[Adopted as Ch. 2, Art. III, Div. 2, of the 1988 Revised General Bylaws]
The advisory and financial committee shall consist of 15 taxpayers, no one of whom shall be an office holder or candidate for office or hold membership in any Town organization of a political nature, or publicly work for any candidate for any Town office. They shall serve without compensation. It shall be the duty of the committee to consider any and all municipal questions for the purpose of making reports or recommendations to the voters of the Town.
If a member of the advisory and financial committee, subsequent to election, shall become ineligible because of an infraction of any of the terms enumerated above, he may be suspended for such period as shall be decided by a two-thirds vote of the total membership of the committee.
[Amended 10-30-2017 STM by Art. 9]
At each annual financial town meeting there shall be appointed five members of the advisory and financial committee each for the term of three years, to succeed those whose terms are expiring. Such appointment shall be made in the following manner: The Moderator shall submit the names of five voters to be appointed to the advisory and financial committee to the town meeting for confirmation. In case of a vacancy or vacancies occurring in the advisory and financial committee the remaining members shall have the power to fill such vacancy or vacancies for the remainder of the period until the time of the next annual financial town meeting.
The terms of office of the members of the advisory and financial committee shall expire at the final adjournment of the annual town meeting at which their successors shall be appointed.
It shall be the duty of the advisory and financial committee to inform itself concerning those affairs and interests of the Town, the subject matter of which is included in the warrant for its town meetings. The selectmen, the school committee, and departments not under its supervision, and all other Town officers shall be required to furnish to the committee, in writing, not less than 90 days before the annual financial town meeting, in as much detail as possible, their reports of the previous year with their estimates and recommendations of the amounts necessary to be appropriated for the support of their several departments for the ensuing year.
The advisory and financial committee shall investigate the estimates and recommendations presented to it and give opportunity to the various boards and officers to be heard and explain such estimates and recommendations.
The advisory and financial committee shall consider the estimates and recommendations, and the various articles in the warrant, for all town meetings held during the period for which they are appointed, and shall report in print, seven days previous to the annual town meeting and two days previous to any special town meeting, its estimates and recommendations for the action of the Town. Previous to the annual town meeting, the committee shall present a budget list of appropriations, showing the estimates as presented by the selectmen, the school committee, and all other Town officers, together with a report indicating the committee's reason for any modifications of such estimates, and explaining any such other recommendations as the committee may make.
Any member who unexcusably fails to attend three consecutive meetings will automatically cease to be a member of the advisory and financial committee. The vacancy so created shall be filled as provided in § 7-4.