[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Swansea as Ch. 2, Art. V, and Ch. 7, Art. II, § 7-17, of the 1988 Revised General Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Every Town officer, board, commission and committee shall annually, not less than 90 days before the annual town meeting, prepare and submit to the board of selectmen, a report in writing covering clearly and in abbreviated form the work for the preceding year. Each report shall be published in the annual town report.
The town clerk shall within one week after final adjournment of any town meeting submit to the selectmen the official record of such meeting, and the selectmen shall cause the same to be published in the annual town report.
The selectmen shall in their annual report state in detail what action they have taken in the year preceding whether as selectmen or board of health. In regard to Town ways, county ways and sewers, they shall state specifically any construction, alterations and repairs, any assessments and payments, any claims that are outstanding, and what claims are in suit against the Town. They shall also state what ways or sewers have been ordered, laid out or accepted, or remain to be constructed in part or in whole. They shall give full reports in regard to all suits against the Town with all circumstances relating thereto. They shall also make a detailed statement of the repairs made upon public buildings.
In his annual report, the treasurer shall state specifically the objects for which the debt of the Town was increased during the year preceding and recite the vote under which the money was borrowed; and shall render a classified statement of all expenditures and receipts of the Town in such detail as to give a fair and full exhibit of the objects and methods of all expenditures. He shall also state the amount of money received by the Town from sources other than taxation.
All boards, standing committees and officers of the Town shall record their activities and accounts in suitable books. Such record books shall be open to inspection of the citizens of the Town during business hours, but shall remain during such inspection under the supervision of the board, committee or officer designated to keep charge thereof.
All boards, standing committees or officers of the Town having charge of the expenditure of money shall annually report thereon in print in such manner as to give the citizens a fair and full understanding of the objects and methods of such expenditures referring to the report of the treasurer for specific details.
The annual town reports shall be distributed at least 14 days before the annual town meeting.
The board of health shall annually, before the ninth day of January, present to the Town a report made up to and including the last day of the preceding December, containing a full and comprehensive statement of the acts of the board during the year and a review of the sanitary conditions of the Town.