[Amended 2-14-2005 STM by Art. 12]
No person except officers of the Town in the lawful performance of their duties and those acting under their order shall obstruct any sidewalk or street or any part thereof or break, dig or excavate or assist in breaking, digging up or excavating any part of a public street, highway or Town way or remove any gravel or other similar thing from a public street, highway or Town way unless he has obtained a written permit from the board of selectmen or their designee. Every person receiving such a permit shall execute a written agreement to indemnify and save harmless the Town against all loss, damage or cost suffered or claimed on account of the existence of such obstruction or excavation, and shall leave the street or way at the completion of the work in as good condition as the same was before the work commenced.
Whoever by virtue of any permit issued under the provisions of this article, breaks, digs up, excavates or causes to be dug up or broken up or excavated any part of a public street, highway or Town way, shall cause a rail or other sufficient fence to be placed so as to enclose the part of the street so dug up, broken up, or excavated, and the dirt, gravel or other material thrown therefrom, and he or they shall cause a lighted lantern to be fixed on some part of such fence and so kept from sunset to sunrise during all the time that such street, highway or Town way remains dug up or broken up or such excavation exists.