[CC 1995 § 41.010]
All sidewalks within the corporate limits of the City of Golden City that have heretofore or may hereafter be constructed by order of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Golden City are hereby made perpetual, and the owners or occupants of all lands or lots in front of or along where sidewalks have been or may be put down, are hereby required to keep same in good order.
[CC 1995 § 41.020]
The following only shall be the grades for sidewalks within the corporate limits of the City of Golden City.
Where sidewalks now exist, the grade shall be the grade upon which the existing sidewalk is constructed.
Where no sidewalk now exists, then the natural grade of the ground over or upon which it is proposed to construct any sidewalk.
The above shall be the established grades for sidewalks, and shall not be changed except by ordinance; provided, that any ordinance enacted changing any particular sidewalk grade shall affect only the portion of such sidewalk grade described in such ordinance.
[CC 1995 § 41.030]
All sidewalks hereafter built in the City shall be granitoid to be made with not less than four (4) inches of concrete composed of gravel and cement laid solidly and firmly tamped and finished with tip dressing of not less than one (1) inch of sand and cement, to be corrugated or checked in squares not greater than one (1) inch, the top of the walk not to be less than four (4) inches above the grade line; said walk shall be cut into blocks of no greater length than the width of the walk, shall have a top slope of one-fourth (1/4) inch to the foot rising from the outside line of the walk, the material and composition to be the best and the work be done in the most thorough and workmanlike manner.
[CC 1995 § 41.040]
All sidewalks upon Main Street between Depot and Vine Streets shall be eight (8) feet in width. All sidewalks on Depot Street shall be five (5) feet, four (4) inches wide and shall be of granitoid and shall correspond in with grade and alignment with walks already placed, and all other walks shall be not less than four (4) feet wide and shall correspond in with grade and alignment with the walk already placed and which said walk is to join.
[CC 1995 § 41.050]
The cost of bringing to grade all streets, avenues, alleys and other highways and for building of bridges, culverts, public footwalks, and sewer, across streets, avenues, alleys and other highways, or any part thereof or any connection therewith and repairing the same and for doing all excavating and grading necessary for the same, after said streets, avenues, alleys and other highways, or parts thereof or any connection therewith, have been first brought to grade as herein before provided, shall be levied as a special assessment upon all lots and pieces of ground upon either side of such street, avenue, alley or other highway, or part thereof or connection therewith, abutting thereon, along the distance improved, in proportion to the front foot.
[CC 1995 § 41.070]
The cost of paving or macadamizing the squares and areas as formed by the crossing or meeting of the streets and other highways, or parts thereof or connections therewith, shall be levied as a special assessment, and paid for as follows. Such shall be divided into parts or portions by lines drawn lengthwise along the middle of each said streets or highways so intersecting or meeting and the cost of said parts of portions shall be levied as a special assessment against the block or square contiguous to each and prorated against the lots or pieces of ground in such block or square abutting on the street.
[CC 1995 § 41.080]
When the Board of Aldermen shall deem it necessary to pave, macadamize, gutter, curb (when such curbing is set out into the street beyond the sidewalk) or otherwise improve any street, avenue, alley or other highway, or any part thereof, within the limits of the City, for which a special tax bill is to be levied as herein provided, the Board of Aldermen shall, by resolution, declare such work or improvements necessary to be done, and cause such resolutions to be published in some newspaper published in the City for two (2) consecutive weeks; and if a majority of the resident owners of the property liable to taxation thereof shall not, within ten (10) days from the date of the last insertion of said resolutions, file with the Clerk of the City their protest against such improvements, then the Board of Aldermen shall have power to cause such improvements to be made, and to contract therefor, and to levy the tax herein provided and the finding of the Board that a majority of such owners have not filed protest shall be conclusive and final. No such publication shall be necessary for making of any sidewalks, but upon petition of any property owners where the work is to be done. The Board of Aldermen shall have power to make contracts for the construction of sidewalks, including grading therefor, with or without curbing, along any street, avenue, alley or public highway, or any part thereof whatever, Such contracts shall be let to the lowest bidder, upon plans and specification filed therefor by the City Engineer or other officer designated by the Board of Aldermen, with the City Clerk, one (1) week's advertisement for the bids thereupon being made in some newspaper, published in the City. When, upon proper advertisement, no bid is received, the Board of Aldermen may proceed as provided in this Section.
No formality whatever shall be required to authorize the repairing of sidewalks or of street or other paving, curbing, guttering, macadamizing or part thereof, or reconstructing the same, and making assessments therefor; but the proper officer or committee on improvements may, without notice, cause such work to be done keeping an account of the cost thereof shall be liable for its part of the cost of such work made along or in front of such lot or piece of ground as reported to the Board of Aldermen. And any tax bills issued in payment of such repairs shall constitute a lien upon property liable therefor until paid.
All costs for building and constructing sidewalks shall be paid to the contractor therefor, in special tax bills assessed against the abutting property liable therefor, and such tax bills shall constitute a lien upon such property until paid.
[CC 1995 § 41.090]
Whenever the City shall advertise for bids for the construction of any new sidewalk of any kind, or for the construction of new sidewalks in the place for sidewalks condemned, or whenever the City shall advertise for bids for paving, macadamizing, guttering alley or other highway or any part thereof, and shall receive no bids therefor, the City may proceed to construct or reconstruct any such sidewalks, or pave, macadamize, gutter, curb or otherwise improve any street at its own expense, and shall keep an accurate account of the amount expended for labor and material, including grading and filling opposite each lot or parcel of ground, and present the same to the Board of Aldermen for assessment and each lot or piece of ground abutting on the sidewalk, constructed or reconstructed, or other street improvement made, shall be liable for the costs thereof, as reported to the Board of Aldermen by the officer or committee having charge of the matter, and special tax bills shall issue for the amount thereof, and such tax bills shall be as valid in all respects whatever as the other special tax bills provided for in this Article, and shall be collected in the same way.
[CC 1995 § 41.100]
Before the Board of Aldermen shall make any contract for building bridges, sidewalks, culverts or sewers, or for paving macadamizing, curbing guttering, or grading any street, avenue, alley or other highway, an estimate of the cost therefor shall be made by the City Engineer or other proper officer and submitted to the Board of Aldermen, and no contract shall be entered into for any such work or improvement for a price exceeding such estimate, provided, that no such estimate shall be required for the making of any local or special repairs.
[CC 1995 § 41.110]
For making and repairing sidewalks and sidewalk curbing, the cost therefor shall be levied as a special assessment on all lots and pieces of ground abutting on such improvements, in proportion to the front foot thereof; provided, that corner lot shall be liable for the extension of curbs and sidewalks to the curblines each way.
[CC 1995 § 41.120]
At the first regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen after said Board shall have accepted any bid for the construction of any sidewalk or sidewalks herein provided for, the successful bidder shall file with the City Clerk a bond payable to the City of Golden City with two (2) or more good and sufficient securities, in such sum as the Board of Aldermen may direct, conditioned for the faithful performance of his/her contract, which contract shall be made and entered into as herein after provided.
[CC 1995 § 41.130]
Immediately upon the approval of such bond by the Board of Aldermen, the Mayor shall on behalf of the City enter into a contract with the successful bidder. Such contract shall be an agreement upon the part of such bidder to promptly construct such sidewalk or sidewalks in skillful and workman like manner, within a time specified therein, according to the plans and specifications filed by the City Engineer and the ordinance of the City governing the construction of such sidewalks and of the materials designated and to do and to perform all other things in the manner and according to the terms and provisions of such contract, and to accept as pay for special tax bills to be issued by the City against the property fronting or abutting on such sidewalk.
[CC 1995 § 41.140]
The assessments made for making and repairing sidewalk and sidewalk curbing and for paving, macadamizing, curbing and guttering all streets, avenues, alleys, and other highways, and repairing the same as herein provided, shall be known as "special assessments or improvements," and shall be levied and collected as special tax and special tax bill shall be issued therefor and shall be paid in the same manner provided by the ordinance. Said special tax bills shall bear interest after thirty (30) days from date of issue at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum, and such special tax bill shall be a lien against the lot or piece of ground described in the same until the same is paid.
[CC 1995 § 41.150]
All special tax bills issued for special assessments for having macadamizing, curbing guttering excavating, grading, constructions of sidewalks, and for district sewer, and for any other purpose whatever authorized by law, shall be assignable and collectable in any action brought in the name of the City to the use of the holder thereof. But the City shall not in any event be liable for any cost that may occur in such action. Such special tax bills shall, in any action thereon, be prima facie evidence of the regularity of the proceedings for such special assessment or the validity of the bill of doing of the work and of the furnishing of the materials charged for, and of the liability of the property to the charge stated in the bill.
[CC 1995 § 41.160]
The total cost of paving, macadamizing, curbing, guttering and the necessary excavating and grading for the same of any street, avenue, square, or alley or other highway or any part thereof, may be paid in three (3) annual payments, one third (1/3) in one (1) year, one third (1/3) in two (2) years and one third (1/3) in three (3) years from the date of issue of special tax bills, each payment to bear not to exceed eight percent (8%) interest per annum from date of issue to date of payment; provided that the owner of any lot or parcel of ground fronting on such street, avenue, alley, or other highway, or square or part thereof improved shall within thirty (30) days after the letting of the contract for such work, notify the City Clerk, in writing, that he/she desires to pay the same in three (3) annual payments. In such cases the City Clerk shall make out three (3) special tax bills which shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk, each for one-third (1/3) part of the cost of such work, bearing interest as aforesaid, which rate shall be fixed by ordinance and deliver the same to the contractor for the work. Each and every such tax bill shall be a lien on the lot or parcel of ground therein described and such lien shall continue for one (1) year from maturity of the tax bills last becoming due until paid, or until the final determination of any legal proceeding to collect the same; but no such suit shall be brought on any such tax bill until after the maturity of all such tax bills.
[CC 1995 § 41.170]
All special tax bills herein provided for shall be made out by the City Clerk, signed by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk, under seal of the City, and delivered to the contractor constructing such sidewalk or sidewalks.
[CC 1995 § 41.180]
The City Clerk shall be allowed a fee of twenty five cents ($0.25) for each tax bill issued under provisions of the ordinances, which shall be paid by the contractor in receipt of the bill; provided, however, that when such tax bill shall be paid by the City, and taxed against the property as costs of the bill.
[CC 1995 § 41.190]
All special assessments made for constructing sidewalks or sidewalk curbing, in the City, as provided in this Article, shall be known as special assessments for improvements, and shall be levied and collected as a special tax, and a special tax bill shall be issued therefor, which shall be paid in the manner provided by ordinance; and the City Clerk shall enter and abstract of all such tax bills in a book kept for that purpose, known and designated as "Register of Special Assessments for Improvements" wherein, shall be known the date and number of the tax bill, the name of the owner and the description of the property, the number and date of the approval and the ordinance levying such special assessments, the amount of tax, when due, when and by whom paid.
[CC 1995 § 41.200]
Upon the payment of any tax bill issued as herein provide, the contractor or assignee shall endorse such payment on the back thereof, deliver the same to the party making such payment and report such fact to the City Clerk whereupon said Clerk shall file such report and enter satisfaction upon register of special assessments for improvements.
[CC 1995 § 41.210]
In addition to the powers herein before granted, the Board of Aldermen may either by ordinance or resolution condemn wooden or defective sidewalks, and may remove walks so condemned, and may provide for the construction of new sidewalks in the place of walks so condemned and removed.
[CC 1995 § 41.220]
Whenever the Board of Aldermen shall require the building of any sidewalk along any street, avenue or highway of the City of Golden City, by and at the expense of the owner or owners of the lot or lots fronting on such street, avenue or highway along the distance improved in proportion to the front fee, it shall be the duty of the owners of the lot or lots fronting on such sidewalk, within ten (10) days after such ordinance shall go into effect, to commence the building of such sidewalk, and failure to complete the same within a reasonable time after said ten (10) days, shall be a violation of this Section and any person violating any of the provisions of this Section shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in Section 100.220 of this Code; provided that the provisions of this Section shall not in any manner impair any of the provisions of the ordinances relating to sidewalks or the building thereof.
[CC 1995 § 41.500]
It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or maintain any fence or other like structure except as follows:
Privacy fences may be erected on any lot, except as provided in Section 510.240, and shall be no more than eight (8) feet high and shall not be located closer to the front property line than the nearest portion of the front of the building.
Decorative fences may be erected on any lot, except as provided in Section 510.240, and shall be no more than five (5) feet high and be of open construction.
Security fences may be erected on any business or industrial lot to a height of not more than eight (8) feet. The top two (2) feet must be of open wire, woven wire or barbed wire construction.
Open wire fences for the enclosure of private tennis courts may be constructed to a height of no more than twelve (12) feet, but must be set back from all property lines at least six (6) feet. Such fences may be of any material, except as provided in Section 510.240. The top four (4) feet must be of open wire or woven wire construction.
Materials for construction of a privacy fence must be wood, vinyl or composite, except that posts may be made of metal. Maximum board width is twelve (12) inches of solid, staggered or basket weave fences. Solid panels such as plywood, wafer board or similar materials, will not be allowed, except around construction sites for public safety, and such fences must be removed when the construction project is completed.
Materials for construction of a decorative fence may be wood, woven wire, chain link, wrought iron, vinyl, square tubing or metal pipe. A decorative fence must be of open construction, and no panels such as plywood, wafer board or similar materials, will be allowed, except as provided in Section 510.240.
All framework of a wood fence, whether a privacy fence or a decorative fence, must be on the inside portion of the fence, and all posts of a wire fence must be inside of the fabric. All posts (except metal "T" line posts) must be set in concrete to a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches and shall be a minimum of four (4) inches by four (4) inches. Metal "T" posts may be driven.
[CC 1995 § 41.510]
No person shall permit, cause, keep, maintain or allow a fence within the corporate limits of the City in a dilapidated or dangerous condition.
[CC 1995 § 41.520]
It shall be unlawful for any person to place or permit to be placed or remain on or along any railroad or building front or any part of a building, fence or premises adjacent or contiguous to any right-of-way or public way or residence, any spikes or sharp-pointed cresting, or any barbed wire or other things, except as permitted in Section 510.220(A)(3), or electrified fence, dangerous or liable to tear, snag, cut or injure anyone coming in contact therewith.
[CC 1995 § 41.530]
All fences and retaining walls on the premises shall be structurally sound and constructed of approved materials. They shall be maintained so that they do not constitute a blighted influence or an element leading to the progressive deterioration, downgrading and diminution of neighborhood property values. Materials for construction of a wall or retaining wall must be any natural or man-made stone, rock or brick, any cement material (limited to block or continuous pour) or railroad ties.
[CC 1995 § 41.540]
The Board of Aldermen is authorized to allow a variance from the specific terms of this Article which will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this Article will, in an individual case, result in undue hardship, provided the spirit of these regulations shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done.
A request for a fence variance may be granted, upon a finding of the Board of Aldermen that all of the following conditions have been met.
The fence variance requested arises from such condition which is unique to the property in question and is not created by an action or actions of the property owner or applicant.
The granting of the fence variance will not adversely affect the rights of adjacent property owners or residents.
The strict application of the provisions of this Article of which the fence variance is requested will constitute unnecessary hardship upon the property owner represented in the request.
The fence variance desired will not adversely affect the public health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity or general welfare.
The granting of the fence variance desired will not be opposed to the general spirit and intent of the provisions of this Article.
Approval of a majority of the Board of Aldermen shall be necessary to grant the fence variance requested.
A person requesting a fence variance shall submit, at City Hall, a statement, in writing, justifying the fence variance requested, indicating specifically the enforcement provisions of this Article from which the variance is requested, and outlining in detail the manner in which it is believed that the request will meet each of the five (5) conditions as set out in Subsection (B) above.
A fence variance request shall be taken up by the Board of Aldermen at its next regular meeting not less than ten (10) days after said request is received at City Hall.