental to the surrounding area by reason of smoke, noise, dust, odor, traffic, physical appearance, or similar factors relating to the public health, welfare and safety or business center aesthetics and environment.
For illustrative purposes only, the kinds of uses deemed inappropriate are set forth below:
Heavy manufacturing.
Warehousing that is not incidental to the primary use.
Parcel size. Parcels in the business center shall be one acre or more.
Performance standards. The following minimum standards shall apply to all developments proposed within the business center.
Definitions. Unless the context otherwise specifies or requires, each term defined herein shall, for all purposes of this section, have the meaning herein respectively specified.
The real property known as the "Reedsburg business center" described herein and depicted on Exhibit 1 attached hereto.[1]
A site upon which permanent buildings necessary for the actual operation of an industrial or commercial enterprise have been completed.
Buildings, outbuildings, underground installations, slope alterations, roads, driveways, parking areas, fences, screening walls and barriers, retaining walls, stairs, decks, windbreaks, plantings, planted trees and shrubs, poles, signs, loading areas and all other structures or landscaping improvements of every type and kind.
The Reedsburg Industrial Development Commission, aka "RIDC."
The parcels of land within the business center.
All contiguous land in the business center under one common ownership which has been, will or can ultimately be developed by an owner, with a building or buildings and appurtenant structures.
Editor's Note: Said exhibit is on file in the City offices.
General restrictions.
Designation of sites. Each site shall be created through the preparation and recording of an appropriate certified survey map or business center subdivision plat.
Land/building ratio. No more than 65% of any site shall be covered surface pavement, buildings or other covering materials that are impervious to surface water absorption.
Building setbacks. The following yard or building setback requirements shall apply to all parcels that are located in the business center.
Front yard
25 feet
Side yard (interior of business center)
20 feet
Rear yard
25 feet
Yard abutting residential property
40 feet
All loading docks shall have a setback minimum of 60 feet from parcel lines abutting any public street.
All buildings shall have a setback minimum of 20 feet from any parcel line shared in common with another parcel owner within the property or adjoining properties. Corner lots maybe exempted from some setback requirements, provided that loading and maneuvering areas are screened from public view by careful building orientation and landscaping. An adequate vision triangle must be maintained at all street intersections and driveway entrances.
All buildings shall have a setback minimum of 25 feet from the rear lot line.
All buildings that are located on parcels that abut a residential district shall have a forty-foot-buffer-zone-setback minimum.
Building materials.
[Amended 2-26-2018 by Ord. No. 1862-18]
The exterior walls of each principal building shall be constructed of durable, permanent architectural materials that are compatible with parklike standards established by the existing buildings, detention ponds, decorative lighting and other landscape features.
At least 25% of the front facade and street side(s) facades of the office portion of the principal building shall incorporate brick, stone, architectural block, architectural concrete panels, architectural wood and/or glass into their design. Front facade materials shall be continued for not less than 20 feet on each side from the front surface. The nonoffice portion of the building, such as light manufacturing, assembly, and storage, shall consist of architectural metal block, tilt-up concrete panels or similar materials designed to be compatible with the color and design theme of the office portion of the building. Unfaced concrete block, structural concrete and the like shall not be permitted without the prior written approval of the Industrial Development Commission.
Building massing. Breaking up large building sections with such elements as variable planes, projections, setbacks or changes in the roofline is encouraged.
Building elevations. All elevations of the building shall be designed in a consistent and coherent architectural manner. Changes in material, color and/or texture shall occur at points relating to the massing and overall design concept of the building.
Building color. Building colors shall be earth-toned in appearance. Complementary colors, textures and materials are encouraged. All exterior colors shall be subject to approval of the Industrial Development Commission.
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) units and miscellaneous equipment. Cooling towers, rooftop and ground-mounted mechanical and electrical units and other miscellaneous equipment shall either be integrated into the design of the building or screened from view from the primary public street.
Parking. All employee and visitor parking shall be provided on-site. Parking shall not be permitted on any public street or access drive. Property owners shall provide parking as required by this chapter. Parking areas shall be located at least 10 feet from any parcel line. All parking areas and driveways shall be hard-surface paved, dust-free and properly marked. When curbs are desired, they shall be of concrete.
The setback area abutting streets shall be landscaped with a combination of deciduous canopy trees, shrubbery and ground cover. At least one tree at least six feet in height for each 50 feet of street frontage shall be planted in the setback area. Any buffer zone, shall be a minimum of 40 feet wide and planted with plant materials at least six feet in height of such variety and growth habits as to provide a year-round, effective screen for the abutting residential properties. All off-street parking areas that serve 20 vehicles or more shall be provided with landscaped areas totaling not less than 5% of the surfaced area.
All landscaping shall be completed within 90 days of issuance of a certificate of occupancy of allowing occupation and use of such property by the Building Inspector. If the certificate of occupancy is issued after October 1 of any given year, the owner's or lessee's landscaping completion date shall be 90 days, beginning April 1 of the following year (July 1).
All grass, trees and shrubbery shall be kept in good appearance at all times.
Lighting. Vehicular lighting shall be illuminated using high-cutoff luminaires which keep off-site overspill and night-sky lighting to a minimum. The size and scale of light and illumination should match site and building scale, color and theme. Location of the fixtures should match site and building scale, color and theme. Location of the fixtures should emphasize intersections and pedestrians' access routes, yet provide a uniform level of illumination. Scale of fixtures should be lowered in pedestrian areas to emphasize walking surfaces. All outdoor lighting or nonresidential uses shall be designed, located and mounted so that the maximum illumination, as measured horizontally at the lot line, does not exceed 9.6 footcandles.
Accessory structures. Accessory structures are permitted with the approval of the Industrial Development Commission. Such structures shall be set back from the front building line and otherwise meet the same setback requirements as the primary structure. Colors and rooflines shall be consistent with the principal building.
[Amended 2-26-2018 by Ord. No. 1862-18]
Signs. All signs shall be constructed in accordance with this chapter. In addition to the requirements contained therein, the following requirements shall also apply:
All identity signage not attached to the building shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the property line. Signs shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. Sign material shall be compatible with the building and landscaping; wooden signs are prohibited. Maximum overall height shall not exceed five feet or a size of 50 square feet in area. All signs shall be presented to the Commission for approval.
All identity signage attached to the building shall be incorporated into the building architecture and shall be presented for approval with the architectural plans. Signs may not exceed 10% of the square feet contained in the wall to which they are affixed. In addition, signs may not extend above the roof parapet line or project more than 18 inches from the face of the building.
Traffic control and directional signage within individual lot developments shall be consistent with the identity signage and submitted for approval with the landscape design.
Flashing signs and scrolling electronic reader board signs are expressly prohibited.
Temporary buildings. No building or structure of temporary character shall be used on any lot at any time except for construction trailers during the period of construction. The use of cargo containers as a temporary storage facility is prohibited.
Fencing. Fences shall not be allowed, except for screening of service areas, without the prior written consent of the City except as described below.
Storage and loading areas:
No loading doors or docks shall be constructed facing on any public street or highway; provided, however, this restriction may be modified or waived, in writing, by the City where appropriate.
Outdoor storage yards for materials, supplies, merchandise, garbage dumpsters or equipment shall be screened from public view behind a visual barrier for the purpose of screening it from view from neighboring property and public streets within the business center. Storage of finished manufactured goods scheduled for delivery is permitted if the storage area is screened from public view and upon approval by the City, where appropriate.
Limited outdoor storage of finished manufactured goods for the purpose of sales or promotion display is permitted upon the approval of the City.
Outdoor storage areas and loading areas shall be hard-surface-paved and dust-free.
Nuisances; pollution. No owner or lessee of property in the business center shall create or allow to exist a nuisance, as defined by Wisconsin Statutes now in effect or as amended, on the property within the business center. In addition, no rubbish or debris of any kind shall be placed or permitted to accumulate upon or adjacent to any site and no odor(s) shall be permitted so as to render any site or portion thereof unsanitary, unsightly or offensive. In addition, no use or operation shall be conducted in the business center that is noxious, harmful to public health, or unsightly or detrimental to others.
Property use. The property and/or improvements as otherwise provided in this declaration may be used for any use permitted under the applicable zoning regulations of the City as the same now exist or as the same may be hereafter be amended.
Property maintenance. All real property in the business center, whether occupied or unoccupied, and any buildings or other improvements placed thereon, shall at all times be maintained in such a manner as to prevent their becoming unsightly by reason of unattractive growth or the accumulation of rubbish or debris thereon, or unsightly condition of the improvements thereon. No building or improvement in the business center shall be permitted by its owner or lessee to fall into disrepair, and each such building and improvement shall at all times be kept in good condition and repair and adequately painted or otherwise finished. If, in the opinion of the City, proper maintenance is not being undertaken, the City, any time after 30 days of written notification to the owner, may contract for the completion of such maintenance work. The City shall have the right to bill the owner for such costs, plus 10% for administration.
Drainage control. No land shall be developed and no use shall be permitted that results in flooding, erosion, or sedimentation to adjacent properties. All runoff shall be properly channeled into a storm drain, watercourse, storage area, or other stormwater management facility. The City may, in its discretion, require on-site detention or sedimentation.
Outdoor storage. All materials or products stored outside buildings must be behind the building setback line from the street and must be screened from view from the street with solid fencing or screening approved by the City. All trash must be enclosed by a fence of solid material such as will provide a suitable visual screen. Minimum height of such fence shall be six feet. The fence must be kept painted or have such other finish as is generally accepted for good appearance. Wire fence is not acceptable for this purpose.
Waste incineration. No waste material shall be burned on the premises except in an incinerator designed and constructed for such purpose.
Utility control. All utilities, including all electric power, telephone, gas, water, storm and sanitary sewers, shall be located underground.
Regulations of improvements:
Commission review. All City approvals referenced herein shall first be submitted to the Industrial Development Commission for its written approval.
Approval of plans. No improvements shall be constructed, erected, placed, altered, maintained or permitted to remain in the business center until final plans and specifications showing the plot layout, including all parking areas, all exterior elevations with materials and colors therefor, and landscaping shall have been submitted to and approved by the City. Such final plans and specifications shall be submitted, in writing in duplicate, over the authorized signature of the owner or lessee of the particular part of the business center or his/her authorized agent. Changes in approved plans which affect building size, placement or external appearance must be submitted to and are subject to approval by the City.
Timing. The City shall approve or disapprove plans, specifications and details, in writing, within 30 days from the receipt thereof. If the City fails either to post a letter of notification either approving or disapproving final plans and specifications within the 30 day period, it shall be conclusively presumed that the City has disapproved said plans and specifications. One set of said plans and specifications shall, with the approval or disapproval endorsed thereon, be returned to the person submitting them, and the remaining set shall be retained by the City for the City's permanent files. Approval may be subject to specific conditions or modifications. Plan approvals will be provided to the Building Inspector by the Commission.
Variances and regulatory flexibility. The Industrial Development Commission is authorized to allow exceptions from any provision of the standards where such exceptions will assist in carrying out the intent and spirit of this code. Owners and lessees may seek a formal variance to this code where strict application of the provision would result in a particular hardship to the person seeking the variance.
Liability. Neither the City nor the City's assignees or successors, as hereinafter provided, shall be liable for any damage, loss or prejudice suffered or claimed by any owner, lessee, or by any such owner's architect, engineer or contractor who submits such plan for approval.
Protection of property interests:
Division of parcels. No platted parcel located within the business center shall be further divided into parcels smaller than one acre without the prior written approval of the City. In no instance shall such division create a parcel which is not developable in compliance with this chapter or which would violate any applicable state or local laws, ordinances or regulations regulating the subdivision of lands.
Cooperation for easements. All owners and occupants or parcels within the business center shall cooperate with the City and other owners and occupants of lots within the business center in the planning and granting of all necessary and reasonable easements for gas, electric, telephone, communications, sewer, water, access roads, railway spurs, drainage, and loading tracks to the extent that such easements do not interfere with existing uses of the land or unduly restrict future intended uses. Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to require the owner to grant any specific easement, nor grant easements or rights-of-way, without reasonable compensation therefor.
Ordinance applies. If any of the City's other ordinances and land use restrictions differ from those set forth in this section, then compliance with the more restrictive provisions shall be required.
The intent of this industrial park code is to apply additional conditions on development within the Park that will create and/or preserve a parklike environment.
No building permit shall be issued for the erection, expansion, placement or alteration of any building or improvement within the industrial park until the plans for such building or improvement, including site plans, paving and parking plans, landscape plans, and first-floor elevations have been approved by the City of Reedsburg Industrial Commission. The developer or his agent shall submit two complete sets of the plans to the City Clerk-Treasurer. The Industrial Commission shall review such plans with respect to harmony of external design and land use as it affects property within and adjacent to the industrial park. The Commission shall affix its mark of approval or disapproval to the plan and return one set to the developer. Approval by the Commission shall not relieve the developer of any responsibility to adhere to other applicable regulations of the City or other governmental agencies. Failure of the Commission to act upon such building or improvement plans within 30 days after submission to the City Clerk-Treasurer shall constitute the Commission's approval of such plans.
No building shall be either so similar or so at variance with its neighbor buildings that its appearance shall constitute a depreciation to the neighborhood.
The front of all buildings and the sides of those buildings facing side streets on corner lots shall be faced with decorative masonry, stone, or finished in a similar architecturally attractive manner approved by the Industrial Commission. The sides and rear of all buildings may be any material compatible with the construction of the remainder of the building and the building's intended use. Where concrete-block masonry is used, it shall be tinted, stained or painted with two coats of paint. All faces of all buildings must be kept in good repair and appearance at all times.
Trucks or semitrailers shall not be parked or stored within the front or side setback areas, except that loading docks may be permitted when approved by the Reedsburg Industrial Commission. Trucks or trailers parked at loading docks shall not block or project into any public street.
The twenty-five-foot setback from the street property lines to the building lines shall be entirely graded and landscaped with grasses, sod, trees, bushes, and shrubs in any manner that will provide an acceptable lawn, except only such areas as may be required for driveways, visitor parking, or walks. All such areas shall be watered in dry weather and kept in good appearance at all times. All grass shall be cut when necessary. The owner shall control weed growth and keep weeds cut as necessary.
Junk or abandoned equipment shall not be allowed to accumulate. No rubbish may be burned on the premises except in an incinerator specially constructed, designed, and approved for the purpose.
Private wells are not permitted unless expressly granted by the Board of Public Works. All wastewaters shall be discharged in the municipal sewer system subject to any pretreatment of industrial waste required by the City of Reedsburg.
Cooling water that is not recycled shall be discharged only to municipal stormwater facilities; cooling water ponds are not allowed.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 17.34, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 2-23-2009.