In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 2001 Code of Ordinances have been included in the 2018 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 2001 Code of Ordinances
Location in 2018 Code
Ch. 1, Administration and Government
Part 1, Compensation of Township Officials
A. Board of Supervisors
Ch. 71, Art. I
B. Tax Collector
Ch. 71, Art. II
Part 2, Pension Plans
NI; see Ch. 53
Part 3, Authorities
A. East Earl Sewer Authority
Repealed by Ord. No. 196
Part 4, Fire Department
A. Recognition of First Response Fire Companies
Ch. 29, Art. III
B. Recognition of the Goodville Fire Department
Ch. 29, Art. II
C. Recognition of the Blue Ball Fire Company
Ch. 29, Art. I
D. Fire Police
Ch. 29, Art. IV
Part 5, Warrantless Arrest
Ch. 60, Art. I
Part 6, Reimbursement for Hazardous Abatement
A. Blue Ball Fire Company
Ch. 242, Art. I
B. Terre Hill Fire Company
Ch. 242, Art. II
C. Goodville Fire Company
Ch. 242, Art. III
D. Martindale Fire Company
Ch. 242, Art. IV
Ch. 2, Animals (Reserved)
Ch. 3, Bicycles (Reserved)
Ch. 4, Buildings
Part 1, Dangerous Structures
Ch. 133
Ch. 5, Code Enforcement (Reserved)
Ch. 6, Conduct
Part 1, Curfew
Ch. 181
Part 2, Open Containers of Alcohol
Ch. 117
Ch. 7, Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
Part 1, Open Burning
Repealed by Ord. No. 184; see Ch. 152
Ch. 8, Floodplains (Reserved)
Ch. 9, Grading and Excavating (Reserved)
Ch. 10, Health and Safety
Part 1, Weeds and Other Vegetation
Ch. 236
Part 2, Nuisances
Repealed by Ord. No. 183; see Ch. 274
Part 3, Vector Control
Ch. 411
Ch. 11, Housing (Reserved)
Ch. 12, Libraries (Reserved)
Ch. 13, Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Part 1, Cable Television
Ch. 159
Part 2, Adult Entertainment
Ch. 95
Part 3, Storage of Waste Materials and Rubbish
Ch. 350, Art. II
Part 4, Alarm Devices
Ch. 111
Ch. 14, Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks (Reserved)
Ch. 15, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 420
Ch. 16, Parks and Recreation (Reserved)
Ch. 17, Planned Residential Development (Reserved)
Ch. 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Part 1, Connection to Sewer System Required
Ch. 325, Art. I
Part 2, Holding Tanks
Ch. 325, Art. II
Part 3, Sewage Facilities Maintenance Program
Ch. 325, Art. III
Ch. 19, Signs and Billboards (Reserved)
Ch. 20, Solid Waste
Part 1, Municipal Solid Waste
Ch. 350, Art. I
Ch. 21, Streets and Sidewalks
Part 1, Construction of Driveways
Ch. 193
Part 2, Street Openings
Ch. 369, Art. II
Part 3, Tractors, Quarry Equipment or Machinery on Streets
Ch. 369, Art. I
Part 4, Deposit of Debris on Streets
Ch. 369, Art. III
Part 5, Welsh Mountain Official Street Map
Ch. 369, Art. IV
Ch. 22, Subdivision and Land Development
Ch. 380
Ch. 23, Swimming Pools (Reserved)
Ch. 24, Taxation; Special
Part 1, Earned Income and Net Profit Tax
Superseded by Ord. No. 173; see Ch. 389, Art. III
Part 2, Realty Transfer Tax
Ch. 389, Art. I
Part 3, Assessment and Levying of Real Estate Taxes on Interim Basis; Tax Certifications
Part 4, Local Taxpayers Bill of Rights
Ch. 25, Trees (Reserved)
Ch. 26, Water
Part 1, Stormwater Management
Superseded by Ord. No. 135; see Ch. 358
Part 2, Public Water System
Ch. 429, Art. I
Ch. 27, Zoning
Superseded by Ord. No. 201; see Ch. 450
A. Annexation of Territory (Reserved)
B. Bond Issues and Loans
C. Franchises and Services
D. Governmental and Intergovernmental Affair
E. Plan Approval
F. Public Property
G. Sewers
H. Streets and Sidewalks
I. Water (Reserved)
J. Zoning; Prior Ordinances