In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters, articles, divisions and/or sections of the 1988 Revised General Bylaws have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not applicable; reserved in prior publication.
Chapter/Title from 1988 Revised General Bylaws
Location in 2020 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
§ 1-1 through § 1-12
Ch. 1
§ 1-13, Prosecutions and penalties
Ch. 48, Art. I
Ch. 2, Administration
Art. I, In General
Art. II, Town Officers
Div. 1, Generally
Ch. 40, Art. I
Div. 2, Board of Selectmen
Ch. 64
Div. 3, Town Clerk
Ch. 40, Art. II
Art. III, Boards, Committees, Commissions
Div. 1, Generally
Ch. 7, Art. I
Div. 2, Advisory and Financial Committee
Ch. 7, Art. II
Div. 3, Council on Aging
Ch. 7, Art. III
Div. 4, Capital Improvement Program Committee
Ch. 7, Art. IV
Div. 5, Planning Board
Ch. 7, Art. V
Div. 6, Recreation Commission
Ch. 7, Art. VI
Div. 7, Park Commission
Ch. 7, Art. VII
Div. 8, Soil Conservation Board
§ 2-191
Ch. 7, Art. VIII
§ 2-192 - § 2-209
Ch. 150
Art. IV, Town Meetings
Ch. 72
Art. V, Annual Reports
Ch. 56
Art. VI, Town Property
Div. 1, Generally
Div. 2, Town Hall
Ch. 77, Art. I
Div. 3, Other Town Property
Ch. 77, Art. II
Art. VII, Contracts
§ 2-331
Ch. 40, Art. I, § 40-4
§§ 2-332 - 2-335
Repealed 5-18-2009 ATM by Art. 20
Art. VIII, Financial Matters
Div. 1, Generally
Ch. 20, Art. I
§ 2-353, Tax Abatement Program for Volunteer Fire Department
Ch. 241, Art. I
Div. 2, Fees
§ 2-366
Ch. 160, Art. I
Div. 3, Appropriations
Ch. 20, Art. II
Div. 4, Revolving Funds
Ch. 20, Art. IV
Ch. 3, Consumption of Alcohol and Marijuana
§ 3-1 - § 3-2
Ch. 110
§ 3-3
Ch. 186, Art. I
Ch. 4, Animals
Ch. 115
Ch. 5, Beaches, Boats, Waterways
Art. I, In General
Ch. 128, Art. I
Art. II, Beaches
Repealed 5-15-1989 ATM by Art. 34; see Ch. 123
Art. III, Boat Ramp
Ch. 128, Art. II
Ch. 6, Buildings and Building Regulations
Art. I, In General
Ch. 133
Art. II, Administration
Ch. 133
Art. III, Standards
Ch. 133
Art. IV, Excavations
Ch. 155
Ch. 7, Health and Sanitation
Art. I, In General
§ 7-1, Disposal of hazardous and radioactive wastes
Ch. 171, § 171-1
Art. II, Board of Health
§ 7-16, Fiscal procedures
Ch. 20, Art. III, § 20-4 - § 20-5
§ 7-17, Annual report
Ch. 56, § 56-8
§ 7-18, Billing for sales, work done
Ch. 20, Art. III, § 20-6
§ 7-19, Sanitary facilities for subdivisions
Ch. 235
§ 7-20, Control of contagious disease
Ch. 7, Art. IX
Art. III, Nuisances
§ 7-36, Prohibited conditions
Ch. 193, § 193-1
§ 7-37, Privy vaults
Ch. 193, § 193-2
§ 7-38, Deposit of wastes
Ch. 171, § 171-2
Ch. 8, Licenses and Business Regulations
Art. I, In General
Art. II, Peddlers and Solicitors
Ch. 200
Art. III, Operation of Business
Ch. 138, Art. I
Art. IV, Limitation on Number of Recreational Marijuana Retail Establishments
Ch. 186, Art. II
Ch. 9, Miscellaneous Offenses
§ 9-1, Discharging firearms
Ch. 165
Ch. 10, Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places
Ch. 230
Ch. 11, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 249
Ch. 12, Wetlands Protection
§ 12-1 - § 12-13
Ch. 256
§ 12-14, Illicit Discharge Bylaw
Ch. 227, Art. I
§ 12-15, Stormwater Management
Ch. 227, Art. II
A, Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land
Ch. 310
B, Zoning By-Law
Ch. 265
C, Traffic Rules and Regulations
Ch. 320