This chapter shall be known and may be cited as "The Upper Darby Township Zoning Ordinance of 2010."
It is the intent of this chapter to facilitate the development and redevelopment of Upper Darby Township in an orderly and well-planned fashion, based upon the adopted Township Comprehensive Plan, as amended. The goals and objectives of that plan are adopted by reference and the Land Use Plan, as supplemented, shall be the basis for the creation of zoning districts by this chapter and its subsequent amendments. The following additional objectives are included for emphasis.
Upper Darby Township seeks to provide for a variety of land uses in a manner which is compatible with surrounding uses and at a density deemed appropriate for the specific area concerned. It is not the intent of the ordinance to exclude any legal use in an appropriate location. This will enable the Township to meet the housing, employment and service needs of the community while providing for a diversified tax base.
Residential neighborhoods shall be promoted, which will be safe, attractive and conducive to the protection of property values. Housing opportunity shall be provided for residents of all income levels by facilitating a variety of single-family and multifamily residential uses in appropriate locations.
This chapter seeks to promote the development of properly regulated commercial and industrial uses and to avoid the undesirable mixture of incompatible uses. The Township of Upper Darby may determine that it is in the best interest of the community to provide legislative incentives to insure the development of specific areas, such as the Central Business District, in accordance with officially adopted planning concepts developed for those areas.
The Township seeks to provide for the educational, spiritual, cultural, recreational, health and public safety needs of the community by assuring adequate location for institutional uses necessary to maintain the quality of life in Upper Darby Township. It is also the intent of this chapter to provide opportunity for the needs of government, utilities, public transportation and to promote the public good.
This chapter seeks to preserve and protect the environment by adopting standards for that purpose.
The Township seeks to provide for the planned revitalization, rehabilitation and establishment of neighborhood shopping centers and community shopping centers to meet the convenience, shopping and personal service needs of the neighborhoods of the Township and to assure that the type and magnitude of commercial development is compatible with the needs of the Township's population and the commercial facilities in adjacent municipalities in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan.