[Adopted as Title 12, Ch. 12.12, of the 1998 Township Code]
[Amended by Ord. No. 6-97]
It is unlawful for any person or persons, firm, association or corporation owning, using, occupying or in charge of any house, store, shop, tenement or other building or lot or piece or parcel of land fronting or bordering on any street, road, highway, lane or other public thoroughfare within the limits of the Township where there is a sidewalk to allow or permit any snow, hail, sleet or ice to remain upon said sidewalk for a period exceeding 12 hours of daylight after said snow, hail, sleet or ice shall have ceased to fall, or to be deposited thereon, or to be formed thereon, unless same shall be so congealed that it cannot be removed without injury to the surface of said pavement on said sidewalk, in which case it shall be covered with ashes, sand or other material necessary to prevent persons traveling thereon from slipping or sliding.
In the event the owner of any unoccupied house or tenement, or vacant lot or piece or parcel of land, does not reside in the Township and the same is in the charge of an agent, attorney or other representative, then it shall be the duty of such agent, attorney or other representative to remove or cause to be removed from the said sidewalk bounding said property all snow, hail, sleet or ice within the time stated in § 455-30.
It shall be the duty of each and every owner, tenant or agent of any property, as aforesaid, and classed within the meaning and intent of this article, to arrange for the removal of such snow, hail, sleet or ice as required by this article in his or her absence.
It is unlawful for any such owner, occupant, tenant or agent, as aforesaid, to cause said snow, hail, sleet or ice, when removed from said sidewalk in accordance with this article, to be placed on the street or roadway within eight inches of the curb or to impede or prevent the free passage of water along the gutters fronting said property or properties.
[Amended by Ord. No. 6-97]
Any person or persons, firm, association or corporation violating this article or any part hereof shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties as provided in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty, of the Code of the Township of Edgewater Park.