As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Reedsburg airport located in the City of Reedsburg, Sauk County, Wisconsin.
Any structure or object of natural growth which obstructs the airspace required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at an airport or is otherwise hazardous to such landing or taking off.
The overall height of the top of a structure, including any appurtenance installed thereon, or the top of any object of natural growth.
Any structure or tree that does not conform to a regulation prescribed in this chapter or an amendment thereto, as of the effective date of such regulation.
Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, joint-stock association, or body politic, and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or other similar representative thereof.
A level portion of an airport having a surface specifically developed and maintained for the landing and takeoff of aircraft.
Any object constructed or installed by man.
Do not include shrubs, bushes or plants that do not grow to a height of more than 20 feet.
All zones established by this section are as shown on the following map that is attached hereto and adopted as part of this chapter: "Height Limitation Zoning Map, Reedsburg Municipal Airport, Reedsburg, Wisconsin,"[1] dated May 16, 2007, and prepared by the Wisconsin Bureau of Aeronautics (sheet 1 of 1).
Editor's Note: Said Map is on file in the City offices.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no structure shall be constructed, altered, located or permitted to remain after such construction, alteration or location and no trees shall be allowed to grow to a height in excess of the height limit indicated on the map referred to in § 690-86 hereof.
Exceptions. The restrictions contained in § 690-87 shall not apply to objects which are less than 35 feet in height above ground level at the object site within 1/2 mile of the airport boundary or to structures less than 50 feet in height above ground within the area beginning 1/2 mile from the airport boundary and extending to three miles from the airport boundary.
Not retroactive. The regulations prescribed in Sections §§ 690-86 and 690-87 of this chapter shall not be construed to require the removal, lowering or other change or alteration of any nonconforming use, or otherwise interfere with the continuance of any nonconforming use, except as otherwise provided by § 690-91B.
Changes. Nothing herein contained shall require any change in the construction, alteration or intended use of any structure if the construction or alteration of such was begun prior to the effective date of this chapter and if such is diligently prosecuted.
Removal. This section shall not interfere with the removal of nonconforming uses by purchase or use of eminent domain.
[Amended 1-25-2010]
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Administrator to administer and enforce the regulations prescribed herein. Applications for permits and variances shall be made to the Zoning Administrator upon a form furnished by him. Applications for action by the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be forthwith transmitted by the Zoning Administrator to the Board for hearing and decision following a review by the Airport Commission.
Future uses. No structure shall hereafter be constructed, erected or installed, or be permitted to remain in any zone created by § 690-86 of this chapter until the owner or his agent shall have applied, in writing, for a permit thereof and obtained such permit from the Zoning Administrator. Said permit shall posted in a prominent place in the premises prior to and during the period of construction, erection, installation or establishment. Application for such permit shall indicate the use for which the permit is desired and shall describe and locate the use with sufficient particularity to permit the Zoning Administrator to determine whether such use would conform to the regulations herein prescribed. If such determination is in the affirmative, the Zoning Administrator shall issue the permit applied for. The City shall have the right to trim, prune or remove at owner's expense any tree which was planted after adoption of this chapter and found to be in violation of the height restriction for the zone in which it is located. Permits shall not be required for:
Structures less than 35 feet in height above the ground and within 1/2 mile of the airport boundary;
Structures less than 50 feet in height above the ground within the area beginning 1/2 mile from the airport boundary and extending to three miles from the airport boundary; and
Structures within the building limits set forth in the map referenced in § 690-86, as long as documentation satisfactory to the Zoning Administrator is provided which demonstrates that the structure shall not exceed the final elevations authorized by those maps.
Existing uses. Before any nonconforming structure may be replaced, altered, or rebuilt, a permit shall be applied for and secured in the manner prescribed by Subsection A authorizing such change, replacement or repair. No such permit shall be denied if the structure will not become a greater hazard to air navigation than it was on the effective date of this chapter, or than it was when the application for permit was made. This section shall not apply to any utility poles now owned or hereafter constructed by the City of Reedsburg Utility as long as those poles are replaced or repaired so as to be no higher than originally constructed or subsequently permitted.
All appeals shall be handled as provided by § 690-12 of this chapter.
Penalties shall be assessed as provided by Chapter 30, Citations, of the Code of the City of Reedsburg.