[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wescott as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 2-13-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-01]
A special event permit is required for any event where it is reasonably expected that the number of persons assembling will exceed the maximum seating capacity of existing buildings and structures on the premises or will substantially exceed the average normal patronage, use and traffic generation of a localized area of the Town. It is the intent of this article to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare by mitigating the adverse effects arising from the assembly of large numbers of people for special events on premises which are not regularly used, designed and equipped with facilities for the assembly of large numbers of people or from the assembly of large numbers of people for special events in localized areas of the Town which do not have the facilities or infrastructure to accommodate the assembly of large numbers of people. These regulations are intended to lessen traffic congestion and unsafe traffic and parking conditions; to provide for appropriate health and sanitation facilities; to ensure proper levels of safety and emergency services; and to preserve public peace and order.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A company of persons gathered together on a premises or in a localized area of the Town at any location at any single time for any purpose. "Assembly" includes an activity for which a special event permit is required. "Assembly" also includes any planned extraordinary occurrence on the public right-of-way or public premises, including, but not limited to, parades, processions, bicycle or foot races, and festivals; or any planned extraordinary occurrence on private property which requires the provision of extraordinary police, fire or other public services, including, but not limited to, any public gatherings, rallies, assemblies or festivals at which attendance is anticipated to be greater than 100 people.
An individual, partnership, corporation, firm, company, association, society or group.
A temporary entertainment or amusement activity; contest, race or tournament of any kind; picnic, parade, festival or fair that is not ordinarily conducted on a daily or normal use basis where it is reasonably expected that the number of persons assembling will exceed the maximum capacity of the buildings, structures or premises or will substantially exceed the average normal patronage, use and traffic generation of a localized area of the Town.
Any permanently established stadium, field, arena, auditorium or other permanently established building, structure or premises for assembly for which it is reasonably expected that the number of persons assembling at any one time will not exceed the permanent maximum capacity of the building, structure or premises by more than 25%.
Any localized area of the Town whether on public or private property for assembly for a special event for which it is reasonably anticipated that the number of persons assembling at any one time will not exceed 100 persons.
Special events sponsored by any state or local governmental unit, agency or authority.
No person shall promote, advertise, organize, manage or conduct a special event which is not exempt under § 82-3 above, without first obtaining a special event permit.
The maximum number of persons assembling at a special event shall not exceed the maximum number of persons which can reasonably and safely assemble at the location of the special event considering the nature of the event and the location of the event.
If determined necessary, the Town Board may in its sole discretion require the following conditions of a special event permit:
A fence completely enclosing the proposed location, of sufficient height and strength to prevent persons in excess of the maximum permissible number from gaining access to the premises, which shall have at least four gates, at least one at or near four opposite points of the compass;
Potable water, meeting federal and state requirements for purity, sufficient to provide drinking water for the maximum number of persons to be assembled at the rate of at least one gallon per person per day.
Separate enclosed toilets for males and females, meeting state and local specifications, conveniently located throughout the premises or area sufficient to provide facilities for the maximum number of persons to be assembled at the rate of at least one toilet for every 200 females and at least one toilet for every 300 males together with an efficient, sanitary means of disposing of waste matter deposited which is in compliance with all state and local laws and regulations; a lavatory with running water under pressure and a continuous supply of soap and paper towels shall be provided at the rate of one per 10 toilets.
A sanitary method of disposing of solid waste, in compliance with state and local laws and regulations and a plan for collecting all such waste at least once each day of the assembly and sufficient trash cans with tight-fitting lids and personnel to perform the task;
Physicians and nurses licensed to practice in the state sufficient to provide the average medical care enjoyed by residents of the state for the maximum number of persons to be assembled at the rate of at least one physician for every 1,000 people and at least one nurse for every 1,500 people, together with an enclosed covered structure where treatment may be rendered, containing separately enclosed treatment rooms for each physician, and at least one emergency ambulance available for use at all times;
If the special event is to continue during hours of darkness, illumination sufficient to light the entire area of the assembly but not to shine unreasonably beyond the boundaries of the enclosed location of the premises;
A parking area inside of the premises sufficient to provide parking space for the maximum number of persons to be assembled at the rate of at least one parking space for every four persons and/or upon separate premises within 1,000 feet of the special event premises; or upon premises located more than 1,000 feet away from the special event premises, provided that the permittee provides a vehicular shuttle service to and from such away parking area, which operates in fifteen-minute round-trip intervals at all times during the event and continuing for 30 minutes following the close of the special event on any day. All temporary parking facilities for special events shall be maintained free of dust or mud and all dirt or mud tracked onto the public right-of-way shall be cleared and removed within two hours following the close of the special event on any day. The Town shall only post temporary parking-related regulations on public streets for special events if determined necessary by the Town Board for public traffic safety.
Security guards either regularly employed, duly sworn, off-duty state peace officers or private guards, licensed in the state, sufficient to provide adequate security for the maximum number of persons to be assembled at the rate of at least one security guard for every 750 people.
Fire protection including alarms, extinguishing devices and fire lanes and escapes sufficient to meet all state and local standards for the location of the special event as set forth in the Wisconsin Administrative Code and local ordinances and sufficient emergency personnel to efficiently operated the required equipment;
All reasonably necessary precautions to ensure that the sound of the assembly will not carry unreasonably beyond the boundaries of the location of the special event;
A certificate of special event insurance in an appropriate amount. The Town may require that the insurance policy name the Town as an additional insured; a cash deposit in a sufficient amount to cover anticipated Town expense; and/or an agreement indemnifying and holding the Town harmless for any damage to property or injury to persons related to the event.
Limiting the hours of when the special event is open to the public.
A permit application shall be filed with the Town Clerk not less than 30 days prior to the date of the special event.
The application shall contain and disclose the following information:
The name, address and telephone number of the person or persons who are promoting, managing, sponsoring and/or operating the special event. If the special event is promoted, managed, sponsored or operated by different persons, each shall sign the application upon oath or affirmation that the statements and information contained therein are true and correct to the best of their knowledge.
The address and legal description of all property upon which the special event is to be held or which is to be used in connection with the special event and a site plan to scale showing the location of buildings, structures and facilities to be used in connection with the event; adjacent streets, primary and auxiliary parking and vehicular access; pedestrian access and, if applicable, the location of proposed emergency services. If the special event is to be conducted in part on public grounds or streets, the location, nature and extent of use.
The nature or purpose of the special event.
The date or dates of the special event and the hours of the special event.
The maximum number of persons which the applicant(s) shall permit to assemble at any time, not to exceed the maximum number of persons which can reasonably and safely assemble at the location of the special event considering the nature of the event and the location of the event.
The maximum number of tickets to be sold, if any, on each day.
Plans to limit the number of people allowed to assemble, including, but not limited to, fencing, gates, barricades, access points and the like.
Plans for supplying potable water, including the source, amount available and location of outlets, if applicable.
Plans for providing toilet and lavatory facilities by number, location and type, if applicable.
Plans for providing medical facilities and emergency services showing locations and the names and addresses of medical personnel and emergency service providers, if applicable.
Plans to illuminate the special event area, including the source, power and location of lamps, if applicable.
Plans for parking, including number and location of parking spaces, and parking management plans, including interior vehicular circulation, if applicable.
Plans for holding, collecting and disposing of trash and solid waste.
Plans for providing security, including the number of guards, their deployment and their names, addresses, credentials and hours of duty, if applicable.
Plans for fire protection, including the number and type of protective devices, including alarms and extinguishers and the personnel available to operate the equipment, if applicable.
Plans for sound amplification and control, including the number, location and power of amplifiers, if applicable.
Plans for food and beverage concessions, including the type of concession structures, locations and the names and addresses of vendors and their license or permit numbers.
The application for a special event permit shall be processed within 30 days upon receipt of a complete application. Grounds for denial shall include, but not be limited to, the submission of false or misleading information by the applicant, interference or conflict with another special event permit or failure to comply with the standards and requirements of this article. Any applicant who is denied a special event permit or who objects to a condition or requirement of a special event permit may appeal to the Board of Appeals by filing a written appeal stating the grounds for the appeal. The Town shall hear the appeal within 10 days. If the appeal is denied, the applicant may seek judicial review by certiorari.
The fee for special events shall be in an amount as set from time to time by resolution of the Town Board, plus actual Town expenses. Permit fees shall be paid to the Town of Wescott.
Any person who violates this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the forfeiture amount in the Fine and Forfeiture Schedule of the Town of Wescott that shall be as set from time to time by resolution by the Town of Wescott. Each violation and each day a violation continues or occurs shall constitute a separate offense.
The Town Board may, in its discretion, waive the permit review fee for nonprofit groups and organizations.
This article repeals Ord. No. 2005-11 adopted 11-16-2005.
This article shall be effective upon passage and publication and proper signage as required by law.