[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of Pocomoke City 6-18-1984 by Ord. No. 278, approved 6-21-1984 (Ch. 43 of the 1968 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 101.
Floodplain management — See Ch. 135.
Grading and sediment control — See Ch. 140.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 205.
The purpose of this chapter is to protect, maintain and enhance the public health, safety and general welfare by establishing minimum requirements and procedures to control the adverse impacts associated with increased stormwater runoff. Proper management of stormwater runoff will minimize damage to public and private property, reduce the effects of development on land and stream channel erosion, assist in the attainment and maintenance of water quality standards, reduce local flooding and maintain, after development, as nearly as possible, the predevelopment runoff characteristics.
The provisions of this chapter, pursuant to § 4-202 of the Environment Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, are adopted under the authority of the Pocomoke City Charter and shall apply to all development occurring within the incorporated area of Pocomoke City. The application of this chapter and the provisions expressed herein shall be the minimum stormwater management requirements and shall not be deemed a limitation or repeal of any other powers granted by state statute. The City Manager shall be responsible for the coordination and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.
[Amended 6-2-1997 by Ord. No. 349]
For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions describe the meanings of the terms used in this chapter:
Any deleterious effect on waters or wetlands, including their quality, quantity, surface area, species composition, aesthetics or usefulness for human or natural uses, which is or may potentially be harmful or injurious to human health, welfare, safety or property, to biological productivity, diversity or stability or which unreasonably interferes with the enjoyment of life or property, including outdoor recreation.
Those methods and procedures used in the cultivation of land in order to further crop and livestock production and conservation of related soil and water resources.
Any person, firm or governmental agency which executes the necessary forms to procure official approval of a project or a permit to carry out construction of a project.
A porous, water-bearing geologic formation generally restricted to materials capable of yielding an appreciable supply of water.
The removal of trees and brush from the land, but shall not include the ordinary mowing of grass.
A permanent structure for the temporary storage of runoff which is designed so as not to create a permanent pool of water.
To change the runoff characteristics of a parcel of land in conjunction with residential, commercial, industrial or institutional construction or alteration.
That area contributing runoff to a single point, measured in a horizontal plane, which is enclosed by a ridge line.
A grant or reservation by the owner of land for the use of such land by others for a specific purpose or purposes and which must be included in the conveyance of land affected by such easement.
Those land development activities that are not subject to the stormwater management requirements contained in this chapter.
Prolonging the flow time of runoff to reduce the peak discharge.
Any act by which soil is cleared, stripped, stockpiled, excavated, scarified, filled or any combination thereof.
The passage or movement of water into the soil surface.
The design and construction of systems necessary to control stormwater from more than one development.
The design and construction of systems necessary to control stormwater within an immediate development.
Open, graded asphaltic or reticular concrete or other material which allows water to pass through it.
A permanent structure that provides for the storage of runoff by means of a permanent pool of water.
Soils or other surficial materials transported or deposited by the action of wind, water, ice or gravity as a product of erosion.
Any tract, lot or parcel of land or combination of tracts, lots or parcels of land which are in one ownership, or are contiguous and in diverse ownership, where development is to be performed as part of a unit, subdivision or project.
The prevention of soil movement by any of various vegetative and/or structural means.
For quantitative control, a system of vegetative and structural measures that control the increased volume and rate of surface runoff caused by man-made changes to the land.
For qualitative control, a system of vegetative, structural and other measures that reduce or eliminate pollutants that might otherwise be carried by surface runoff.
A set of drawings or other documents submitted by a person as a prerequisite to obtaining stormwater management approval which contain all of the information and specifications pertaining to stormwater management.
Any activity which removes the vegetative surface cover, including tree removal, clearing, grubbing and storage or removal of topsoil.
The modification of the minimum stormwater management requirements for specific circumstances such that strict adherence of the requirements would result in unnecessary hardship and not fulfill the intent of the chapter.
The relinquishment from stormwater management requirements by the municipality for a specific development, on a case-by-case review basis.
Any natural or artificial stream, river, creek, ditch, channel, canal, conduit, culvert, drain, waterway, gully, ravine or wash, in and including any area adjacent thereto which is subject to inundation by reason of overflow or floodwater.
The total drainage area contributing runoff to a single point.
An area that has saturated soils or periodic high groundwater levels and vegetation adapted to wet conditions and periodic flooding.
No person shall develop any land for residential, commercial, industrial or institutional uses without having provided for appropriate stormwater management measures that control or manage runoff from such developments, except as provided within § 198-4.
The following development activities are exempt from the provisions of this chapter and the requirements of providing stormwater management:
Agricultural land management activities.
Additions or modifications to existing single-family detached residential structures.
Developments that do not disturb over 5,000 square feet of land area.
Land development activities which the Water Resources Administration determines will be regulated under specific state laws which provide for managing stormwater runoff.
Residential developments consisting of single-family houses, each on a lot of two acres or greater.
The municipality may grant a waiver of the stormwater management requirements for individual developments, provided that a written request is submitted by the applicant containing descriptions, drawings and any other information that is necessary to evaluate the proposed development. A separate written waiver request shall be required in accordance with the provisions of this section if there are subsequent additions, extensions or modifications to a development receiving a waiver. Eligibility for a waiver shall be determined if the applicant can conclusively demonstrate that:
The proposed development will not generate more than a 10% increase in the two-year predevelopment peak discharge rate and will not cause an adverse impact on the receiving wetland, watercourse or water body;
A site is completely surrounded by existing developed areas which are served by an existing network of public storm drainage systems of adequate capacity to accommodate the runoff from the additional development; or
Provisions to control direct outfall to tidewater are provided when the first inch of rainfall is managed according to infiltration standards and specifications promulgated by the Water Resources Administration.
The Mayor and Council may grant a written variance from any requirement of § 198-13 through 198-15 if there are exceptional circumstances applicable to the site such that strict adherence to the provisions of this chapter will result in unnecessary hardship and not fulfill the intent of the chapter. A written request for a variance shall be provided to the City Manager and shall state the specific variances sought and reasons for their granting. The Mayor and Council shall not grant a variance unless and until sufficient specific reasons justifying the variance are provided by the person developing the land.
A stormwater management plan or an application for a waiver shall be submitted to the City Manager by the developer for review and approval for any proposed development, unless otherwise exempted. The stormwater management plan shall contain supporting computations, drawings and sufficient information describing the manner, location and type of measures in which stormwater runoff will be managed from the entire development. The City Manager shall review the plan to determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter prior to approval. The plan shall serve as the basis for all subsequent construction.
Notification of approval or reasons for the disapproval or modification shall be given to the applicant within 30 days after submission of the completed stormwater plan. If a decision is not made within 30 days, the applicant shall be informed of the status of the review process and the anticipated completion date. The stormwater management plan shall not be considered approved without the inclusion of the signature and date of signature of the City Manager on the plan.
The developer is responsible for submitting a stormwater management plan which meets the design requirements provided by this chapter. The plan shall include sufficient information to evaluate the environmental characteristics of the affected areas, the potential impacts of the proposed development on water resources and the effectiveness and acceptability of measures proposed for managing stormwater runoff. The developer or builder shall certify on the drawings that all clearing, grading, drainage, construction and development shall be conducted in strict accordance with the plan. The minimum information submitted for support of a stormwater management plan or application for a waiver shall be as follows:
Site characteristics:
A topography survey showing existing and proposed contours, including the area necessary to determine downstream analysis for the proposed stormwater management facility.
Soils investigation, including borings for construction of small ponds and infiltration practices.
Description of all watercourses, impoundments and wetlands on or adjacent to the site or into which stormwater flows.
Delineation of one-hundred-year floodplains, if applicable.
Structure classification (SCS Pond Standard 378).
In addition to the information listed above, stormwater management design plans shall include:
Stormwater management plans:
A vicinity map.
A drainage area map showing the watershed boundaries, drainage area and stormwater flow paths.
Proposed improvements, including location of buildings or other structures, impervious surfaces and storm drainage facilities, if applicable.
The location of utilities.
Structural details for all components of the proposed drainage systems and stormwater management facilities.
Timing schedules and sequence of development clearing, including stripping, rough grading, construction, final grading and vegetative stabilization.
Maintenance schedule.
Notes on drawings specifying materials to be used.
Construction specifications.
Location of easements.
An estimate of stormwater management construction cost.
Other information as required.
A grading or building permit may not be issued for any parcel or lot unless a stormwater management plan has been approved or waived by the municipality as meeting all the requirements of this chapter. Where appropriate, a building permit may not be issued without:
Recorded easements for the stormwater management facility and easements to provide adequate access for inspection and maintenance from a public right-of-way.
A recorded stormwater management maintenance agreement.
A performance bond.
A nonrefundable permit fee will be collected at the time the stormwater management plan or application for waiver is submitted. The permit fee will provide for the cost of plan review, administration and management of the permitting process and inspection of all projects subject to this chapter. A permit fee schedule shall be established by the Mayor and Council based upon the relative complexity of the project and may be amended from time to time.
Any grading or building permit issued by the City Manager may be suspended or revoked after written notice is given to the permittee for any of the following reasons:
Any violation(s) of the conditions of the stormwater management plan approval.
Changes in site runoff characteristics upon which a waiver was granted.
Construction is not in accordance with the approved plans.
Noncompliance with a correction notice(s) or stop-work order(s) issued for the construction of the stormwater management facility.
An immediate danger exists in a downstream area in the opinion of the City Manager.
In granting the plan approval, the City Manager may impose such conditions thereto as may be deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the preservation of the public health and safety.
Option 1 [Counties identified in COMAR Stormwater Management]. The minimum stormwater control requirements shall require that all developments provide management measures necessary to maintain the post-development peak discharge for a twenty-four-hour, two-year-frequency storm event at a level that is equal to or less than the twenty-four-hour, two-year predevelopment peak discharge rate, through stormwater management practices that control the volume, timing and rate of flows. Where runoff is discharged into an off-site stormwater management facility, the control requirements and procedures shall be in accordance with § 198-15C.
Option 2 [Counties identified in COMAR Stormwater Management].
The minimum stormwater control requirements shall require that all developments provide management measures necessary to maintain the post-development peak discharges for a twenty-four-hour, two- and ten-year-frequency storm event at a level that is equal to or less than the respective twenty-four-hour, two- and ten-year predevelopment peak discharge rates, through stormwater management practices that control the volume, timing and rate of flows. Where runoff is discharged into an off-site stormwater management facility, the control requirements and procedures shall be in accordance with § 198-15C.
Stormwater management and development plans, where applicable, shall be consistent with adopted and approved watershed management plans or flood management plans as approved by the Water Resources Administration in accordance with the Flood Hazard Management Act of 1976 (§ 5-801 et seq. of the Environment Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland).
[Amended 6-2-1997 by Ord. No. 349]
Stormwater management measures shall be required to satisfy the minimum control requirements. The stormwater management practices to be utilized in developing a stormwater management plan shall be according to the following order of preference:
Infiltration of runoff on site.
Flow attenuation by use of open vegetated swales and natural depressions.
Stormwater retention structures.
Stormwater detention structures.
Infiltration practices shall be utilized to reduce volume increases to the extent possible, as determined in accordance with infiltration standards and specifications established by the Water Resources Administration. A combination of successive practices may be used to achieve the applicable minimum control requirements. Justification shall be provided by the person developing the land for rejecting each practice based on site conditions.
Infiltration systems shall be designed in accordance with standards and specifications that are developed or approved by the Water Resources Administration and shall meet the following requirements:
Infiltration systems greater than three feet deep shall be located at least 10 feet from basement walls.
Infiltration systems designed to handle runoff from commercial or industrial impervious parking areas shall be a minimum of 100 feet from any water supply well.
Infiltration systems may not receive runoff until the entire contributory drainage area to the infiltration system has received final stabilization.
The stormwater management facility design shall provide an overflow system with measures to provide a nonerosive velocity of flow along its length and at the outfall.
Retention and detention ponds shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the criteria of the Soil Conservation Service and shall include the following items:
Velocity dissipation devices shall be placed at the outfall of all detention or retention structures and along the length of any outfall channel as necessary to provide a nonerosive velocity of flow from the structure to a watercourse.
The developer shall submit to the City Manager an analysis of the impacts of stormwater flows downstream in the watershed. The analysis shall include hydrologic and hydraulic calculations necessary to determine the impact of hydrograph timing modifications of the proposed development upon a dam, highway, structure or natural point of restricted stream flow, established with the concurrence of the municipality, downstream of a tributary of the following size:
The first downstream tributary whose drainage area equals or exceeds the contributing area to the pond; or
The first downstream tributary whose peak discharge exceeds the largest designed release rate of the pond.
The designed release rate of the structure shall be modified if any increase in flooding or stream channel erosion would result at the downstream dam, highway, structure or natural point of restricted stream flow. The release rate of the structure shall:
Be reduced to a level that will prevent any increase in flooding or stream channel erosion at the downstream control point.
Be not less than the one-year predevelopment peak discharge rate.
Meet the requirements established in § 198-13.
Small pond approval shall be obtained from the Soil Conservation District or the Water Resources Administration pursuant to the Environment Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, § 5-503(b).
[Amended 6-2-1997 by Ord. No. 349]
Off-site structures to be considered:
Shall have a contributory drainage area not in excess of 400 acres, unless, on a case-by-case basis, a larger drainage area is approved by the Water Resources Administration.
Shall provide for a permanent pool of water or provide for a twenty-four-hour detention period for the one-year-frequency storm peak discharge.
Shall manage the increase in peak discharge(s) for the two- (and ten-) year-frequency storm event(s).
May not be located so as to discharge to Class III Natural Trout Waters identified in COMAR, unless authorized by the Water Resources Administration in permits issued pursuant to the Environment Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, § 5-503.
[Amended 6-2-1997 by Ord. No. 349]
The predevelopment peak discharge rate shall be computed assuming that all land uses in the site to be developed are in good hydrologic condition.
The developer shall give consideration to incorporating the use of natural topography and land cover, such as wetlands, ponds, natural swales and depressions, as they exist prior to development to the degree that they can accommodate the additional flow of water.
The municipality shall give preference to the use of swales in place of the traditional use of curbs and gutters based on a case-by-case review of stormwater management plans.
Where a stormwater management plan involves the direction of some or all runoff of the site, it shall be the responsibility of the developer to obtain from adjacent property owners any easements or other necessary property interests concerning flowage of water. Approval of a stormwater management plan does not create or affect any such rights.
The basic design criteria, methodologies and construction specifications, subject to the approval of the municipality and the Water Resources Administration, shall be those of the Soil Conservation Service, generally found in the most current edition of the following publications or subsequent revisions:
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release No. 55, January 1975.
Stormwater Management Pond Design Manual, Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts, June 1975.
Soil Conservation Service Engineering Field Manual, latest edition, as applicable.
Soil Conservation Service Standard and Specification for Ponds, Specification No. 378, July 1981.
The municipality shall require from the developer a surety or cash bond, irrevocable letter of credit or other means of security acceptable to the municipality prior to the issuance of any building and/or grading permit for construction of a development requiring a stormwater management facility. The amount of the security shall not be less than the total estimated construction cost of the stormwater management facility. The bond so required in this section shall include provisions relative to forfeiture for failure to complete work specified in the approved stormwater management plan, compliance with all the provisions of this chapter and other applicable laws and regulations and any time limitations.
The bond shall not be fully released without a final inspection of completed work by the municipality and submission of as-built plans and certification of completion by the municipality of the stormwater management facility as being in compliance with the approved plan and the provisions of this chapter. A provision may be made for partial release of the amount of the bond pro rata upon completion and acceptance of the various stages of development as specifically delineated, described and scheduled on the required plans and specifications. The developer shall notify the municipality upon completion of each stage that is ready for inspection.
Prior to approval of a stormwater management plan, the developer will submit to the municipality a proposed inspection and construction control schedule. The City Manager or his or her authorized representative shall conduct inspections and file reports for periodic inspections necessary during construction of stormwater management systems to ensure compliance with the approved plans.
No work shall proceed until the City Manager inspects and approves the work previously completed and furnishes the developer with the results of the inspection reports as soon as possible after completion of each required inspection.
Any portion of the work which does not comply will be promptly corrected by the developer, after written notice from the City Manager. The notice shall set forth the nature of corrections required and the time within which corrections will be made.
The developer shall notify the City Manager before commencing any work in conjunction with the stormwater management plan and upon completion of the project, when a final inspection will be conducted.
After commencing initial site operations, regular inspections shall be made at the following specified stages of construction:
Infiltration systems: at the commencement of, during and upon completion of construction.
Porous paving infiltration systems: at the following stages so as to ensure proper placement and allow for infiltration into the subgrade:
Upon completion of stripping, stockpiling and the construction of temporary sediment control and drainage facilities.
Upon completion of subgrade section.
Upon completion of reservoir base course.
Upon completion of the top crushed stone course.
Throughout the placement of the porous asphaltic concrete surface course to ensure proper laying temperatures and compaction.
Flow-attenuation devices, such as open vegetated swales: upon completion of construction.
Retention and detention structures: at the following stages:
Upon completion of excavation to subfoundation and, where required, installation of structural supports or reinforcement for structures, including but not limited to:
Core trenches for structural embankments.
Inlet-outlet structures and antiseep structures and watertight connectors on pipes.
Trenches for enclosed storm drainage facilities.
During placement of structural fill and concrete and installation of piping and catch basins.
During backfill of foundations and trenches.
During embankment construction.
Upon completion of final grading and establishment of permanent stabilization.
A final inspection shall be conducted by the City Manager upon completion of the stormwater management facility to determine if the completed work is constructed in accordance with the approved plan and this chapter. As-built certification by a registered professional engineer licensed in Maryland is also required to certify that the facility has been constructed as shown on the as-built plans and meets approved plans and specifications. The developer will receive written notification of the results of the final inspection. The municipality shall maintain a permanent file of inspection reports.
Preventive maintenance shall be ensured through inspection of all infiltration systems and retention or detention structures by the municipality. The inspection shall occur during the first year of operation and at least once every three years thereafter.
Inspection reports shall be maintained by the municipality on all retention and detention structures and shall include the following:
The date of inspection.
The name of the inspector.
The condition of:
Reservoir areas.
Outlet channels.
Underground drainage.
Sediment load.
Any other item that could affect the proper function of the stormwater management system.
A description of needed maintenance.
If, after an inspection by the City Manager, the condition of a stormwater management facility presents an immediate danger to the public health or safety because of an unsafe condition or improper maintenance, the municipality shall take such action as may be necessary to protect the public and make the facility safe. Any cost incurred by the county/municipality shall be assessed against the owner(s), as provided in § 198-21.
Prior to the issuance of any building permit for which stormwater management is required, the municipality shall require the applicant or owner to execute an inspection and maintenance agreement binding on all subsequent owners of land served by the private stormwater management facility. Such agreement shall provide for access to the facility at reasonable times for regular inspection by the City Manager or his or her authorized representative and for regular or special assessments of property owners to ensure that the facility is maintained in proper working condition to meet design standards and any provisions established.
The agreement shall be recorded by the applicant and/or owner in the land records of the county/municipality.
The agreement shall also provide that if after notice by the City Manager to correct a violation requiring maintenance work satisfactory corrections are not made by the owner(s) within a reasonable period of time [30 days maximum], the municipality may perform all necessary work to place the facility in proper working condition. The owner(s) of the facility shall be assessed the cost of the work and any penalties, and there shall be a lien on the property, which may be placed on the tax bill and collected as ordinary taxes by the county/municipality.
The owner of the property on which work has been done pursuant to this chapter for private stormwater management facilities, or any other person or agent in control of such property, shall maintain in good condition and promptly repair and restore all grade surfaces, walls, drains, dams and structures, vegetation, erosion and sediment control measures and other protective devices. Such repairs or restorations and maintenance shall be in accordance with approved plans.
A maintenance schedule shall be developed for the life of any stormwater management facility and shall state the maintenance to be completed, the time period for completion and who shall perform the maintenance. This maintenance schedule shall be printed on the stormwater management plan.
Any person aggrieved by the action of any official charged with the enforcement of this chapter, as the result of the disapproval of a properly filed application for a permit, issuance of a written notice of violation or an alleged failure to properly enforce the chapter in regard to a specific application, shall have the right to appeal the action to the Mayor and Council. The appeal shall be filed, in writing, within 30 days of the date of official transmittal of the final decision or determination to the applicant, shall state clearly the grounds on which the appeal is based and shall be processed expeditiously.
Any person convicted of violating the provisions this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both, for each and every violation, with costs imposed in the discretion of the court. Each day that the violation continues shall be a separate offense. In addition thereto, the municipality may institute injunctive, mandamus or other appropriate action or proceedings at law or equity for the enforcement of this chapter or to correct violations of this chapter, and any court of competent jurisdiction shall have the right to issue restraining orders, temporary or permanent, injunctions or mandamus or other appropriate forms of remedy or relief.