[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Reedsburg as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted as Sec. 1.08 of the former Municipal Codebook]
The offices of marshal and constable are abolished and the office of Chief of Police is created.
[Adopted as Ch. 4 of the former Municipal Codebook]
The Police Department of the City shall consist of a Chief and such subordinates as the Common Council may designate, who shall be appointed pursuant to § 62.13, Wis. Stats.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The salaries of the Chief of Police and subordinates shall be fixed by the Common Council but shall not be lowered unless recommended by the Police and Fire Commissions.
Disciplinary action against the Chief of Police and subordinates shall be subject to § 62.13(5), Wis. Stats.
The Chief of Police shall possess the powers, enjoy the privileges and be subject to the liabilities conferred and imposed by law upon marshals and constables.
He shall obey all lawful written orders of the Mayor and Common Council.
He shall cause the public peace to be preserved and see that all laws and ordinances of the City and state are enforced, and whenever any violation thereof shall come to his knowledge, he shall cause the requisite complaint to be made and see that the evidence is procured for the successful prosecution of the offender or offenders.
He shall exercise supervisory control over all the personnel of his Department, and may adopt, subject to the approval of the Council, rules and regulations for the government, discipline, equipment and uniforms of police officers.
He shall be solely responsible for the care and condition of the equipment used by his Department.
He shall keep an accurate and complete record of all complaints, arrests, traffic violations, convictions and dispositions of the Department.
General powers and duties. Each officer of the Department shall possess the powers conferred on marshals and constables by law and shall preserve the public peace and enforce the laws and ordinances of the state and City subject to the orders, rules and regulations of the Chief, the Mayor and Common Council.
Power of arrest. The Chief of Police and any police officer shall arrest all persons in the City found in the act of violating any law or ordinance of the City or state or aiding or abetting in such violation, and they shall arrest without warrant all persons who they have reason to believe have violated any law or ordinance and who will not be apprehended unless immediately arrested, and shall take all arrested persons in charge and confine them and shall within a reasonable time bring such persons before the court having jurisdiction thereof to be dealt with according to law.
All persons in the City at the request of any police or peace officer shall aid and assist such officer in the execution of his duties.
[Added 5-14-2018 by Ord. No. 1871-18]
The Police Department is authorized to dispose of abandoned property in its possession and unclaimed for at least 30 days.
Based upon the value of an item, whether it is generic or unique, the condition of the item, and whether the item may have a use in City operations, items may be disposed of in any of the following ways:
An Internet auction site (i.e., eBay, PropertyRoom.com, etc.);
The bulk sale of items, including sale as scrap;
Conversion of the item for use by the City;
Sale at a live auction;
Donation to 501(c)(3) organizations upon application and proof of nonprofit status; or
Any other method of sale deemed reasonable by the Chief of Police based upon the unique characteristics of the item.
Firearms shall be disposed of in accordance with §§ 66.0139 and 968.20, Wis. Stats.
Flammable, explosive, or incendiary substances, materials, or devices that pose a danger to life or property in their storage, transportation, or use immediately after taking possession of the substances may be disposed of in accordance with § 66.0139(3), Wis. Stats.
The provisions of § 66.0139, Wis. Stats., are adopted and incorporated.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, § 1-3 of this Code of the City of Reedsburg.