The purpose of this district is to encourage the production
of low- and moderate-income housing in conformance with the latest
procedural and substantive rules for affordable housing as determined
by the courts or other applicable authority, by permitting inclusionary
townhouse and multifamily development subject to the AH-2 regulations
enumerated herein. This article is created in fulfillment of a settlement
agreement by and between the Borough of Old Tappan, New Jersey, SMDC,
LLC and the Fair Share Housing Center in connection with the Borough
of Old Tappan's declaratory judgment action captioned "In the Matter
of the Application of the Borough of Old Tappan" bearing docket number
BER-L-6086-15 pursuant to in re the Adoption of N.J.A.C. 5:96 and
5:97 by the Council on Affordable Housing, 221 N.J. 1 (2015).
Any use which is ordinarily subordinate and customarily incidental
to the principal permitted uses allowed in the AH-2 Zone, including
but not limited to decks and patios.
The following requirements as to the density and distribution
of low- and moderate-income dwelling units shall apply.
A. Low- and moderate-income (Mount Laurel) housing requirements:
Market-rate and minimum low- and moderate-income housing set-aside:
The total number of housing units shall not exceed 26 units and shall
consist of the following:
Market rate units which shall not exceed 20 units.
Minimum number of affordable housing units shall be no less
than six units, which shall all be rental.
All low- and moderate-income housing units shall be in conformance
with the latest applicable rules for affordable housing as determined
by the Council on Affordable Housing, the courts or other applicable
authority, as determined appropriate, including such issues as phasing
of building low- and moderate-income units in concert with market
rate units.
Bedroom distribution of low- and moderate-income housing units.
Subject to the most current applicable COAH or other rules, the bedroom
distribution of low- and moderate-income units for affordable units
constructed in the AH-2 Zone shall be as follows:
No more than 20% of the low- and moderate-income units shall
be one-bedroom units.
At least 20% of the low- and moderate-income units shall be
three-bedroom units.
At least 30% of the low- and moderate-income units shall be
two-bedroom units.
Low- and moderate-income unit split. The distribution of inclusionary
affordable units to be provided as part of this development shall
be in accordance with those requirements as set forth by COAH rules
or otherwise deemed appropriate by the court.
Procedures regarding affirmative marketing of low- and moderate-income
units and other requirements of inclusionary development units are
subject to and determined by COAH rules or other rules determined
appropriate by the court.