The Common Council of the City of Oswego finds that 'the use, sale and possession of synthetic drugs within the City of Oswego is detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of Oswego, causes severe physical, mental and emotional injury to users and those impacted by its use, creates a nuisance, and induces criminal activity.
No person shall sell, offer for sale, give away, barter, exchange or otherwise furnish or provide any synthetic drug, as defined herein and by any applicable federal or state law, in the City of Oswego, New York.
No person shall be in the-possession, or be under the influence, of any synthetic drug, as defined herein and by any applicable federal or state law, within the City of Oswego, New York, unless said synthetic drug is expressly prescribed to said person by a physician, psychiatrist or person otherwise duly licensed and authorized to prescribe medication within the State of New York, and at the time of the alleged violation, the person in possession of the synthetic drug is able to provide written proof to the law enforcement officer(s) that the synthetic drug was so prescribed.
Any person who violates the provisions of this article shall be guilty of an unclassified misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year, or a civil penalty of $1,000 to be recovered by the City of Oswego in a civil action or proceeding.