[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wescott 1994 by Ord. No. 95-2. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to establish standards for safe mailbox installation and to promote the public safety of persons who travel the roads in the Town of Wescott by reducing and/or eliminating potential hazards which may be created by mailboxes with improper support systems in the Town of Wescott.
The Town Board of the Town of Wescott has the specific statutory authority, powers and duties, pursuant to §§ 60.10(2)(c) and 82.03, Wis. Stats., and by the granting of village powers by the Town of Wescott. For the peace and good order, health, safety and welfare of the public, the Town Board establishes standards for safe mailbox installation and enforces against improper support systems thereof.
No person shall cause, allow or permit any person to install a mailbox, in the Town of Wescott, which may create a safety hazard and/or which is in violation of this chapter.
The Town of Wescott requires that mailboxes be installed in the following manner:
The support shall be a wood post, steel pipe, or steel channel installed no more than 24 inches in the ground and extending to a vertical height such that the bottom of the mailbox is 42 inches to 48 inches above the ground surface. The support shall be the following dimensions:
Square wood post: four inches by four inches.
Round wood post: four inches diameter.
Steel pipe: 1 1/2 inch inside diameter.
Steel channel: two pounds per foot.
Dimensions exceeding those shown in this section shall be deemed unacceptable and in violation of this chapter.
The support shall not be set in concrete, nor attached to a base plate. Anti-twist flanges may be installed on the pipe or channel supports but shall not be imbedded more than 10 inches into the ground.
Attachment. The box-to-post attachment shall be sufficient to prevent the separation of the box from the support post when struck.
Multiple mailboxes. No more than two mailboxes shall be mounted on one support post. For a multiple installation, support posts must be spaced a minimum longitudinal distance apart which is equal to 3/4 of the height of the posts in the installation.
Example: in an installation where posts are 48 inches above ground, they shall be spaced no less than three feet 36 inches apart.
Mailboxes shall be located on the right side of the road.
The face of the mailbox shall not extend over the edge of the traveled way or of a paved shoulder.
Installations shall avoid blind spots or poor sight distance locations.
Any person who is notified of a nonconforming mailbox shall remove, relocate or otherwise bring the mailbox into compliance with this chapter within 60 days after receiving said notification unless, upon said notice, correction is prevented because frost is in the ground. In the event of frost in the ground, the owner of a mailbox then has 60 days after the following April 1 to comply. If correction of nonconforming mailbox is not made within the required time period, said person shall be deemed to be in violation of this chapter and shall be subject to the penalties as set forth herein.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person who violates this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the forfeiture amount in the Fine and Forfeiture Schedule of the Town of Wescott and shall be set from time to time by resolution by the Town of Wescott. Each violation and each day a violation continues or occurs shall constitute a separate offense. In addition, if the owner of a mailbox fails to comply by remedying the nonconforming installation with the required time period after notification, the Town of Wescott may remove said mailbox and bill the owner for expenses involved in its removal. Any unpaid removal cost may result in a special charge being placed against the property on the next tax billing.
In the event that any section or sections hereinabove shall be ruled unconstitutional, by any competent court, such determination shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the other sections of this chapter, and the remainder of said ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
This chapter takes effect upon passage and publication within 30 days thereafter.