Requirements as to lot width and area for the construction of a one-family dwelling shall not apply to any lot having less than the required area or width at the time of adoption of this chapter or any amendment thereof increasing the area or width required for such lot, provided that the area and the width of such lot shall be no less than 75% of the required minimum set forth in the Schedule of Regulations and the structure meets setback requirements.
Height limitations of this chapter shall not apply to chimneys, church spires, belfries, standpipes, water towers, flagpoles, monuments, transmission towers or cables, or radio or television antennas or towers.
Penthouses, stage towers, scenery lifts, elevators, bulkheads, clock towers, cupolas, water tanks and similar structures and mechanical appurtenances may be erected on a building to a height greater than the limit for the district in which the building is located, provided that no such exception shall cover, at any level, more than 25% of the area of the roof on which it is located, and provided further that no such exception shall be used for sleeping or housekeeping purposes or for any commercial purpose other than such as may be incidental to the permitted use of the main building.
A parapet wall or cornice, solely for ornamental purposes, may exceed the height limit established for the district but shall not exceed five feet.
In residential districts, except for corner lots, required setbacks shall be modified in the following cases: where 50% or more of the frontage on a block is occupied by residences having setbacks less than that required by this chapter, the setback on each remaining lot shall be determined in accordance with the following rule: the front building line of a proposed structure shall be no nearer the front lot line than a line joining adjacent front corners of the nearest principal structures which are in the same block frontage on either side of the proposed structure. If, on a block frontage, no principal structure exists to one side of a proposed structure, a structure may be assumed to exist on the corner lot which conforms to the minimum setback and side yard width requirements of this chapter.
The following extensions shall be permitted into required yards:
Canopies and marquees in business districts: six feet (not permitted in interior side yards).
Cornices and similar extensions: one foot.
Open, fireproof fire escapes: three feet.
Eaves: two feet.
The following restrictions shall apply to the permitted extensions:
Cornices, canopies, marquees and similar extensions shall be at least 10 feet above ground level.
Canopies shall, in no case, extend nearer than three feet back of the face of a curb.
In the B-C Business District, canopies attached to business structures at the front property line shall be permitted to extend over the sidewalk, subject to the restrictions of § 365-110. A zoning permit shall be required for any canopy projecting into the right-of-way of any street. Permits for such structures shall be revocable as provided in § 86.04, Wis. Stats.
The required side yard on the street side of corner lots shall be at least 50% greater than the minimum specified for the district.
Where an industrial district abuts a residential district, there shall be provided along any rear, side or front line coincidental with any industrial-residential boundary a buffer strip not less than 40 feet in width, as measured at right angles to the lot line. Plant materials at least six feet in height, of such variety and growth habits as to provide a year-round effective visual screen when viewed from the residential district, shall be planted within the exterior 25 feet abutting the residential district. If the required planting screen is set back from the industrial-residential boundary, the portion of the buffer strip facing the residential district shall be attractively maintained. The exterior 25 feet of the buffer strip shall not be devoted to the parking of vehicles or storage of any material or accessory uses. The interior 15 feet may be devoted to parking of vehicles.