In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1995 Code have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of 2020 Code; obsolete or not desired by Governing Body.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1995 Code
Location in 2020 Code
Section 1, City Code
Title I, General Provisions
Chapter 10, Adoption of Revised Ordinances
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. II
Chapter 11, Definitions
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. II
Chapter 12, Construction of Ordinances
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. II
Chapter 13, Penalties
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Title II, Administrative Code
Chapter 20, Corporate Seal
Ch. 100, Art. I
Chapter 21, City Organization
A. Aldermen
MC; see Ch. 105, 110 and 115
B. Officers and Employees (Sections 21.100, 21.120 through 21.150, and 21.170)
MC; see Ch. 105, 110 and 115
Section 21.110, Terms of Appointive Officers.
Ch. 115, Art. I
Section 21.160, Administration of Oaths.
MC; see Ch. 110 and 115
C. Mayor (Sections 21.200, 21.230, and 21.250 through 21.290)
MC; see Ch. 105, 110 and 115
Section 21.210, Standing Committees Appointed.
Ch. 110, Art. I
Section 21.220, Proclamations, Meetings, Elections.
Ch. 110, Art. I
Section 21.240, Appoint Certain Officers; Control Police.
D. City Attorney (Sections 21.300 and 21.310)
MC; see Ch. 115, Art. V
Section 21.320, Duties Generally.
Ch. 115, Art. V
Section 21.330, Report to Board of Aldermen.
Ch. 115, Art. V
Section 21.340, Temporary Absence; Acting City Attorney.
Ch. 115, Art. V
Section 21.350, Compensation.
Ch. 115, Art. V
E. City Clerk (Section 21.400)
MC; see Ch. 115, Art. II
Section 21.410, Qualifications.
Ch. 115, Art. II
Section 21.420, Duties Generally.
Ch. 115, Art. II
Section 21.430, Compensation.
Ch. 115, Art. II
Section 21.440, Temporary City Clerk.
Ch. 115, Art. II
F. City Collector
REP; County collects taxes
G. City Engineer
REP; City has a Public Works Director
H. City Treasurer
MC; see Ch. 115, Art. III
I. Chief of Police
REP; County Sheriff's Department acts as Police Department
K. Water Technician
Ch. 115, Art. VI
L. Park Board
L (part II). Industrial Authority Board
Chapter 22, Finances and Records
A. Fiscal Year
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. I
B. Budget (Sections 22.100 through 22.140)
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. II
Section 22.150, Debt Limited.
Ch. 130, Art. II
Section 22.160, Budget Calendar.
Ch. 130, Art. II
Section 22.170, Budget Procedures.
Ch. 130, Art. II
C. Records Management
Ch. 130, Art. IV
D. Taxation
E. Delinquent Taxes
F. Compensation To The City Collector
Chapter 23, Personnel
Chapter 24, Board of Aldermen (Sections 24.020, 24.030, 24.055, 24.060, 24.075, 24.110 through 24.150, 24.170, and 24.190)
MC; see Ch. 110
Section 24.010, Regular Meetings.
Ch. 110, Art. II
Section 24.040, Compelling Attendance.
Ch. 110, Art. II
Section 24.045, Effect of Adjourned Meetings.
Ch. 110, Art. II
Section 24.050, Duties of Mayor as President of Board.
Ch. 110, Art. I
Section 24.065, Rules of Order.
Ch. 110, Art. II
Section 24.070, Decorum.
Ch. 110, Art. II
Section 24.080, Permission Required for Members to Leave Chamber.
Ch. 110, Art. II
Section 24.090, Order of Business.
Ch. 110, Art. II
Section 24.100, Expression of Dissent or Protest by Member.
Ch. 110, Art. II
Section 24.160, Special Committees.
Ch. 110, Art. I
Section 24.180, Rules of Procedure.
Ch. 110, Art. I
Section 24.200, Amendment or Suspension of Rules.
Ch. 110, Art. II
Chapter 25, Procurement, Conflict of Interest
Ch. 145
Title III, Elections
Chapter 30, Voting Districts
Repealed by Ord. No. 803
Chapter 31, General and Special Elections
MC; see Ch. 105
Chapter 32, Election Procedure
Title IV, Buildings and Property
Chapter 40, Fair Housing Ordinance
MC; see Ch. 220
Chapter 41, Sidewalks and Fences
Ch. 510
Chapter 42, Demolition of Substandard Buildings
MC; see Ch. 505
Chapter 43, Mobile Home Parks, Mobile Homes, Camper Trailers And Recreational Vehicles
Ch. 515
Chapter 44, Subdivision Regulations
Ch. 410
Chapter 45, Building Code
Chapter 46, Plumbing Code
Chapter 47, Housing Code
Chapter 48, Electrical Code
Chapter 49, Excavations
Ch. 520
Title V, Business and Occupations
Chapter 50, Beer and Liquor
MC; see Ch. 600
A. Illegal Possession, DWI, etc.
MC; see Ch. 600 and 342
B. Open Containers, etc.
MC; see Ch. 342
C. Minors in Establishments
MC; see Ch. 600
D. Narcotics
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XI
Chapter 51, Junk Yards and Junk Autos
Subchapter A, Junk Yards
Ch. 615
Subchapter B, Junk Autos
Ch. 217, Art. II
Chapter 52, Peddlers and Solicitors
MC; see Ch. 610
Chapter 53, Public Amusements
Chapter 54 (Reserved)
Chapter 55, Deceptive Trade Practices
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. VII
Chapter 56, Public Accommodations
A. Gas Service
NCM; franchise
B. Electric Service
NCM; franchise
C. Telephone Service
NCM; franchise
D. Cable TV Service
NCM; franchise
Title VI, Health and Sanitation
Chapter 60, Garbage and Refuse
MC; see Ch. 230
Chapter 61, Pollution to Ground Water
Chapter 62, Water And Sewer Rates
Ch. 700
Chapter 63, Sewer Bonds
Chapter 64, Litter
Chapter 65, Debris / Weeds
MC; see Ch. 215, Art. II
Chapter 66, Fireworks
Ch. 210, Art. XIV
Title VIII, Public Order
Subtitle A - Administration
Chapter 70, Fire Department
N/A (no material in the Code)
Chapter 71, Emergency Management
MC; see Ch. 225
Chapter 72, Municipal Court
MC; see Ch. 125
Subtitle B - Regulations
Chapter 73, Animals
A. Animal Control
Ch. 205, Art. I, except as follows:
Section 73.020
B. Dangerous or Vicious Animals
Ch. 205, Art. II
C. Livestock
Ch. 205, Art. III
E. Prohibited Animals
Ch. 205, Art. IV
Chapter 74, Nuisances
A. Nuisances; Generally
MC; see Ch. 215, Art. I
B. Damaged or Disabled Vehicles
MC; see Ch. 217 and 385
Chapter 75, Offenses (Sections 75.005 through 75.080 and 75.120 through 75.170)
MC; see Ch. 210, except as follows:
Section 75.090, Vagrancy.
Ch. 210, Art. V
Section 75.120(1)(B)
Ch. 210, Art. VI
Chapter 76, Traffic Code
A. Motor Vehicles (Sections 76.010 through 76.070 and 76.110 through 76.160)
MC; see Ch. 300 to 385
Section 76.075, Operating Where Prohibited.
Ch. 340
Section 76.080, Handicapped Parking.
Traffic Schedule III
Section 76.100, Speed Limits Established.
Traffic Schedule I
B. Bicycles
MC; see Ch. 375
C. Violations
MC; see Ch. 342, 125, 210, 310, 370, 380
D. City Vehicle License
Sections 76.400 through 76.420
Ch. 380, Art. IV
Sections 76.430 through 76.480
Repealed by Ord. No. 820
Chapter 77, Curfew
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XII
Chapter 78, Fire Prevention Code
Chapter 79, Ambulance Rates
Chapter 80, Interest Rate Charged by City
Ch. 235, except as follows:
Section 80.040, Ambulance Department to Keep Record of Calls
Chapter 81, Law Enforcement, Authority, Scope and Limits
NCM; the City contracts with the County
Section 2, City Code
Title I, Budgets
Chapter A, Fiscal Year
NCM; Not included in our material
Chapter B, Amended Year
NCM; Not included in our material
Title II, Tax Levy's
NCM; Not included in our material
Title III, Special Elections
NCM; Not included in our material