[CC 1986 § 111.010; Ord. No. 424, 3-6-1996; Ord. No. 18-001, 5-8-2018; Ord. No. 18-010, 9-4-2019; Ord. No. 18-033, 6-1-2022; Ord. No. 18-038, 1-4-2023; Ord. No. 18-041, 6-7-2023]
The rate for water service to customers of the water works for the City of Edgerton, Missouri, who reside within the City limits of that City of Edgerton, Missouri, shall be as follows: a minimum monthly charge of sixty-one dollars fifty cents ($61.50), which includes the first one thousand (1,000) gallons of water, plus fifteen dollars fifty cents ($15.50) for each one thousand (1,000) gallons of water or each fraction thereafter.
Solid waste collection and disposal: seventeen dollars ninety-six cents ($17.96) for each residential customer.
The rate for water service to customers of the water works for the City of Edgerton, Missouri, who reside outside the City limits of that City of Edgerton, Missouri, shall be as follows: a minimum monthly charge of forty-five dollars fifty cents ($45.50), which includes the first one thousand (1,000) gallons of water, plus fifteen dollars fifty cents ($15.50) for each one thousand (1,000) gallons of water or each fraction thereafter.
Solid waste collection and disposal: seventeen dollars ninety-six cents ($17.96) for each residential customer.
The rates established herein shall be effective commencing with the next full billing period to water customers following the adoption and passage of this Section.
The Board of Aldermen shall review the rates set forth herein at the regular Board of Aldermen meeting in November 2023, and thereafter every six (6) months at the regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1986 § 111.020; Ord. No. 18-030, 3-2-2022]
Water users signing water user agreements on or prior to December 31, 1979, shall not be required to pay a pre-installation connection fee. Water users signing water user agreements on or after the effective date of this ordinance, shall be required to pay a preinstallation connection fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). Water users shall be required to pay the cost of making the connection from the meter to the user's building. Failure of the user to make such connection within forty-five (45) days of the installation of the meter connection shall result in removal of the meter. In addition to the charges for reconnection computed in accordance with the water regulations, there shall be a reconnection fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) paid for such reconnection.