[Adopted 12-5-1988 by Res. No. 313-1988]
One of the most serious public health problems in the State of New York is the toll of deaths and injuries due to accidents, and studies indicate that there is a need for a communications system for prompt and appropriate first aid and supportive measures.
There is a need to develop a system of emergency medical care to coordinate quickly the many disciplines involved in the delivery of such care and to provide a capability of dealing with every type of medical emergency, from a single accident to a major disaster.
The establishment of such an effective statewide system of emergency medical care requires the orderly integration of communities within the state with close coordination between the several agencies and groups of people involved in the delivery system.
The most immediately effective way to coordinate the emergency medical care system is through the development of a Community Emergency Medical Services Committee.
The urgency of this program requires involving an effective broadly based community leadership committee willing to devote time and energy to fact-finding, planning, coordinating within these organizations, agencies and facilities, which must contribute to the systems.
There is hereby established the Albany County Emergency Medical Services Committee, which Committee members shall be appointed by the Albany County Executive.
The Albany County Office of Natural Disaster and Civil Defense shall provide secretarial and coordinating services to the Emergency Medical Services Committee of Albany County.