[Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Oradell as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fees — See Ch. 115.
Parks and playgrounds — See Ch. 170.
[Adopted 11-27-2018 by Ord. No. 18-14; amended in its entirety 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. 19-22]
The Borough of Oradell’s Recreation Department maintains and administers athletic facilities, including basketball, handball and tennis courts, baseball, softball, soccer, football and lacrosse fields and an ice-skating pond. The purpose of this permit is to ensure that participants in athletic programs which use the Borough’s facilities are registered with the Borough. This fee is separate from any facility usage fee or summer recreation program fee charged by the Borough. Funds raised by this permit fee are intended to support the Borough’s Recreation Department.
Each participant in an athletic league or team that is a Priority 1, 2 or 3 user, as defined by § 170-1 of this Code, using Oradell recreation facilities shall register for a recreation participation permit with the Borough of Oradell for that league or team. A permit shall be valid for that league or team’s season. It is the responsibility of each team or league applying for use of the Borough’s facilities to ensure that each participant pays the appropriate fee. Each team or league must present a roster of all participants and participants’ addresses of residence and certify that the appropriate fee has been paid. No team or league will be issued a permit to use a facility unless a certified roster is submitted to the Borough. A separate permit fee is charged for use of the tennis courts as set forth in § 115-21.1 of this Code.
Oradell residents: $5.
Nonresidents: $25.
Examples. The following examples are provided for informational purposes only. If an Oradell resident is a participant on a River Dell Junior Football team, that participant’s fee paid to River Dell Junior Football shall include a $5 recreation permit fee. If that same participant plays for a River Dell Lacrosse team, the participant’s fee paid to River Dell Lacrosse should also include a $5 recreation permit fee. If an Oradell nonresident is a participant on a River Dell Junior Football team, that participant’s fee paid to River Dell Junior Football shall include a $25 recreation permit fee. If that same participant plays for a River Dell Junior Lacrosse team, the participant’s fee paid to River Dell Junior Lacrosse should also include a $25 recreation permit fee.