[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
Every building hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot adjacent to a public street, or with access by a private street approved by the Borough Council in accord with the Borough's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. All structures shall be located on lots so as to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire protection, and required off-street parking.
Ingress and egress from buildings shall be placed in relation to the finished entrance floor levels and the natural terrain and in a safe manner that will minimize concentration of traffic.
Pedestrian access to public buildings, open space and parking facilities shall include considerations for disabled and handicapped persons.
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
The conversion of any nonresidential building into a dwelling, or the conversion of any dwelling so as to accommodate an increased number of dwelling units or households, shall be permitted only within a district in which a new building for a similar occupancy would be permitted under this chapter. The resulting dwelling(s) shall comply with all requirements governing new construction in such district.
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
Accessory structures shall comply with all requirements for the principal structure except where specifically modified by this chapter and shall comply with the following limitations:
Fences. No person, corporation, partnership, company or other entity shall construct, install, add to or alter a fence in the Borough, unless a permit is secured therefore. Property owners are strongly encouraged to hire a licensed surveyor to locate property lines prior to the construction of a fence. The Borough of Wellsboro does not mediate disagreements between owners of private property.
A finished side of all fences shall face off-site.
Vinyl, wood and wrought iron are approved fencing materials.
No fence shall be constructed which exceeds any of the following height limitations:
Forty-eight inches in front of the building line applicable to the subject property.
Seventy-two inches behind the front building line applicable to the subject property, except as otherwise provided in Subsection 1A(3) below;
Forty-eight inches wherever the fence shall be located on any portion of any lot that abuts a street, intersection or common drive that empties onto a public street.
Barbed wire and all other fencing that is designed to cut or injure is prohibited in all residential districts. In addition, no person shall use rope, string, wire products including, but not limited to chicken wire, hog wire, wire fabric, barbed wire (except as allowed in other sections of this Code), razor ribbon wire and similar welded or woven wire fabrics, chain, netting, cut or broken glass, paper, metal panels, corrugated metal panels, galvanized sheet metal, plywood, fiberglass panels or plastic panels in any fence or any other materials that are not manufactured specifically as fencing materials.
It is the intent of this subsection to restrict metal fencing, except wrought iron type fencing, in the front yard of any residential district. In zoning districts other than residential, such fencing shall not be permitted, unless a variance request is made to the Wellsboro Borough Council. Any approved fence made of a metal fabric or which is partially made of any metal fabric shall be galvanized or otherwise treated to prevent the formation of rust, and the metal used in the fabric shall be at least 11 gauge or heavier.
All fences shall be maintained in a sturdy and good condition. Fences that become loose, rusted or rotted, whether in whole or in part, shall be repaired, replaced or removed.
Privacy screens may be erected, constructed, or reconstructed to a maximum height of eight feet when set back from a side or rear property line a distance equal to the minimum side yard setback required for the dwelling pursuant to Parts 3, 4, and 5 in the Wellsboro Zoning Ordinance, as amended.
Any property owner or tenant desiring to erect a fence or maintain a fence that does not conform to the provisions of this chapter may submit an application to the Wellsboro Borough Council and such application will be heard at a public hearing of the Borough Council, in accordance with Part 16. Upon appeal in writing by the owner or owners agent of any property, the Borough Council of the Borough of Wellsboro, after notice and a hearing in accordance with the established procedure of the Borough Council, may in its sound discretion and in the interests of the public health, safety, and welfare, reduce or remit the requirements of this chapter in individual cases. The Board may not permit a kind of fence that is prohibited by this chapter.
The following shall apply to proximity of fences to lot and curblines:
All fences shall be set back a minimum of six inches from all front yard property lines and/or sidewalks.
A front yard fence shall be no less than 50% open to light and air.
All fences shall be set back a minimum of 24 inches from all side and rear yard property lines.
A non-agricultural fence may be erected on the property line if the written permission of the neighboring property owner is granted; this proof of permission to be registered with the fence permit application and retained on file at the Borough Office.
Swimming pools shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, and in good repair. Private swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, containing water more than 24 inches (610 mm) in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier at least 48 inches (1,219 mm) in height above the finished ground level measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool.
Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self-closing and self-latching. Where the self-latching device is less than 54 inches (1,372 mm) above the bottom of the gate, the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate.
Self-closing and self-latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of six inches (152 mm) from the gatepost.
No existing pool enclosure shall be removed, replaced or changed in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier.
Spas or hot tubs with a safety cover that complies with ASTM F 1346 shall be exempt from the provisions of this section.
The fee for a permit for construction, installation, addition or alteration of any fence shall be $25 or as established from time to time by the Borough Council of the Borough of Wellsboro.
Detached Accessory Structures. A detached garage, greenhouse, storage, utility building or other accessory structures may be maintained accessory to a dwelling or other use. It shall not exceed the maximum building height allowed for the district and no portion of the accessory structure shall not be located in front of the principal building. The door opening for a garage or storage building shall not exceed 15 feet in height. Accessory structures shall be separated a minimum of 10 feet from any structure and shall be located no closer than three feet in the RT or HR Districts or eight feet in any other district from a side or rear property line. A single storage building 100 square feet or smaller shall be exempt from the zoning permit requirement and shall comply with all required setbacks. Accessory structures such as swing sets, play gyms, playhouses, doghouses, and dog runs shall comply with the above standards and shall be exempt from the zoning permit requirement provided that they do not occupy more than 100 square feet of area.
Swimming Pools.
A swimming pool is a below or above grade level, open container with a water depth of 24 or more inches. Swimming pools shall not include wading pools under two feet in depth, fish ponds, hot tubs or other similar items.
The swimming pool shall be located only to the rear or side of the principal building. It shall be located no closer than 15 feet to the side or rear lot lines, and no closer than 25 feet to the front lot line.
In-the-ground pools shall have a four-foot-high continuous, child-proof barrier with self-closing and self-latching gate. The barrier must meet the following standards:
Capable of withstanding a lateral force of 100 pounds;
No opening other than gates, in excess of four inches;
If wooden, cover boards shall be vertical;
Metal fences shall have a lattice no larger than two inches;
Pool walls may be a barrier if unclimbable and if any access to the pool is protected by a barrier.
Above-the-ground pools that are four feet or higher need not have a barrier, provided, that the sides of the pool are not climbable and that a ladder is not used to enter or exit the pool. If the sides of the pool are climbable or a ladder, stair, steps or similar type structure is used to enter or exit the pool, a barrier of the type described for in-the-ground pools (§ 27-1403(3)) is required.
No permit shall be required for above-grade level pools with a total water surface area of less than 300 square feet. However, all pools must be located in the side or rear yard of any lot.
Private Tennis Courts. Private tennis courts shall be permitted within required side or rear yard areas provided that such facility shall not be less than 10 feet from side or rear property lines.
Sidewalks and Driveways. Sidewalks and driveways shall be permitted within front, rear, and side yards.
Pump Canopies. Canopies used to protect pump islands at gas stations or convenience marts shall be permitted in any yard provided that a 10 feet minimum building setback line is maintained and the height of the canopy shall not exceed 18 feet.
Keeping of Animals. The keeping of animals, when not part of an agricultural operation, shall be regulated under Borough Ordinance 553 (Chapter 2 of Code of Ordinances).
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
See Borough of Wellsboro Driveway Permit Regulations.
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
The height limitations of this chapter shall not apply to church spires, farm structures when permitted by other provisions of this chapter (i.e., silos, grain bins, elevator legs etc.), belfries, cupolas, mechanical penthouses, and domes not used for human occupancy, solar energy systems, nor to chimneys, ventilators, skylights, water tanks, storage silos, utility poles, standards, and necessary mechanical appurtenances usually carried above roof level. The height exceptions shall not apply to any communications antennas and communication towers.
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
Depending upon the street classifications for the intersecting streets, a clear site triangle is drawn as measured along the center line from the point of intersection. No significant obstructions or plantings higher than 30 inches above the road surface or tree limbs lower than eight feet shall be permitted within this area.
150 feet
100 feet
100 feet
100 feet
75 feet
75 feet
100 feet
75 feet
75 feet
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
All manufactured or mobile homes erected or replaced in the Borough after the effective date of this chapter shall comply with the following criteria in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the Borough residents. A manufactured or mobile home shall only be placed in a manufactured home park and in accord with the following criteria.
Every manufactured or mobile home shall be placed upon a foundation. One of the following types of foundations must be utilized.
Permanent Foundation. Shall consist of no less than footers or masonry construction set well below the frost line. Such foundation shall be constructed to leave no unnecessary open space between the mobile home and the foundation, except for windows or other openings as might be necessary for purposes such as floodproofing. The mobile home shall be securely attached to such a foundation.
Stand or pad. Shall consist of a properly graded, placed and compacted material equal to the length and width of the mobile home. The pad or stand shall not heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due to frost action, inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces acting on the structure and shall be designed to uniformly support the mobile home in a level position. At a minimum, each pad shall be provided with one frost-proof footer at least 16 inches in width, extending the full width of the pad, for every 10 feet of mobile home length.
The mobile home shall be anchored to prevent floatation, collapse, or lateral movement in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Each manufactured or mobile home shall have a continuous wall around its entire perimeter. The continuous wall may be of concrete or masonry constructed to below the frost line (e.g. permanent foundation) or skirting. Skirting shall be designed to complement the appearance of the mobile home including material which has been fabricated for the specific purpose of providing a pervious moisture resistant skirting material, and shall not include bales of straw, hay, interior plywood, unfinished wood, or like material.
Access to a crawl space created by the installation of a wall shall be provided by means of a door or panel capable of being locked.
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
Any nonconforming lot, building, structure or use legally existing at the time of adoption of this chapter, or which is created whenever a district is changed by amendment hereafter, may be continued, altered, reconstructed, sold, or maintained even through it does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located, except as provided below. It is the intent of this chapter to permit these nonconformities to continue until they are removed, discontinued, or abandoned.
Nonconforming Lots of Record.
A nonconforming lot may be used for a permitted use in the district in which it is located even though such a lot fails to meet the requirements for lot area or dimensions or both. However, all other applicable requirements including yards shall apply. The variance of yard requirements shall be obtained only through action of the Borough Council.
If two or more adjacent lots with common ownership are of record at the time of passage or amendment of this chapter, and if all or part of the lots do not meet the requirements for lot width and area established by this chapter, the lands involved shall be considered an undivided parcel, and no portion of such parcel shall be occupied or sold which does not meet lot width and area requirements established by this chapter.
If any nonconforming use or building or structure occupied by a nonconforming use is abandoned for a period of one year, the future use of such building or land shall be in conformity with the district regulations. A nonconforming use shall be deemed to be abandoned when the use or activity ceases by an apparent act or failure to act on the part of the tenant or owner to reinstate such use within a period of one year from the date of cessation or discontinuance.
A one year extension may be granted by the Zoning Officer provided that the owner shall file a notice of intent to reconstruct or reoccupy prior to the expiration of the initial one-year period (see Zoning Officer for sample request).
Repairs and Reconstruction.
Repairs, non-structural alterations, and other general maintenance may be made to a nonconforming building or structure or a building or structure occupied by a nonconforming use, but such repairs shall be subject to all applicable Zoning and Building Code requirements.
A nonconforming building or structure or a building or structure occupied by a nonconforming use which is damaged by fire, flood, or other natural causes may be reconstructed, restored, and used as before provided that:
The reconstruction starts within one year of the damage;
The reconstruction shall not exceed the size, bulk, and area that existed prior to the damage, unless approved by the Borough Council;
The location of the reconstruction does not create a safety hazard;
The reconstruction of a nonconformity located in the 100-year floodplain shall comply with Section 12.8 of this chapter.
Extension or Enlargement.
A nonconforming use of a building or structure may be extended throughout the interior of the building provided that no structural alterations are made thereto. Prior to initiation of such extension however, a zoning permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Officer.
Structural alteration proposed to extend a nonconforming use may be authorized by the Borough Council provided that:
The extensions or enlargements shall conform to the yard, height, off-street parking, coverage, and other requirements of the zoning district in which the use or structure is located.
Extensions or enlargements shall not exceed 50% of the gross floor area of the structure or use at such time that the use became nonconforming.
For nonconforming uses whose normal operations involve natural expansion (i.e., quarries, junkyards, cemeteries, etc.), an expansion not exceeding 25% of the volume or area of the nonconformity which existed at the effective date of this chapter may be authorized by the Borough Council.
A nonconforming use shall not be extended to displace a conforming use, unless authorized by Borough Council as a Conditional Use.
Any nonconforming building or structure or building or structure occupied by a nonconforming use which is moved for any reason must meet all requirements of the district in which it is located.
Change of Use.
Any nonconforming use may be changed to another nonconforming use by special exception provided that the Borough Council shall find the proposed use to be equally appropriate or more appropriate to the zoning district in which it is located.
A nonconforming use that is replaced by a permitted use shall not be allowed to revert to any nonconforming use.
Voluntary Registration of Nonconforming Lots, Structures, Buildings and Uses. The owner of record may formally notify the Zoning Officer in writing, documenting a nonconforming lot, structure, building or use, as of the effective day of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
Except for lots in the Central Business District, off-street parking shall be provided in accord with the requirements of this section at the time a new building or use is established or when any existing building or lot is converted to a new use or expanded in size. The facilities shall be available during the entire hours of operation of the use for which they are provided.
Development and Maintenance of Parking Facilities. Whenever off-street parking is required, the parking area, turning aisle and space shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the following minimum standards.
Parking facilities shall be located on the same lot as the use to which they are necessary unless alternate arrangements have been made to provide parking on an adjacent or nearby lot owned or controlled by the applicant (see Subsection 1I), or that shared parking facilities are provided in accord with Subsection 1J;
Adequate provisions shall be made for ingress and egress to all parking spaces using driveways and aisles within the parking lot. Access to off-street parking areas shall be limited to a minimal number of well-defined locations. In no case shall unrestricted access along the length of a street upon which the parking abuts be permitted. Parking areas shall be designed so there will be no need for motorists to back over public walkways or rights-of-way, except that single family and double dwellings need not comply with this requirement;
Parking areas shall be a minimum of 10 feet from a dwelling and five feet from a public or private street right-of-way, except that single family and double dwellings need not comply with this requirement. These reserve strips shall be protected by wheel bumpers or curbs and shall be planted with grass or shrubs. No parking or plantings shall be permitted within the clear sight triangle of any intersection (§ 27-1406);
The parking area shall be constructed of a stabilized base with a suitable all weather surface, be graded for proper drainage, and maintained in good repair. If more than five spaces are to be provided in a parking area, the surface of the parking area shall be considered as impervious for the purposes of preparing a stormwater management plan for the site.
Parking spaces shall have dimensions of 10 feet by 20 feet, however lots of eight spaces or more may designate a limited number of compact spaces eight feet by 16 feet; parallel spaces shall be a minimum of nine feet by 21 feet;
Parking areas for all nonresidential uses shall be effectively screened on each side that adjoins or faces a residential district or use. Such screening shall consist of a fence or wall at least four feet in height, a building or meet the requirements for screen planting as set forth in § 27-1411 of this chapter;
In all cases where curb and gutter or sidewalks are existing or are adjacent to the proposed parking area, these facilities shall be retained or extended;
Parking areas shall be illuminated as is necessary to protect the public safety; such illumination shall be designed, directed, or shielded to effectively eliminate direct glare on adjacent property or roadways.
In accordance with conditional use procedures Borough Council may authorize the use of an adjacent or nearby lot owned or controlled by the applicant.
The required parking spaces for two or more uses may be shared provided that Borough Council shall determine that the uses have distinct and different peak hour requirements; for example a use with evening or Sunday hours may share parking with a use that has daytime hours.
Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required. In all districts, the required number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided as set forth in the table on the following three pages. In the case of any building or premises, the use of which is not specifically mentioned herein, the provisions for a use so mentioned and to which said use is similar, in the opinion of the Borough Council, shall apply. In the case of mixed uses or multiple uses of one structure, the total number of required parking or loading spaces shall be the sum of the required spaces for the uses computed separately.
Schedule for Off-Street Parking Spaces
Type of Use
Required Spaces - Minimum
Residential Uses
Single-family, two-family, townhouse including family based group home
2 per dwelling unit
Multiple-family dwelling
2 per dwelling unit; 1 for each dwelling unit for senior housing
Mobile home parks
2 for mobile home lot
Institutional Uses
Corrective/penal institution
1 for each 5 persons of total facility capacity plus 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Day-care center
1 for each 5 students/clients plus 1 for each employee
Family day care home
2 for dwelling unit plus 2 customer spaces
Group care facility
1 for each 2 residents plus 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Nursing home or retirement home
1 for each 2 beds plus 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Elementary schools
5 for each classroom plus 1 for each employee
Middle or high school, post-secondary facility
1 for each 4 seats of auditorium or gymnasium capacity, whichever is greater
Churches, social halls, and similar places of public or private assembly; government, municipal or community buildings
1 for each 3 seats of total facility capacity
Libraries, museums or other cultural facilities; fire or police stations
1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area
Hospitals or health care facilities
1 for each 2 beds plus 1 for each employee in the maximum work shift
Commercial/Retail Uses
Convenience stores
1 for every 200 square feet of gross floor area, except 50% of the parking provided at pump islands may be credited toward meeting parking requirements
Automobile, vehicle, mobile home, machinery/parts sales
1 for every 800 square feet of gross floor area
Building materials, furniture, hardware and plant nursery stores
1 for every 300 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of outdoor sales area
Shopping centers
1 for every 200 square feet of gross floor area, with up to 20% allowed for parking requirements for restaurants, theaters, fitness centers and office uses located therein
Retail stores or service or repair business, not otherwise classified
1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area plus 1 for each employee/vendor on the maximum work shift
1 for every 3 seats for patron use, plus 1 per employee per shift
Restaurant, drive-through
1 for every 50 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 for each employee per shift, plus a 3-space reservoir for each drive-through window
Restaurant, food truck
1 off-street space for the truck/vehicle, plus availability of 1 for any table provided or if no tables provided 4 per truck/vehicle
Self-service storage
1 for every 2,000 square feet of gross floor area
Supermarkets and food stores
1 for every 200 square feet of gross floor area used for sales purposes
Animal hospital or kennel
1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area plus 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Business or professional office and financial institutions
1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area plus 1 for each employee
Medical, dental or veterinary office
5 for each medical office plus 1 for each employee
Home occupation, home-based business
2 for dwelling unit plus 2 customer spaces
1 for each guest room plus 2 for dwelling unit
Short-term rental
1 for each guest room over and above that required for the principal residential use
Motel or other similar lodging establishment
1 for each guest room + 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Funeral home
1 for each 50 square feet of assembly area + 1 for each employee with a minimum of 20 spaces
Clubs, fraternal organizations or similar use
1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor area
Industrial Uses
Manufacturing, warehousing, industrial surface mining operation, waste storage or processing facility
1 for each employee in the maximum work shift
Distribution center and warehousing
1 for each 500 square feet of gross floor area plus 1 for each employee in the maximum work shift
Saw mill, junkyard salvage yard, contractor shop or yard
1 for each employee plus 6 customer spaces
Recreational Use
Parks and playgrounds
1 for each 5 persons of total facility capacity
Commercial or institutional recreational developments
1 for each 3 persons of total facility capacity plus 1 for each 2 employees
Campgrounds or RV parks
2 for each camping space plus 1 additional space for every 5 camping spaces
Handicapped/accessible parking. This subsection shall apply to projects where parking is provided including commercial, industrial, office, institutional, multifamily residential and educational uses.
The number and location of handicapped accessible parking spaces shall conform to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Specific numbers of spaces from this act are delineated as follows:
Total Parking Spaces Required for Use
Required Minimum Accessible Spaces
Accessible Number Required to be Van Accessible
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of total
1 in every 6 accessible spaces
More than 1,000
20 plus 1/each 100 over 1,000
1 in every 6 accessible spaces over 1,000
Accessible parking spaces are also subject to the following:
Car parking spaces shall be 96 inches (2,440 mm) wide minimum (See Illustration).
Van parking spaces shall be 132 inches (3,350 mm) wide minimum and have a ninety-eight-inch minimum height clearance (See Illustration).
Accessible parking spaces shall be marked to define the width, and shall have an adjacent access aisle.
Access aisles serving car and van parking spaces shall be 60 inches (1,525 mm) wide minimum. Two parking spaces shall be permitted to share a common access aisle. Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible route (See Illustration).
Van parking spaces shall be permitted to be 96 inches (2,440 mm) wide minimum where the access aisle is 96 inches (2,440 mm) wide minimum.
Parking space identification signs shall include the International Symbol of Accessibility. Signs identifying van parking spaces shall contain the designation "van accessible."
Signs shall be 60 inches (1,525 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign.
Accessible parking spaces must be located on surfaces with a maximum slope of 2% in all directions, and shall be most accessible and approximate to the building or buildings that the parking spaces shall serve.
027 Accessible Parking Spaces.tif
Off-street loading. Every commercial, industrial or other building which requires the receipt or distribution by vehicles of material or merchandise shall provide off-street loading space for each structure or part thereof as set forth in the accompanying table entitled, "Minimum Required Off-Street Loading Berths."
Minimum Required Off-Street Loading Berths
Gross Floor Area
Minimum Number of Berths
0 to 10,000 square feet
10,001 square feet or greater
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
The following projections shall be permitted into required yards and shall not be considered in the determination of minimum building lines or lot coverage:
Projecting architectural features: Bay windows, cornices, eaves, fireplaces, chimneys, window sills, or other architectural features, provided they do not extend more than three feet into any required yard nor closer than five feet to any adjacent property line.
Uncovered stairs.
Open balconies or fire escapes provided such balconies or fire escapes are not supported on the ground and do not project more than five feet into any required yard nor closer than five feet to any adjacent property line.
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
Screen planting as may be required elsewhere in this chapter, or where determined to be necessary by the Borough Council or Zoning Hearing Board in a conditional use or special exception application shall serve as a barrier to visibility, glare, and noise between adjacent properties.
Plant or vegetative materials, including shrubs or evergreens, used in screen planting shall be of such size and species as will produce, in two years, a complete visual screen six feet in height and of such density as is necessary to achieve the intended purpose.
Screen planting shall be maintained permanently by the lot owner, and any plant material that did not survive shall be replaced within one year.
Screen planting when mature shall not encroach into any road right-of-way nor into a driveway or intersection clear sight triangle.
Landscaping. Non-paved and non-built areas of each site shall be fully landscaped according to a plan which integrates the land use, traffic movement and parking, natural features and surroundings.
Residential and Nonresidential Joint Boundary Requirements.
Screen planting, walls, berms or fences shall be provided where a commercial or industrial use, commenced after the effective date of this chapter, abuts a residential district or use.
An additional landscaped buffer strip of not less than 50 feet shall be provided in the form of increased residential lot width within a residential district, where adjacent to an existing nonresidential activity.
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
Two or More Buildings on a Lot - Land Development. Two or more principal buildings located on a parcel in single ownership shall conform to all the requirements of this chapter that would normally apply to each building if each were on a separate lot. A land development plan will be required in order to place an additional principal building on a single parcel (see Borough of Wellsboro Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance).
Side Yard of a Corner Lot. The side yard of a corner lot which abuts a street, shall be equal to the required front yard for that street.
[Ord. No. 688, 6/4/2018]
New residential, commercial, industrial and institutional uses other than those associated with transmission pipelines shall be set back a minimum of 300 feet from any existing or proposed transmission or gathering pipeline right-of-way. Other unoccupied residential or nonresidential accessory uses (i.e., garages, parking areas, storage facilities, garden sheds, etc.) shall be set back a minimum of 200 feet from any pipeline right-of-way. Setbacks do not apply to distribution pipeline rights-of-way.
New residential, commercial, industrial and institutional uses other than those associated with transmission pipelines shall be set back a minimum of 750 feet from any natural gas compressor station or other surface use affiliated with transmission pipelines, or 500 feet from the nearest lot line of natural gas compressor station, or other surface use affiliated with transmission pipelines, whichever is greater, unless waived in writing by the new development applicant, in which case such uses shall be set back a minimum of 300 feet from said lot line.