[Adopted as Sec. 12.07 of the former Municipal Codebook]
No person shall operate any miniature golf grounds, Tom Thumb Golf Grounds, Peter Pan Golf Grounds or any other like or similar place or amusement within the City without first having obtained a license therefor as hereinafter provided.
Application for such license shall be made to the City Clerk-Treasurer and shall be accompanied by the license fee of $25, and said application shall be thereafter acted upon by the Council, who may grant or refuse such license in its discretion, after a two-week notice has been given by publication in a newspaper published in the City for the public hearing, such notice to specify therein the purpose of such hearing and at which time the place of such hearing is to be held and at which hearing all persons residing in said City and desiring so to do may be heard. All licenses issued after such hearing shall expire on December 31 following the granting thereof, and all such licenses may be revoked by the Council on five days' notice, for cause.
No licensee shall keep open his place of business between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. All licensees shall conduct their places of business in an orderly and quiet manner, and no licensee shall be permitted to keep his place of business illuminated more than 30 minutes after the closing down herein provided.