[Adopted as Sec. 12.04 of the former Municipal Codebook]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any dance given at any home and not held for profit, or any dance given by permanently organized clubs, fraternal orders or societies, where the attendance is limited to the members of the society, club or order and the guests of the members of said societies, clubs, or orders admitted by invitation only when no fee or other payment of any kind is made by guests, or any dance given by school association in a school building or by any person conducting a class of dancing or dancing school.
Any dance or ball to which admission may be had by the public generally without restriction upon the payment of a fee, or by the purchase, possession or presentation of a ticket or token obtained for money or in which a charge is made for the caring of clothing or other property.
Any room, place or space in which a public dance is intended to be held.
It shall be unlawful to hold any public dance in any public dance hall until the public dance hall in which the same may be given or held shall first have been duly licensed for such purposes. No person shall permit any room or building owned or controlled by him to be used for the purpose of a public dance hall unless the same shall be licensed as herein provided.
Any person desiring to procure a license as herein provided shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer a written application upon a blank form furnished by the City. Such application shall contain the name or names of the applicant or applicants, his or their address, the premises on which the applicant proposes to conduct public dances, the name of the owner of the premises, and a statement of whether or not the applicant has ever been convicted of violating any ordinance regulating the conduct of public dances and public dance halls.
Such application shall be accompanied by a bond executed to the City Clerk-Treasurer in the penal sum of $500 and be signed by two sufficient sureties to be approved by the Common Council, which bond shall be conditioned for the faithful observance of the provisions of this section for the prompt payment of any fines that may be imposed hereunder and for the payment of such inspection fees as shall be charged against such license issued pursuant hereto.
The annual license fee shall be as set from time to time by Common Council, which fee shall accompany the application.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Upon compliance with the foregoing provisions, a license shall be issued, which license shall be signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk-Treasurer. Each license granted hereunder shall expire on January 1 on each year. A copy of this article shall be furnished with each license. Each license shall state plainly the date of issuance and expiration, the name of the licensee and the location of the public dance hall licensed. Each license shall be prominently displayed on the premises licensed.
All public dance halls and facilities appertaining thereto shall be kept at all times in a clean, healthful and sanitary condition, and all stairways and other passages and all rooms connected with a public dance hall shall be kept open and well-lighted during public use. Proper ventilation must be maintained at all times. Suitable toilet facilities shall be maintained with separate toilets for each sex.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The license of any dance hall shall be revoked by the Council upon a sufficient showing of a violation of any provision of this article or any other law or ordinance applicable to public dances or public dance halls. A violation as set forth hereinbefore by any person conducting a public dance, whether the holder of the license for said hall or some other person, shall be sufficient for revocation hereunder, provided no license shall be revoked except upon five days' notice of hearing and after the holder of said license shall be given an opportunity to be heard. Whenever a license is revoked, no new license shall be issued for the premises covered by said revoked license or to the holder thereof for a period of one year from the date of revocation.
No person conducting a public dance, his agent or manager, or the holder of a public dance license shall:
Permit any minor under 15 at a public dance unless accompanied by a parent or natural guardian.
Permit any intoxicated person in or about the dance hall or adjoining stairs or premises.
Permit the sale, transportation or consumption of any kind of intoxicating liquor or beverages in or about a public dance hall.
Permit any loud, obscene or boisterous conduct in or about a public dance hall.