[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Edgmont Township 11-17-2004 by Ord. No. 187. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Board of Supervisors of the Township of Edgmont, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, finds it to be in the best interest of the residents of Edgmont Township that contractors who engage in construction activities in Edgmont Township shall be required to register with the Township, pay a license fee and secure a license from the Township prior to engaging in such construction activities.
The following words, terms and phrases, as used in this chapter, whether or not capitalized, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
The duly appointed Building Inspector of the Edgmont Township and shall include the duly appointed Deputy Building Inspector, Building Department, Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Marshal, and the Township Engineer.
The erection, alteration, repair, renovation, rehabilitation, demolition or removal of any building or structure and the excavation, filling, grading and landscaping of lots in connection therewith.
Any person who, as a prime contractor or as a subcontractor, engages in construction activities and building trades within Edgmont Township, including, without limitation, mechanical, electrical, blasting, specialty, elevator, roofing, home improvement contractors, and earth disturbance and grading contractors. The term shall not include any bona fide employee of an owner of the premises where work is to be performed.
Any person, agent, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in any building, structure or lot.
An individual, partnership, corporation, trust association, owner, contractor, salesman or other legal entity.
No person may act as a contractor or engage in construction activities in Edgmont Township, or hold themselves out to the public as doing such business or solicit such business in Edgmont Township, except in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
The contractor shall file a completed application on a form provided by Edgmont Township, signed under oath, and shall pay the required fee, which shall be set by the Board of Supervisors by resolution from time to time.
The Building Inspector shall act upon all applications for registration within 10 days of receipt of a full and complete application. If an application is denied, the contractor shall be so notified, in writing. The notification shall set forth the reason(s) for the denial. No registration may be accepted and no license issued until the contractor has fully completed and signed the application and paid the applicable fees.
In addition to any other application requirements, a valid and in-force certificate(s) of insurance shall be filed with the Township at the time of registration, evidencing the contractor's commercial liability, property damage products liability and completed operations insurance with a minimum policy of $500,000 combined single-limits coverage for such coverages. Said certificate(s) shall contain a provision that the coverage(s) provided shall not be reduced, terminated, cancelled or nonrenewed without 60 days' prior written notice to the Township.
The contractor shall acknowledge to Edgmont Township, under oath and in writing, that contractor is in compliance with all state requirements pertaining to workers' compensation laws.
It is the duty of the Building Inspector to administer and provide for the enforcement of all the provisions of this chapter and specifically to register and issue a license to all persons who are found to comply with the provisions of this chapter and to deny to register or issue a license to or suspend or revoke a previously issued registration and license to any person who does not so qualify or so comply.
Every contractor required to be registered and licensed under this chapter shall, within 10 days after a material change in the information provided in the application, notify the Building Inspector of such change or changes.
The registration and license of all contractors shall expire on December 31 following the date of issue of the license unless, prior thereto, the registration is revoked or suspended. Upon payment of the annual registration fee prior to the expiration date, a registration and license may be renewed for another year, and the authority to engage in construction activities shall continue during said renewal year unless and until it is revoked or suspended in accordance with this chapter. In addition to the payment of any renewal fee, the contractor shall update its registration with any information which may have changed since contractor's last filing of an application.
Unless specifically exempted by the provisions of this chapter, no person shall act in the capacity of contractor unless authorized to do so by a valid registration and license issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Once issued, the license shall be present with the contractor in the course of all construction activities in the Township. The license shall be presented to the Building Inspector for inspection upon request.
The registration of a contractor and the issuance of a license pursuant to this chapter shall not authorize the contractor to perform any particular type of construction activity or authorize any project or work which is limited to qualified registration holders under other provisions of state or local law, and no other permit or approval for construction activities issued by Edgmont Township shall entitle a contractor to perform construction activities unless and until the provisions of this chapter have been fully met.
The following persons are not required to register with Edgmont Township and obtain a license as a contractor:
An owner serving as his own contractor and performing construction activities on his own property.
An individual who performs labor or services under the supervision of a registered and licensed contractor for wages or salary.
The Building Inspector may suspend or revoke any registration and license issued under the provisions of this chapter where it is found that the contractor has violated any provisions of this chapter or is performing or attempting to perform any act prohibited by this chapter or any other Township ordinance.
A violation of any condition of a construction activity permit issued by Edgmont Township shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of the registration and license.
Violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or any other Township ordinance by any director, manager, partner, officer, salesman, agent or employee of a contractor may be cause for suspension or revocation unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector that the contractor had no knowledge of the wrongful conduct or, following the exercise of due diligence, the contractor was unable to prevent the violation and the contractor has undertaken to remedy the violation.
The revocation and/or suspension of a license may be appealed to the Board of Supervisors within five business days of the notice of same, in which case the Board of Supervisors shall conduct a hearing to determine whether the revocation or suspension shall stand. At least 10 days prior to the date set for the hearing, the Building Inspector shall send notice to the contractor to permit the contractor to attend the hearing and respond to the revocation and/or suspension. The contractor may be represented by counsel at the hearing. The hearing shall be at such time and place as the Board of Supervisors shall prescribe and shall be contained in the notice to the contractor.
The decision of the Board shall be rendered following the close of the hearing. If the Board of Supervisors shall uphold the revocation or suspension of the license, the Board shall also state the reasons therefor and the period of time for which it shall be revoked or suspended. Any decision upholding the revocation or suspension shall be issued in writing and sent to the contractor within five business days of the hearing.
If a contractor is refused registration and license, the contractor may, within 10 days from the date the notice of refusal is mailed, request, in writing, a hearing before the Board of Supervisors within five business of the notice of same, in which case the Board of Supervisors shall conduct a hearing to determine whether the license shall be issued. At least 10 days prior to the date set for the hearing, the Building Inspector shall send notice to the contractor to permit the contractor to attend the hearing and respond to the denial of the registration and license. The contractor may be represented by counsel at the hearing. The hearing on shall be at such time and place as the Board of Supervisors shall prescribe and shall be contained in the notice to the contractor.
The decision of the Board shall be rendered following the close of the hearing. If the Board of Supervisors shall uphold the denial of the license, the Board shall also state the reasons therefor. Any decision upholding the revocation or suspension shall be issued in writing and sent to the contractor within five business days of the hearing.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person who violates or permits the violation of this chapter shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding brought before a Magisterial District Judge in the same manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, be guilty of a summary offense and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, plus costs of prosecution. In default of payment thereof, the defendant may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days. Each day or portion thereof that such violation continues or is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense, and each section of this chapter that is violated shall also constitute a separate offense.
Any construction performed by an unregistered and unlicensed contractor may be subject to removal at the property owner's expense.
In enforcing the provisions of this chapter, the Township may avail itself of any other remedy it may have at law or in equity.