[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of East Earl Township as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Open burning — See Ch. 152.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 299.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 369.
[Adopted 1-27-1987 by Ord. No. 45A (Ch. 20, Part 1, of the 2001 Code of Ordinances)]
[Amended 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 106]
The following terms shall have the following meanings in this article:
The County of Lancaster.
Any agreement or contract fully executed prior to the effective date of this article for the collection, disposal or transportation of municipal waste generated within this Township.
The waste to energy incinerator to be constructed by or on behalf of LCSWMA pursuant to the plan.
That date which is 60 days from the date upon which the County and other municipalities representing in the aggregate not less than 60% of the population of the County, as determined by the 1980 Decennial Census of the United States, execute the intermunicipal agreement and enact waste flow ordinances.
The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority, its assigns, its successors in interest and its predecessor in interest, the Lancaster Area Refuse Authority.
The Township of East Earl, a Township of the second class located within the County of Lancaster, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association, cooperative enterprise, trust, municipal authority, federal institution or agency, state institution or agency, municipality, other governmental agency or any other entity or any group of such persons which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties in any provisions of this article prescribing a fine, penalty, imprisonment or denial or grant of any license. The term "person" shall include the officers and directors of a corporation or other legal entity having officers and directors.
The Municipal Waste Management Plan for the County adopted by the County or Municipalities therein and approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Any delivery site within the system designated by LCSWMA for delivery or regulated municipal waste.
The collection, separation, recovery and sale or reuse of metals, glass, paper, yard waste and other materials which would otherwise become municipal waste.
Any garbage, refuse, industrial lunchroom or office waste, and other material, including solid or semisolid material resulting from operation of residential, municipal, commercial or institutional establishments and from community activities, and any other solid waste which is within the definition "municipal waste" set forth in the Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act, Act of July 2, 1980, P.L. 380, No. 97, 35 P.S. § 6018.103, and which LCSWMA, the County, or any contractor ("contractor") selected by the County or LCSWMA to construct and/or operate a resource recovery facility or facilities to be located within the municipal boundaries of the County by ordinance or regulation is willing to accept at the facility, but excluding:
Any liquid waste or sludge;
Any waste which is defined by existing or future federal or state law or regulation as hazardous waste or residual waste;
Infectious waste, pathological waste or other waste for which treatment or handling requirements different from those normally applicable to municipal waste apply;
Polychlorinated biphenyls;
Any waste which may be marketable and which is intentionally segregated for purposes of recycling; and
Materials specifically excluded under applicable County or LCSWMA ordinances, rules or regulations.
The segregation and collection, prior to delivery to a point of entry into the system, of materials for the sole purpose of recycling.
The overall solid waste management and disposal system and every aspect thereof owned or operated by or on behalf of LCSWMA, including, without limitation, equipment, transfer stations, resource recovery facilities and landfills, owned or operated, or to be acquired, constructed or operated by LCSWMA or any agent, designee or contractor thereof in implementation of the plan.
Any solid waste facility which is now or hereafter may be established by LCSWMA or the County for the purpose of accepting solid waste for processing and economical consolidation for subsequent delivery to the facility or other solid waste disposal site.
All other words and phrases shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act, Act of July 7, 1980, P.L. 380, No. 97, 35 P.S. § 6018.101 et seq., as it may hereinafter be amended or supplemented by legislation regarding municipal waste planning.
Licensing. No person who is not duly licensed by LCSWMA to deliver waste to the County system may collect or transport municipal waste located or generated within this Township. This prohibition shall become effective 120 days from the effective date of this section of this article.
Compliance with rules, regulations and ordinances. In carrying on activities related to solid waste collection or transportation within this Township, all municipal waste collectors and all municipal waste transporters shall comply with all rules, regulations and ordinances pertaining to the collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste as may be hereinafter enacted by this Township or by the County pursuant to a parallel County waste flow ordinance and all rules and regulations enacted by LCSWMA pursuant to authority given it under 35 P.S. § 315, as hereafter amended.[1]
Editor's Note: 53 P.S. § 315 was repealed 6-19-2001 by P.L. 287, No. 22; for subject matter of the repealed sections, see now the Municipality Authorities Act, 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.
Administration. Licenses hereunder shall be issued, revoked and administered by LCSWMA.
Delivery to LCSWMA/county sites. All municipal waste collectors and transporters shall deliver and dispose of all regulated municipal waste collected or generated within the Township at a transfer station or disposal facility owned and operated by or on behalf of LCSWMA, subject to such reasonable regulations for the operation thereof as may be established by the County or LCSWMA.
Disposal at other sites. Disposal of regulated municipal waste collected or generated within the Township may occur at other sites only as permitted by rule, regulation, ordinance or order duly issued by the County or by the written agreement of the County, LCSWMA and the Township. Disposal of regulated municipal waste at an existing facility from sources reflected on the notice to the Township, the County and LCSWMA as provided in § 350-6C of this article shall be permitted.
Recycling. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit source separation or recycling or to affect any sites at which source separation or recycling may take place.
[Amended 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 106]
Compliance with county and LCSWMA regulations. The collection, transportation and disposal of municipal waste present or generated within the Township shall be subject to such further reasonable rules and regulations as may from time to time be promulgated by the County pursuant to its waste flow ordinance and such rules and regulations as may be adopted by LCSWMA pursuant to 35 P.S. § 315,[1] as hereafter amended, including, without limitation, regulations governing applications and standards for licensing, fees to be charged for such licensing, the terms of licenses, procedures, record-keeping, transportation routes and other matters.
Editor's Note: 53 P.S. § 315 was repealed 6-19-2001 by P.L. 287, No. 22; for subject matter of the repealed sections, see now the Municipality Authorities Act, 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.
County authorization to adopt regulations. Rules and regulations adopted by the County pursuant to the parallel County waste flow ordinance to be adopted pursuant to the intermunicipal agreement described in § 350-11, hereof, shall be deemed rules and regulations adopted under this article and the County is hereby authorized to adopt such rules and regulations.
Consistency of regulations with article and other laws. No rules or regulations adopted pursuant to this article shall be contrary to or less stringent than the provisions of this article, the plan, the County waste flow ordinance, the Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act or regulations adopted thereunder, or such other laws, regulations or requirements as may be enacted by the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection or the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board governing municipal waste planning, collection, storage, transportation, processing or disposal.
Noninterference with existing contracts. Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to interfere with or in any way modify the provisions of any existing contract in force in the Township on the effective date of this article.
New contracts and renewals of existing contracts. No renewal of any existing contract upon the expiration of the original term thereof and no new contract for municipal waste collection, transportation, processing or disposal shall be entered into after the effective date of this article unless such renewal or such contract shall conform to the requirements of this article, the County waste flow ordinance, rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and the terms of licenses issued thereunder.
[Amended 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 106]
Prohibition of private waste processing and disposal facilities. No person other than LCSWMA, the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a county, a municipality, an authority created by the foregoing, or a person acting on behalf of the foregoing shall use or permit to be used any property owned or occupied by that person within the Township as a municipal waste processing or disposal facility, either for municipal waste generated within the Township or elsewhere without the express written approval of the Township, the County and Lancaster Area Refuse Authority (LARA).
Recycling. The prohibition set forth in Subsection A, above, shall not interfere with the operation of any program for recycling.
Existing facilities. The prohibition set forth in Subsection A, above, shall not interfere with the operation of any privately or publicly owned solid waste facility which has been issued a solid waste permit before the effective date of this article, provided:
The owner or operator of the facility provides written notice to the County and the Township of the facility permit number, address, ownership and existing sources of waste no later than 60 days after the effective date of this article.
The facility accepts regulated municipal waste from no sources within the County other than those then authorized by the facility's solid waste permit and then being accepted, as reflected on the notice provided the County and Township pursuant to this section.
The facility shall not be expanded in capacity, with the exception of facilities owned or operated by or on behalf of another county, which facilities may expand if such expansion is consistent with a DEP-approved municipal waste management plan.
Notices under this section shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Township on behalf of the Township. The County may, by resolution, designate LCSWMA or another authority or agency as the entity which will receive notice pursuant to this section.
Unlawful conduct. It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Accumulate or cause to be accumulated municipal waste in an amount greater than 20 tons, other than waste which has been source-separated for the purpose of recycling.
Violate, cause or assist in the violation of any provision of this article, any rule, regulation or order promulgated hereunder, or any rule, regulation or order promulgated by LCSWMA or the County consistent with this article.
Process, treat, transfer or dispose of or cause to be processed, treated, transferred or disposed regulated municipal waste generated within the Township at any solid waste facility other than a solid waste facility owned or operated by or on behalf of the County or LCSWMA or at an existing solid waste facility as permitted by § 20-106(3) of this article, without the express written consent of any municipality within which the facility is located, the County and LCSWMA.
Collect or transport municipal waste present or generated within the County without a valid license for disposal issued by LCSWMA.
Hinder, obstruct, prevent or interfere with the Township, the County, LCSWMA or their personnel in the performance of any duty under this article or in the enforcement of this article.
Act in a manner that is contrary to Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act, regulations promulgated thereunder, the plan, this article, the County ordinance, rules or regulations promulgated thereunder, or the terms of licenses issued thereunder.
Public nuisance. Any unlawful conduct set forth in Subsection A, hereof, shall constitute a public nuisance.
[Amended 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 106]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a Magisterial District Judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this article continues or each section of this article which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
Upon finding that any person has engaged in unlawful conduct as defined in this article:
LCSWMA, the Township, the County may revoke any license issued by LCSWMA to that person in accordance with § 305-2 of this article.
LCSWMA may deny any subsequent application by that person for a license pursuant to § 305-2, hereof.
Restraining violations. In addition to any other remedy provided in this article, the Township, the County or LCSWMA may institute a suit in equity where unlawful conduct or public nuisance exists as defined in this article for an injunction to restrain a violation of this article or rules, regulations, orders or the terms of licenses promulgated or issued pursuant to this article. In addition to an injunction, the court may impose penalties as authorized by § 305-8, hereof, and revoke any licenses as authorized by § 350-9, hereof.
Concurrent remedies. The penalties and remedies prescribed by this article shall be deemed concurrent. The existence or exercise of any remedy shall not prevent the Township, the County or LCSWMA from exercising any other remedy provided by this article or otherwise provided at law or equity.
Entry into intermunicipal agreement. In order to implement the intent and terms of this article, the Township, pursuant to the authority of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, Act of July 12, 1972, No. 180, 53 P.S. § 481 et seq.,[1]and Article IX, § 5 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, hereby enters into the intermunicipal joint cooperation agreement between this Township, the County and other municipalities within the County of Lancaster, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A[2] and incorporated herein, together with such changes consistent with this article, if any, as may be approved by the officials of the parties executing the same; such execution to be conclusive evidence of such approval ("intermunicipal agreement").
Editor's Note: Said Act was repealed 12-19-1996 by P.L. 1158, No. 177; see now 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2301 et seq.
Editor's Note: The intermunicipal joint cooperation agreement between the Township, the County and other municipalities within the County of Lancaster, is on file in the Township office.
Terms and implementation of intermunicipal agreement. As more fully set forth in the intermunicipal agreement and this article:
Conditions and terms of agreement. In the agreement:
The County agrees:
To arrange for the provision of municipal waste disposal facilities for the economical and environmentally sound disposal of municipal waste generated within the participating municipalities.
To coordinate recycling activities and marketing.
To ensure continuing municipal waste planning for the County and the participating municipalities by entering into an agreement with LCSWMA.
The County and participating municipalities representing, in the aggregate, not less than 60% of the population of the County each agree to enact a waste flow ordinance in a form substantially similar to this article and to ensure otherwise that all acceptable municipal solid waste be delivered to the County system.
The County agrees:
To enact rules and regulations.
To cause LCSWMA to enact additional rules and regulations and to administer a licensing program.
To enforce this article and the parallel municipal and County waste flow ordinances.
The County agrees to ensure reasonable solid waste disposal fees for residents of the participating municipalities.
The parties agree to cooperate in the joint enforcement of the intermunicipal agreement and all ordinances enacted pursuant to the intermunicipal agreement and this Township thereby agrees cooperatively to exercise, to delegate to the County, and to allow delegation of such powers, duties and responsibilities as set forth in the intermunicipal agreement.
Duration of term of the agreement. The term of the intermunicipal agreement shall commence upon the date on which the County and other municipalities representing at least 60% of the population of the County have executed the intermunicipal agreement and shall terminate 40 years following that date, unless terminated earlier for cause.
Purpose and objectives of agreement. The purpose of the intermunicipal agreement is to provide a mechanism:
To finance, to construct and to operate a municipal waste disposal system to serve this Township and other municipalities within the County.
To administer a County-wide recycling program.
To provide continuing municipal waste planning, as more fully set forth in the recitals to the intermunicipal agreement and this article.
Manner and extent of financing the agreement. Enforcement of this article shall be financed by the County's general revenues, except insofar as the Township elects to enforce this article; administration of this article, the recycling program and planning shall be financed by LCSWMA with revenues received from operation of the County system; and construction and operation of the County system shall be financed by debt instruments issued by LCSWMA and operating revenues.
Organizational structure necessary to implement the agreement. LCSWMA shall be formed from LARA by amendment of LARA's Articles of Incorporation; LCSWMA shall:
Construct and operate or arrange for the construction and operation of the County system.
Administer and enforce this article and parallel ordinances adopted by the County and other municipalities pursuant to the intermunicipal agreement; and the County and the Township shall enforce said waste flow ordinances with assistance from LCSWMA.
Management and acquisition of property. All property within the County system shall be acquired, managed and disposed of by LCSWMA, in accordance with its separate agreement with the County and the powers and duties imposed upon LCSWMA by law.
Execution. Appropriate officers of the Township are authorized and directed to execute the intermunicipal agreement on behalf of the Township.
[Amended 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 106]
The Township has been advised by the County that the plan proposes to provide for solid waste processing and disposal facilities which will be operated efficiently and economically by LCSWMA and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, and also that LCSWMA will impose reasonable charges, which will be uniform among all classes of the users of the plant or plants from participating municipalities which execute the intermunicipal agreement within 90 days of the date upon which the DEP grants preliminary approval to the plan. Charges may differ for different categories of waste and for different points of entry into the system.
The terms and provisions of this article are to be liberally construed, so as best to achieve and to effectuate the goals and purposes hereof. This article shall be construed in pari materia with the Act of July 7, 1980, P.L. 330, No. 97, known as the Solid Waste Management Act, 35 P.S. § 6018.101 et seq.
[Adopted 7-10-1990 by Ord. No. 60 (Ch. 13, Part 3, of the 2001 Code of Ordinances)]
The dumping or placing of garbage, trash, refuse, rubbish, tin cans, paper, industrial wastes, animal excrement and other similar waste material on any property, or the disposal thereof by landfill operations, within the Township is prohibited, except as hereinafter provided. This provision shall not prohibit the use of animal excrement as fertilizer on active farms, provided that such use is in accordance with the then existing laws, rules and regulations governing nutrients and manure.
No land shall be used in the Township for the placing or dumping thereon of garbage, trash, refuse, rubbish, tin cans, paper, industrial wastes, animal excrement and any similar waste material for a monetary or other valuable consideration, or the disposal thereof by landfill operation without first having made an application, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board of Supervisors for a permit, and paying the fee fixed by this article. Said application shall also include an agreement to allow the Supervisors of East Earl Township or its agent to inspect land owned or used by the applicant for dumping of waste materials and/or the disposal thereof by landfill operation.
No permit shall be granted without the applicant first showing compliance with the provision of the Act of July 31, 1968, No. 241, as amended, 35 P.S. § 6001 et seq.,[1] known as the "Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act" and all of the rules and regulations as adopted thereunder and all rules and regulations adopted by the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority or successor organizations, with respect to Lancaster County waste flow ordinances, which provisions are hereby made a part of this article and incorporated herein by reference.
Editor's Note: See now 35 P.S. § 6018.101 et seq.
[Amended 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 106]
The fee for said permit shall be an amount as established from time to time by resolution of the Township Board of Supervisors, and shall be in effect for one year from the date of issuance, unless previously revoked for cause by the said Township. The Board of Supervisors of East Earl Township may revoke any permit, after due hearing, if the holder thereof has, in the judgment of the said Supervisors, violated any of the regulations or provisions of this article or is causing contamination of the waters of the Township.
The Board of Supervisors of East Earl Township may refuse to issue a permit when in its opinion any dump or landfill is so located that it constitutes a public nuisance or a hazard to the health, comfort, cleanliness and safety of the citizens of the Township.
All trucks or motor vehicles of any description used to transport waste material and refuse shall be properly covered and protected in such a manner so that none of the waste material and refuse shall in any manner be spilled or cause to be spilled upon any Township Road, any of the waste material and refuse being properly hauled in accordance with the provisions of this article.
[Amended 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 106]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a Magisterial District Judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this article continues or each section of this article which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.