[Ord. No. 846, 6-6-2022]
Utilities shall consist of water, sewer, and electric.
No person shall occupy any premises as a residence for more than seventy-two (72) hours without appropriate connection to water, sewer, and electric services. The City may file a suit for injunction to enforce this Section and said person shall be responsible for all attorney's fees and court costs associated therewith.
Person(s) with an existing account shall have thirty (30) days to reinstate service if it has been shut off due to non-payment.
[CC 1995 § 62.010]
The following, except as hereinafter provided, shall be the schedule of monthly charges for water and sewer service furnished by the waterworks and sewer service of the City of Golden City, Missouri, to wit:
For the first one thousand (1,000) gallons or fraction thereof, a minimum charge of seventeen dollars and ninety cents ($17.90) for water and twenty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents ($28.25) for sewer, making a total minimum charge of forty-six dollars and fifteen cents ($46.15) for water and sewer.
[Ord. No. 831, 10-5-2020]
Annually, at the January billing, the minimum charge will be increased a percentage amount equal to the current cost of living index and provide for the Board of Aldermen to either decrease or increase this percentage amount according to current necessity of the water and sewer operations following a review of the current operational figures.
Thereafter, a charge of four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) per thousand gallons or fraction thereof for water and five dollars ($5.00) per thousand gallons or fraction thereof for sewer.
[CC 1995 § 62.020]
The following, except as hereinafter provided, shall be the schedule of monthly charges to consumers equipped with one and one-half (1 1/2) inch meters for the water and sewer services furnished by the waterworks and sewer service of the City of Golden City, Missouri, to wit:
For the first ten thousand (10,000) gallons or fraction thereof, a minimum charge of fifty-eight dollars and forty cents ($58.40) for water and seventy-three dollars and twenty-five cents ($73.25) for sewer, making a total minimum charge of one hundred thirty-one dollars and sixty-five cents ($131.65) for water and sewer.
[Ord. No. 831, 10-5-2020]
Annually, at the January billing, the minimum charge will be increased a percentage amount equal to the current cost of living index and provide for the Board of Aldermen to either decrease or increase this percentage amount according to current necessity of the water and sewer operations following a review of the current operational figures.
For all water service in excess of ten thousand (10,000) gallons, the charge shall be four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) per thousand gallons or fraction thereof for water and five dollars ($5.00) per thousand gallons or fraction thereof for sewer.
[CC 1995 § 62.030]
That all water meters shall be read and bills rendered monthly as services accrue; that all bills shall be due and payable from and after the date such bills are rendered, at the office of the City Treasurer, during the regular scheduled hours of business.
[CC 1995 § 62.040]
That if any bill for water and sewer service shall be due and remain due and unpaid after the 10th day in the month of rendering, and additional charge of ten percent (10%) thereof shall be added thereto to the total bill, including charges for solid waste, sales tax, etc.
[CC 1995 § 62.050]
If any current bill for water and sewer service shall be and remain unpaid by the 12th of the month, the water/sewer customer shall be sent a shutoff notice allowing three (3) days for payment. All unpaid accounts may be shut off with no further notice the morning of the 16th day of the month. Any person, owner, or occupant wanting water and sewer service at that meter shall be required to settle all previous bills past due, plus penalties, regardless of the length of time the bills have been due, before water and sewer service shall be reconnected. A reconnect charge of ten dollars ($10.00) will be added to your bill for the first shutoff; for the second and subsequent shutoffs, a reconnection fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). Furthermore, such customers shall be required to satisfy a current water and sewer service deposit of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), unless previously paid, and in addition, such customers shall be required to upgrade their service deposit an additional ten dollars ($10.00) for the first shutoff and an additional fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each subsequent shutoff, before service is resumed.
It shall be the duty of the Utility Clerk to notify the Public Works Director of such delinquency and such Director shall proceed immediately to disconnect the water and sewer service.
[CC 1995 § 62.060]
Applications For Water And Sewer; Deposit Amounts.
Application for water service to premises never before connected to the City's water system shall be made to the City Clerk, or other person designated by the Board of Aldermen, by the owner or occupant of the property to be served and upon making a service deposit of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) to be known as a "water service deposit," the owner or occupant may be connected with the City's waterworks system, the cost of such connection, being four hundred dollars ($400.00), to be paid by the person making the application, prior to making the actual connection. Furthermore any additional water connection on the same premises will be seven hundred dollars ($700.00). The water service deposit can be made in two (2) installments, first installment one hundred dollars ($100.00), second installment of fifty dollars ($50.00), and can be added to and due on the first water and sewage bill.
Application for sewer service to premises never before connected to the City's sewer system shall be made to the City Clerk, or other person designated by the Board of Aldermen, by the owner or occupant of the property to be served and upon making payment of four hundred dollars ($400.00) for the City inspection fee, to the City Treasurer, or other person designated by the Board of Aldermen, the owner or occupant may arrange to be connected to the City sewerage system.
Applications for water and sewer service to premises previously connected to the City's water and sewer systems shall be made to the City Treasurer, or other person designated by the Board of Aldermen, by the owner or the occupant of the property to be served, and upon making a service deposit of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), to be known as a "water and sewer service deposit," the owner or occupant may be reconnected to the City's waterworks and sewerage systems. This deposit can be made in two (2) installments, first installment one hundred dollars ($100.00), second installment of fifty dollars ($50.00), and can be added to and due on the first water and sewage bill.
Any person, owner, or occupant, when making application for service of the City's waterworks and sewage systems will be required to settle all previous bills past due, plus penalties, regardless of the length of time the bills have been due, before water and sewer service will be reconnected.
Upon application by the occupant to terminate service of the City's waterworks and sewage systems, the service deposit for that occupant or owner will be applied to the final bill and the adjustment made accordingly.
Any person, owner or occupant, when making a request to have a water meter removed and tested for accuracy shall be required to pay a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) to the City Treasurer, prior to the removal of the water meter. If the water meter is determined to be defective by the testing entity, no charge shall be assessed, and the testing fee shall be refunded. If the meter is determined to be satisfactory by the testing entity the testing fee shall be retained by the City.
Any person, owner or occupant who willfully or accidentally causes damage or destruction to an existing water line or water main shall be required to pay repair costs to same. The repair costs fee for repairs to small lines shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00), and the repair costs fee for repairs to four-inch or larger mains shall be four hundred dollars ($400.00). Should parts and labor necessary for the effective repair of the damages excess the standard fees of one hundred dollars ($100.00) and four hundred dollars ($400.00), as set forth in this Subsection, the additional amount shall be billed to the responsible individual.
[CC 1995 § 62.065]
All water service except sprinkler systems and fire hydrants when used for fire service will be metered. The size and type of meter to be installed will be decided by the Public Works Director.
One (1) and only one (1) water meter will be furnished by the City for each service connection from the City water main. In no case shall any person other than an authorized employee of the City Water Department change or alter or interfere with any meter installation or the meter itself. Consumers are liable for all water registered by the meter whether used, wasted or caused by leakage.
Meter tests requested by consumer will be performed without cost to the consumer if the meter is found to be in excess of five percent (5%) ±. Otherwise the consumer for whom the requested test was made will be charged the cost of making the test.
Whenever a City owned meter is damaged by hot water or by the carelessness or negligence of the owner or occupant of the premises, the City Water Department will repair the meter and charge the user therefor. Cost of such repairs shall include the actual cost of labor and materials.
[CC 1995 § 62.070]
Consumers shall not be permitted to sell water to other persons without express written permission of the Public Works Director.
[CC 1995 § 62.075]
Authorized City Water Department personnel shall, at all reasonable hours, be granted access to meters, service connections, plumbing systems, and any other appurtenances to the water mains of the City on customers' premises for purposes of installation, maintenance, inspection, or other reason having to do with the operation of the City Water Department properties.
[CC 1995 § 62.080]
The right is reserved for the City Water Department to, at anytime, without notice to shut off the water supply for repairs, extensions, non-payment of rates, or any other reason. The City, its officers, servants and employees, shall not be responsible for any damage, such as the bursting of boilers, the breaking of any pipes or fixture, stoppage or interruption of the water supply or any other damage resulting from the shutting off of the water.
[CC 1995 § 62.085]
It shall be the intent of the City Water Department to furnish an uninterrupted supply of potable water to its consumers. There will, however be interruptions in service due to emergencies, construction and repair operations. It shall be the policy of the City Water Department to notify all affected consumers in ample time to make preparations for the shutoff period. There may be times during emergencies when it is necessary to shut off sections of the distribution system without warning. Therefore, the City Water Department shall reserve the right to turn off water in the mains at any time without notice or liability to the consumers.
[CC 1995 § 62.090]
The City reserves the right to restrict the supply of water to all consumers during periods of water shortage, prolonged droughts, emergencies, peaks and disasters of any kind, in order to best serve the public good.
[CC 1995 § 62.095]
Any person, firm, or corporation desiring an extension of water mains form the water system owned and operated by the City of Golden City, Missouri, shall make application therefor on forms furnished by the City Water Department for that purpose. Said application shall contain:
An exact description of the property to be served.
A legal description and print of land survey of territory which is not now developed and which is now being developed.
Site plans of any commercial or industrial projects.
The probable maximum of water to be used per month.
A request for main extension must have certified proof that all waste water and sewerage from area of said main extension will be treated and disposed of in a manner that will meet all requirements and receive approval of the Environmental Protection Agency, Missouri Division of Health, and Missouri Clean Water Commission.
All other information necessary for estimating the water usage to be expected from the extension.
The Public Works Director or his/her office shall determine the necessary size of main and shall make an estimate of the cost of the extension, including cost of materials such as pipe, valves, fittings, fire hydrants, pumping and storage equipment and facilities, if required, cost incident to construction such as labor, expense for permits, supervision, engineering, insurance, tools and equipment, accounting and other overhead expense, cost of reconstruction relocation, alteration and removal of existing main, facilities and equipment if required to accommodate the extension, and all other cost incident to the installation of said extension, the City Water Department shall also calculate the estimated annual revenue from said main extension.
This information will be presented to the Board of Aldermen of Golden City, Missouri, which will carefully review the project and approve or disapprove the request application.
Upon approval of the City, the applicant shall enter into a contract with the City of Golden City for installation of the extension and shall pay to the City Water Department an amount equal to said estimated cost of making the extension. Should the actual cost of extending the water main be greater than the cost estimated, the applicant shall pay such additional sum to the City Water Department before service of water is begun.
After installation said water main extension shall become the property of the City and shall be maintained by the City Water Department.
Extensions shall be of cast iron, ductile iron or Class 200 PVC plastic pipe, four (4) inches in diameter or of such larger size as in the judgment of the Superintendent of the Water Department is required to provide adequate service with reasonable allowance for future growth in the immediate vicinity; provided, however, that the City may, at its option, install pipe smaller than four (4) inches in diameter for a distance of not more than five hundred (500) feet, which is to serve a cul-de-sac or will become a permanent dead end in the distribution system.
The City shall have the right to make extensions with pipe of a size larger than that required to provide adequate service with reasonable allowance for future growth; provided, however, that the additional cost to the extension occasioned by the use of the larger size pipe will be paid by the City.
The City reserves the right to make further extensions to and to lay lateral mains from extensions made above and the attaching of customer to such further extensions or laterals shall not entitle applicant paying for the original extension to any refund for the attaching of such customer.
If extensions are required on private roads, streets or through private property, proper deeds of easement must be furnished by applicants without cost to the City before extension will be installed,.
The grade lines of all streets or roadways must be established and constructed to within six (6) inches ± before extension will be installed.
[CC 1995 § 62.100]
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, alter, change, remove, disconnect, connect with, or interfere in any manner with any fire hydrant owned or used by the City without first obtaining the permission from the Public Works Director. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to members of any Fire District Departments who are engaged in activities of said Fire Department.
[CC 1995 § 62.105]
The City reserves the right, by ordinance or resolution, to cancel, amend or add to these rules and regulations at any time as experience may show necessary.
[CC 1995 § 62.110]
It shall be an ordinance violation for any person or persons to tamper with the water main, or change any water meter, or make any connection to the waterworks and sewerage systems without written permission from the City or to reconnect service when it had been disconnected for non-payment of a bill for service until such bill has been paid in full, all penalties satisfied, including the cutoff and reconnection fee, if applicable. Upon conviction, there shall be a fine imposed as set out in Section 100.220 of this Code.