The Town of LaGrange has experienced a significant increase
in requests to film in the community. The Town wishes to encourage
and facilitate film and video production activities at locations in
LaGrange because of the economic value such activities can bring to
the businesses within the Town. The Board, however, recognizes that
provisions must be made for the safety of the public and the welfare
of the Town residents.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:
Any film, as defined herein, produced for use in a television
or internet commercial, or for a published advertisement.
The taking of still or motion pictures whether on film, videotape,
photograph, digital recording or by similar recording medium, for
commercial or educational purposes and intended for viewing on television,
in theaters or for institutional uses. The provisions of this chapter
shall not be deemed to include the filming of news stories within
the Town of LaGrange.
Any film with a budget in excess of $3,000,000 which is part
of a television series, special, documentary, or made-for-TV movie;
or which is financed, produced and/or distributed by a major motion
picture studio, including but not limited to the following:
Warner Brothers, including New Line Cinema, Castle Rock Cinema,
Village Road Show and Bel Aire;
Paramount, including MTV Films and Nickelodeon Movie;
20th Century Fox, including Fox Searchlight;
Any and every public street, highway, sidewalk, square, public
park or playground or any other public place which is within the jurisdiction
and control of the Town of LaGrange.
No person, firm, corporation, organization or business entity
shall commence or allow filming in the Town of LaGrange on public
or private property unless a permit therefor, as hereinafter prescribed,
authorized by the Town Board and issued by the Town Clerk, is in full
force and effect.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to and no permit
or fee shall be required for the following activities, provided they
will not require closure of a public street or substantially impede
vehicular traffic:
A. Filming conducted solely for the purpose of reporting news for newspapers,
television news and other news media;
B. Filming conducted entirely within a fixed place of business where
filming activities are regularly conducted on the premises;
C. Filming conducted for use in a criminal investigation or civil or
criminal court proceeding;
D. Filming activities taking place under sponsorship of the Town of
LaGrange, whether on public or private property;
E. Noncommercial filming conducted on private property solely for private
or family use; and
F. The recording of municipal public meetings, consistent with the provisions
of the New York Open Meetings Law.
Permit fees shall be set forth on the prevailing fee schedule
adopted by resolution of the Town Board and as such schedule is modified
from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.