Pursuant to § 62.23(2) and (3), Wis. Stats, the City of Reedsburg is authorized to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan as defined at § 66.1001(1)(a) and (2), Wis. Stats.
The Common Council of the City of Reedsburg, Wisconsin, adopted written procedures designed to foster public participation in the stages of the preparation of a Comprehensive Plan, as required by § 66.1001(4)(a), Wis. Stats.
[Amended 9-26-2022 by Ord. No. 1944-22]
The City Plan Commission of the City of Reedsburg, by a majority vote of the entire Commission, recorded in its official minutes, adopted a resolution recommending to Common Council the adoption of the document entitled "2024 Comprehensive Plan," containing all of the elements specified in § 66.1001(2), Wis. Stats.
The City held a least one public hearing on this chapter, in compliance with the requirement of § 66.1001(4)(d), Wis. Stats.
[Amended 9-26-2022 by Ord. No. 1944-22]
The Common Council of the City of Reedsburg, Wisconsin, does, by enactment of this chapter, formally adopt the document entitled "2042 Comprehensive Plan," pursuant to § 66.1001(4)(C), Wis. Stats.
Applicants seeking to amend the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Reedsburg must submit a request using the land use change application form provided by the City Clerk-Treasurer. This must be submitted in advance of meetings of the City Plan Commission in accordance with the schedule appended to the application. Applicants shall submit a proposed map or other description of the change to accurately describe the amendment and shall provide written justification for the amendment.
If applicable to the extraterritorial zoning area of the City, applications shall be referred to the Reedsburg Area Development Council for recommendation prior to consideration by the Plan Commission.
Once approved by the Plan Commission, the application for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan shall be considered and approved by the Common Council prior to the Common Council considering any related Zoning Map amendments or other land use changes.
For parcels designated under the existing land use area of the Comprehensive Plan Map, a proposed rezoning does not require a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment. If the designation differs from this map and the rezoning is adopted by the Common Council, the Plan Commission shall note it for when the Comprehensive Plan Map is officially updated within the ten-year mark of the Plan's adoption. For parcels under the proposed land use designation, a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment is not required if, by findings of fact by the Plan Commission, the proposed rezoning can still meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan Map.
The City staff shall attempt to notify affected property owners (within 150 feet of the subject property) prior to every meeting of the Reedsburg Area Development Council, City Plan Commission or Common Council where the proposed amendment is considered. A public hearing with a Class 1 notice shall be held by the Common Council prior to consideration of the proposed amendment. All amendments shall be handled as ordinances amending the Comprehensive Plan ordinance.