[Adopted 6-11-2019 by Ord. No. 4636-19]
An infestation of Canada geese often creates unhealthy, unsanitary, and inutile conditions at Huddy Park and other recreational areas in the Township, which diminishes peoples' enjoyment of those facilities.
Based on experiences in other municipalities, the Township Council has determined that this infestation can be controlled in a nonharmful way by permitting the noncommercial use of pet dogs to run at large in affected facilities on a limited basis and at limited times.
The purpose of this article is to establish such a program at Huddy Park, with the potential for expansion to other Township parks and recreational facilities depending on the program's effectiveness.
The geese control program established under this article is permitted only at Huddy Park.
The Business Administrator or his designee shall periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the program and report those findings to the Township Council. Based on those findings, the Township Council in the future may, by an amending ordinance, expand the program to other Township parks and recreational facilities.
Notwithstanding any other contrary provision of the Township Code, dogs are permitted to run at large in a facility designated pursuant the preceding subsection, subject to the restrictions set forth this article.
Dogs participating in the geese control program established under this article must be properly licensed and vaccinated in accordance with Chapter 165 of the Township Code and state law. No dog that is declared, designated, or licensed as "potentially dangerous" pursuant to Chapter 165, Article III, or state law or court order may participate in this program.
Participating dogs must be issued a separate registration by the Municipal Dog Licensing Agent. The Municipal Dog Licensing Agent shall process applications for the program and establish, maintain, and periodically update a registry of the participating dogs, a copy of which shall be provided to the Township Clerk, the Division of Animal Control, the Bureau of Property Maintenance, and the Police Department.
[Amended 2-14-2024 by Ord. No. 4799-24]
Registrations will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Registrations are effective for one calendar year and must be renewed annually.
The registration fee is $20.
A maximum of 30 dogs may be registered in the program.
Only one registration per dog, per household is permitted. The registration is nontransferrable to another dog and nonassignable to another dog owner.
The registration must be either displayed on the dog or the dog's custodian while participating in the program and must be produced when requested by an enforcing authority.
Participating dogs must be behaved, controlled, and curbed at all times.
The geese control program established under this article may operate only during regular park hours, unless otherwise determined by the Business Administrator or his designee.
The program shall not operate when the designated facility is reserved for or being used for a scheduled activity or event. A schedule of such events/activities shall be posted on the Township website.
The program shall not operate when the designated facility is being used by the general public or is under construction, maintenance, or renovation.
The Business Administrator or his designee may suspend operation of the program as circumstances dictate.
Appropriate signage shall be conspicuously posted at designated facilities to notify participants of the status of the program.
The Business Administrator or his designee may promulgate additional rules and regulations to ensure the safe and efficient administration of this program. These rules and regulations shall be established in writing and provided to the appropriate Township officials and agencies and program registrants.
[Amended 2-14-2024 by Ord. No. 4799-24]
The Division of Animal Control, the Bureau of Property Maintenance, and the Police Department are charged with enforcing this article.
Any persons violating this article, or any rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, shall be subject to revocation or suspension of their registration and, upon conviction thereof, the maximum fines and penalties established under N.J.S.A. 40:49-5 and 40:69A-29.
The fines and penalties imposed hereunder are cumulative with any other violations of the Township Code.