[Amended 6-2-1997 by Ord. No. 349]
Any person desiring to dig up, tear up, destroy or repair any of the streets, alleys or other public ways of the City shall first obtain a written permit from the City Manager to do so. Such permit shall prescribe the situs, manner and duration of excavation.
[Amended 11-5-1979 by Ord. No. 259, approved 11-8-1979; 7-7-1980 by Ord. No. 262, approved 7-7-1987]
All applications for permits to dig up, tear up or disturb any street, alley or other public way in the City for the purpose of laying pipes of any kind, repairing the same or for any purpose whatsoever shall be in writing. They shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Public Works. Applications shall be signed by the person seeking the permit. The permit application shall state the street, alley or other public way to be dug up or repaired, the time for which such permit is desired and the admission of the financial responsibility of the applicant to the City for the complete restoration of the street, alley or other public way to be dug up, torn up or repaired.
Fees. A fee, in the amount as shall be determined by Council by resolution, shall be charged for each permit issued.
Whenever any person shall receive a permit to dig up, tear up or repair any street, alley or other public way in the City, the person receiving such permit shall obligate himself or herself to pay to the City the sum of money equal to the cost of a complete restoration of the street, alley or other public way of the City so dug up, torn up or repaired. Such complete restoration of the street, alley or other public way shall be undertaken and completed by the Department of Public Works at the expense of the permittee, in accordance with standards established by the City.
The Superintendent of Public Works, at his or her discretion, may require any applicant to furnish a good and sufficient indemnity bond to indemnify the City against loss or any default or negligence of such applicant in the exercise of the activities authorized by any such permit or for any default in payment of the costs of restoration.
Any person who has obtained permission to dig up or disturb any of the streets, alleys or other public ways of the City is required to take all proper measures to assure the safety of passing vehicles and pedestrians from loss of life or injury to person or property by the erection of a fence or barrier by day and, in addition thereto, by displaying one or more lanterns at night at the portion or portions left open and also at every street crossing on the line of work when the same may be left open.
It shall be unlawful for any person to violate the terms and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this article. Any person convicted of any such violation shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and shall be subject to a fine as set forth in the Fees, Charges and Rates Schedule, adopted by resolution of the City Council from time to time.[1]
Editor's Note: The current Fees, Charges and Rates Schedule is on file in the City Clerk's office.