[Ord. #313; New; Ord. #01-1043, S 2; Ord. #02-1052, S 1; Ord. #06-1210, S 1; Ord. No. 17-1560; Ord. No. 17-1560; amended 5-2-2024 by Ord. No. 24-1729]
Activities and conduct listed below shall be prohibited within any park belonging to, leased by or operated by the Township:
No person shall post, print, affix, distribute, glue, tack or otherwise post a sign, placard, advertisement or inscription, except that signage required for implementation of the deer management program authorized by section 9-9 of this chapter, or directional signage authorized by the Township may be posted.
No person shall operate any musical instrument, sound track, or drum for advertising purposes or for the purpose of attracting attention to any exhibition, show, performance or other display.
Unless otherwise provided, no person shall cause or permit any animal owned by him, in his custody, or under his control, to go or be at large.
Dogs shall be restrained by a leash not exceeding six feet in length; except that dogs may be unleashed in special areas provided for such purposes, commonly known as dog parks, provided that the dog is accompanied by and under the control of an adult owner, custodian or trainer. A dog park is a fenced/double-gated area specifically designated and established by the Township for the socializing and exercising of dogs.
No dog, except a service dog, is permitted in Veterans Memorial, regardless of whether such dog is controlled by a leash.
No person shall ride or drive a horse unless it is well broken and constantly held in such control that it may be easily or quickly turned and stopped.
No person shall permit a horse to be unbridled or left unattended in any unenclosed area without being securely fastened.
No horse shall be driven or ridden except at such locations designated for this purpose as provided in section 9-3 of this chapter.
No person shall hunt, molest, harm, frighten, kill, trap, pursue, chase, shoot or throw missiles at any animal, wildlife, reptile or bird; or knowingly purchase, buy, receive or have in his possession, sell, convey or give away any such animal, reptile, bird or eggs of any such reptile or bird, except as provided in section 9-9 of this chapter.
No person shall throw stones or other missiles so as to annoy other persons.
No person shall climb or stand upon a wall, fence, shelter, seat, statue, or other structure.
No person shall enter or leave the park facilities except at established entrances and exits.
No person shall remove or open permanent or temporary barriers, signs, directionals, gates, or fences.
No person shall have in his possession or bring into any park, or set or otherwise cause to explode or discharge or burn any firecrackers, torpedo rockets or other fireworks, firecrackers or explosives or inflammable material or discharge them or throw them into such area from lands or highways adjacent thereto. This prohibition includes any substance, compound, mixture or article that in conjunction with any other substance or compounds may decompose suddenly and generate sufficient heat, gas or pressure or any or all of them to produce rapid flaming, combustion, or administer a destructive blow to surrounding objects.
No person shall carry or possess firearms of any description in which loaded or blank cartridges may be used, or air guns, spring guns, slings or any other form of weapon potentially dangerous to wildlife and human safety, except:
As provided in section 9-9 of this chapter, or
As specifically authorized by the Township Committee and the Township's chief law enforcement officer in connection with a Township-sponsored commemorative event such as Veteran's Day or Memorial Day and/or a Township-sponsored educational program, at which an historic reenactment or exhibit that includes use of antique firearms or antique cannons is conducted, and provided further, that any such use is not otherwise prohibited by Chapter 39 of Title 2C the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice.
Shooting such devices into the park area from beyond the park boundaries is forbidden, except that this section shall not apply to any police officer, constable or other duly constituted officer under the laws of the State of New Jersey, or of the United States of America, authorized to carry firearms in the performance of his official duties.
No person shall kindle, build, maintain or use a fire, except in places provided for such purposes. All fires shall be continuously under the care and direction of a competent person. No person shall drop, throw or otherwise scatter lighted matches, burning cigarettes or cigars, tobacco paper or other flammable material within any park. All fires shall be completely extinguished before persons responsible therefor leave the park area.
No person shall operate any vehicle except on roadways or parking areas provided for such purpose. No person shall operate a mini-bike, moped, or snowmobile within the boundaries of any park.
No person shall park or cause to be parked any vehicle except in areas established for parking or designated by signs for such purposes. No vehicle shall be parked, whether or not the operator is in attendance, after the closing hours of any park.
No person shall throw any substance, matter or thing which may or shall result in the pollution of any lake, river, lagoon, stream, storm sewer, or drain of any park or the like which leads into or passes through the park.
No person shall take into, carry through, leave in, throw, cast, lay, drop or discharge onto or on any park, any rubbish, refuse, garbage, or other material, irrespective of whether the same is organic or inorganic.
No person shall deposit on any ice, or in any pond, any matter which would tend to damage the ice for skating.
No person shall injure any trees, shrubs, grass, or destroy, cut, break, deface, mutilate, disturb, sever or remove from the ground any plant, flower, growing thing, stem, branch or leaf thereof. In addition, no person shall pile debris of any kind against such vegetation, attach any rope or cable or other conveyance thereto, or set fire or assist in setting a fire to any of the same.
No person shall willfully mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with or displace or remove any buildings, bridges, tables, benches, fireplaces, railings, pavings, or paving materials, water lines or other public utilities or parts of or appurtenances thereof.
No person shall dig or remove any soil, rock, sand, clay or earth or make any excavation of any kind by any means or agency.
No person shall gamble or participate in any game of chance.
No person shall feed any wildlife. As used herein:
Feed shall mean to give, place, expose, deposit, distribute or scatter any edible material with the intention of feeding, attracting or enticing wildlife, but shall not include baiting in the legal taking of fish and/or game; and
Wildlife shall mean Canadian geese and white-tailed deer.
[Ord. #313; New; Ord. #98-946, S 1]
Montgomery Township Parks shall be open in accordance with the following provisions:
Except for unusual and unforeseen circumstances or unfavorable site conditions as determined by the Township Administrator or his/her designee, Montgomery Township parks shall be open to the public every day of the year 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes past sunset. In addition, Lubas Field and the portions of Montgomery Park associated with the lighted basketball courts may be open for prereserved use of lights for baseball or softball (Lubas Field) or for basketball (Montgomery Park Courts) during limited hours later than 30 minutes past sunset, but in no event later than 10:00 p.m. during the period June 25 - September 7, and 9:30 p.m. during the period September 8 - June 24 at Montgomery Park; and 10:00 p.m. year round at Lubas Field in accordance with procedures adopted by the Township Committee and administered by the Recreation Department.
The aforesaid hours may be amended from time to time for a specific activity, event or use by resolution of the Township Committee. Any section or part of any park may be declared closed to the public by resolution of the Township Committee at any time and for any interval of time, either temporarily or at regularly stated intervals, daily or otherwise.
The aforesaid hours shall not apply to designated camping areas where such camping is conducted in accordance with applicable Township rules and regulations nor to events sponsored by the Township such as, but not limited to, summer concert series.
[Ord. #313; New; Ord. #01-1043, S 3]
The following activities and uses are permitted only at times and in areas so designated for that purpose by Resolution of the Township Committee and are otherwise prohibited within the park:
Swimming, bathing and wading.
Ice skating, sledding and skiing.
Model airplane flying.
Boating on ponds.
Horseback riding.
Mechanical sound amplification.
Culling of white-tailed deer in accordance with section 9-9 of this chapter.
[Ord. #313; New; Ord. #9-1313, S 1]
The following activities and uses are permitted only by persons who obtain a valid permit therefor and are otherwise prohibited within the park:
No person shall cast, hand out or leave about any bill, billboard, placard, tickets, hand bill, circular, flag, banner, transparency or any other matter for advertising purposes without first obtaining a permit therefor in the manner described in section 9-6 and further provided that such person shall, in addition, obtain a permit for such activity in accordance with Chapter 4, section 4-1, Peddling, Soliciting and Related Activities.
No person shall conduct or organize an outdoor assembly of persons within any park at which 200 or more persons shall be in attendance unless such person shall first obtain a permit therefor from the Recreation Director and, in addition, such person must obtain a permit in accordance with the provisions of section 4-2, Licensing Outdoor Assemblies. A permit application for this activity shall first be submitted to the Recreation Director and, in the event the Recreation Director issues a permit for such outdoor assembly in accordance with section 9-6, such permit shall be conditioned upon the applicant obtaining a permit for such outdoor assembly in accordance with section 4-2 of this Code.
No person shall solicit for contributions or for any purpose whether public or private except that a nonprofit, religious, charitable, civic or veteran organization, service club, volunteer fire or first aid company, may solicit in its name, money, donations or financial assistance and may sell or distribute any item of literature or merchandise for which a fee is charged. Such organization shall, prior to any such solicitation in any park comply with the provisions of subsection 4-1.14, Non-Profit Organizations, and obtain, in accordance with that section, the permits and identification cards required.
No person shall sell or offer for sale any object or merchandise or any other thing except by permit issued in accordance with section 9-6 and, in addition to such permit, no person shall engage in such activities without a permit obtained pursuant to section 4-1, Peddling, Soliciting and Related Activities.
A person may obtain a permit, in the manner described in section 9-6, for purposes of reserving for exclusive use a portion or portions of a park, including but not limited to athletic fields or other athletic areas, picnic areas or portion(s) thereof, or the buildings or structures therein.
[Ord. #313; New]
The Recreation Committee is hereby authorized to recommend to the Township Committee, rules and regulations for the safe and efficient operation and management of the parks of the Township. When such rules and regulations are approved, by Resolution, by the Township Committee, the Recreation Committee shall post such rules and regulations in appropriate places together with other notices consistent with this Chapter to provide public notice thereof. If such rules and regulations shall require the issuance of a permit prior to any activity or group activity, the standards for issuance of permits provided for in section 9-6(b) shall apply.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use or to be present in a park in a manner prohibited by such rules and regulations.
[Ord. #313; New; Ord. #94-805, SS 2, 3; Ord. #09-1313, S 1]
No person shall engage in any activity or use within any park where a permit is required by this section or by the rules and regulations adopted by the Township Committee pursuant to section 9-5, without first having obtained such permit in accordance with the following procedure and standards:
A permit shall be obtained by application submitted to the Recreation Director of the Township of Montgomery which application shall contain the following:
The name and address of the applicant.
The name and address of the person(s), corporation(s) or association(s) sponsoring the activity, if any.
The day(s) and hours for which the permit is desired.
The type of permit desired as set forth in section 9-7.
The park or portion thereof for which the permit is desired.
The specific activity or use for which the permit is necessary, including the number of persons to be covered by such permit.
The appropriate applicant category as set forth in section 9-7.
The Recreation Director shall consider such application and, within 15 days of receipt of a complete application, including the insurance certificate and the hold harmless agreement required in paragraph d below, either grant or deny the application. The decision of the Recreation Director shall be transmitted to the applicant shown on the application. The standards for issuance of such permit by the Recreation Director shall include the following:
That the proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the general public enjoyment of the park.
That the proposed activity and use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of public health, welfare, safety, and recreation.
That the proposed activity or uses that are reasonably anticipated will not include violence, crime, or disorderly conduct.
That the proposed activity will not entail extraordinary or burdensome expense for the police operation by the Township.
That the facilities desired have not been reserved for other use at the date and hour requested by the application.
Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Recreation Director as hereinabove provided, shall have the right to appeal to the Township Administrator by serving written notice thereof on the Township Clerk within five days of notification of the decision of the Recreation Director. A copy of such notice shall also be served on the Recreation Director within the same time and the Recreation Director shall immediately forward the application and the reasons for its refusal to the Township Administrator who shall consider the appeal under the application standards set forth in this section and sustain or overrule the decision of the Recreation Director within 10 days from receipt of the appeal by the Township Clerk.
The person to whom the permit is issued shall be liable for all loss, damage or injury sustained by any person whatsoever by reason of the negligence or intentional act of the person, its agents, servants, employees or guests, to whom the permit was issued. In addition, permittees shall be required to comply with the following hold harmless and insurance requirements, as appropriate:
All permittees shall be required to submit a duly executed hold harmless agreement in a form prescribed by the Recreation Director and produce valid photo-identification, which the Recreation Department shall photocopy and attach to the permit application:
All permittees receiving weekly or seasonal use permits shall be required to furnish the Recreation Director with a certificate of insurance confirming general liability insurance with coverage for bodily injury and property damage of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit each occurrence, naming the Township of Montgomery and its employees, officers, agents and servants as additional insureds, and further confirming that the permittee's insurance is primary insurance for the Township and as to any other insurance that may be in force as to the Township. In addition, if the activities to be conducted by the permittee include any sporting or athletic games, contests, exhibitions or tournaments, the insurance shall contain the following provision: The insurance afforded includes coverage for any bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, sustained by any person or persons or injury or damages to, or destruction of, any property directly or indirectly arising out of, relating to, or in connection with the use of the park and its facilities.
Companies, corporations, organizations and associations receiving daily use permits, as set forth in section 9-7, shall be required to furnish the Recreation Director with a certificate of insurance in accordance with paragraph d2 immediately above. Certificates of insurance shall not be required of individual permittees.
The Recreation Director shall have the authority to revoke any permit upon a finding of violation of any Township, State or Federal rule, regulation or ordinance or upon good cause shown.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, the Director of Police of the Township of Montgomery shall be authorized to revoke a permit issued hereunder when, during the course of the activity for which the permit has been issued, the safety of any persons or the safety of personal property, including that of the Township of Montgomery is in clear and immediate danger as a result of the activity authorized by the permit. Where such permit has been revoked or where persons and personal property are endangered as set forth above by a person or persons who do not possess such permit, the Director of Police is authorized to require that such person or persons leave the park area and take all steps necessary to eliminate the condition which endangers persons or personal property. The provisions of this Chapter and the provisions of any rules and regulations adopted by the Township Committee may be enforced by the Police Department of the Township of Montgomery.
[Ord. 94-805, S 4; Ord. #98-946, S 2; Ord. #09-1313, S 3]
In order to defray maintenance, materials, labor and utility costs incurred by the Township resulting from permittees' use of recreational facilities, permit fees, as follows, are herewith established:
Permit Types and Applicant Categories. The following permit types and applicant categories are hereby established:
Shall mean a reservation, obtained by permit granted under section 9-6, for use of a portion or portions of a Township park for an amount of time during a one-day period.
Shall mean an organization or team where the majority of the players reside within the Township.
[Added 4-6-2023 by Ord. No. 23-1695]
Shall mean an organization, company, or corporation that is organized for profit and whose principal place of business is not located within the Township. The term "nonresident for profit" shall also refer to an individual who does not reside within the Township and who organizes an activity at which an admission fee or participant's entrance fee is charged.
[Amended 12-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-1674; 4-6-2023 by Ord. No. 23-1695]
Shall mean an individual who does not reside within the Township and who organizes an activity at which no admission fee or participant's entrance fee is charged.
Shall mean any nonprofit corporation, organization or association that is not organized for profit, holding a tax-exempt status under the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954, i.e., 26 U.S.C. § 501(c) or (d), and the majority of whose members do not reside within the Township.
[Amended 12-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-1674; 4-6-2023 by Ord. No. 23-1695]
Shall mean any organization, company, or corporation that is organized for profit and whose principal place of business is within the Township. Also as used herein "resident for, profit" shall refer to an individual who resides within the Township and who organizes an activity at which an admission fee or participant's entrance fee is charged.
Shall mean an individual who resides within the Township and who organizes an activity at which no admission fee or participant's entrance fee is charged.
Shall mean any nonprofit corporation, organization or association that is not organized for profit, holding a tax-exempt status under the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954, i.e., 26 U.S.C. § 501(c) or (d), and the majority of whose members reside within the Township.
[Amended 12-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-1674; 4-6-2023 by Ord. No. 23-1695]
Shall mean a reservation, obtained by permit granted under subsection 9-6, for use of one or more athletic fields or other athletic areas, including but not limited to tennis and basketball courts, over the course of multiple weeks during a twelve-month period.
Shall mean a reservation, obtained by permit granted under section 9-6, for use of one or more athletic fields or other athletic areas, including but not limited to tennis and basketball courts, during the course of a one-week period.
Facility reservation fee.
[Amended 12-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-1674; 4-6-2023 by Ord. No. 23-1695]
Facility Reservation Proposed Fees:
In-Town League
Resident Individual Rate
Nonresident Individual Rate
Resident Nonprofit Rate
Nonresident Nonprofit Rate
Resident For Profit
Nonresident For Profit
One-time use of Tier 1 facility*: 4-hour block, or fraction thereof, includes setup and cleanup times
One-time use of Tier 2 facility**: 4-hour block, or fraction thereof, includes setup and cleanup times
$50/4-hour block
$100/4-hour block
$50/4-hour block
$100/4-hour block
$100/4-hour block
$200/4-hour block
Weekly use: cost per field or athletic area, per 4-hour block per day or fraction thereof
$10/4-hour block
$20/4-hour block
$10/4-hour block
$20/4-hour block
$20/4-hour block
$40/4-hour block
Seasonal use: cost per field or athletic area per day or fraction thereof
***$10/hour per field
$10/hour per field
$20/hour per field
$10/hour per field
$20/hour per field
$20/hour per field
$40/hour per field
Tier 1 facilities: Montgomery Veteran Park and Van Home Park.
Tier 2 facilities: Bessie Grover, Hobler Park, Lubas Field and Mill Pond.
Starting July 1, 2023: $10 per hour, per field, with a maximum of $50 per day, per field, for in-town leagues only.
Starting July 1, 2024: $10 per hour, per field, with a maximum of $70 per day, per field, for in-town leagues only.
Starting July 1, 2025: $10 per hour, per field, with no maximum.
Specific Uses. In addition to the facility reservation fee, fees shall be charged for the following uses:
Type of Use
Lighted ballfield
$55 per site, per day or fraction thereof.
Lighted basketball court
$25 per site, per day or fraction thereof.
Concession stand
$100 per day or fraction thereof, except where a lease agreement controls.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Recreation Director shall have the authority to waive or reduce facility reservation fees upon a finding of financial hardship or upon a finding that the use of the facility as an outdoor meeting space will not require increased maintenance, labor and utility costs by the Township.
[Amended 12-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-1674; 4-6-2023 by Ord. No. 23-1695]
When fees paid. All fees shall be paid prior to issuance of the permit.
[Amended 12-16-2021 by Ord. No. 21-1674; 4-6-2023 by Ord. No. 23-1695]
Exemption from fees. The Township and other governmental entities shall be exempt from the payment of all fees and reimbursement for personnel set forth in this section.
Refunds. In general, no refunds will be granted. However, if an event is canceled because the Township has closed the park due to inclement weather and the permittee is unable to reasonably reschedule the event within 90 days, subject to the availability of the park facilities, a refund may be issued at the discretion of the Recreation Director.
Van Horne Park. Residents of the Borough of Rocky Hill shall be eligible for the residential permit fees, as set forth in paragraph b above, when reserving Van Horne Park or portions or facilities thereof. This paragraph shall not be applicable to any of the Township's other parks or recreational facilities.
[Ord. #87-562, S 1]
The consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages in any park belonging to, leased or operated by the Township shall be prohibited except as provided below.
Special Permits may be issued by the Township Committee in accordance with the provisions of subsection 3-5.4 of this Code for the consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages at a picnic or other activity sponsored by a Montgomery Township based responsible group or organization subject to the following:
Special Permits may be issued for Lubas and Broadway Fields only.
In addition to the requirements of subsection 3-5.4 the group or organization shall submit with its permit application:
Proof of host liquor liability insurance in a minimum amount of $1,000,000 for the date of the event. The Township and the group or organization shall be covered by this insurance policy.
A description of the manner by which sanitary sewer and water facilities will be brought to the park to accommodate the people attending the event. The type of sanitary sewer and water facilities to be utilized shall be approved by the Health Officer. The need for these facilities may be waived at the discretion of the Health Officer where the anticipated length of the event and number of persons anticipated to be in attendance do not warrant their use.
A security deposit of $200, payable by cash or certified check, to be drawn upon by the Township in the event of damage to the park. The security deposit will be returned if no damage occurs. If damage in excess of $200 occurs, the group or organization shall, within seven days of the event, remit to the Township the difference between the security deposit and the amount of the damage.
A description of the manner by which security personnel will be employed at the event. The number and type of security personnel shall be approved by the Chief of Police. The need for security personnel may be waived at the discretion of the Chief of Police where the anticipated length of the event and number of persons anticipated to be in attendance do not warrant their employment.
Under no circumstances will the term of the permit extend beyond the usual park opening and closing hours of, respectively, 30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset.
[Ord. #01-1043, S 4; Ord. #02-1073; Ord. #04-1144, S 1; Ord. #08-1279, S 1; Ord. #11-1398; Ord. #12-1420; Ord. #2015-1491; Ord. No. 16-1518; Ord. No. 16-1527; Ord. No. 17-1552 §§ 1, 2; amended 5-16-2019 by Ord. No. 19-1616; 6-17-2021 by Ord. No. 21-1663; 4-20-2023 by Ord. No. 23-1698; 5-2-2024 by Ord. No. 24-1726]
The hunting, shooting, killing and removal of white-tailed deer shall be allowed solely for the purpose of reducing and managing the Township's deer population, and only in accordance with the following provisions, and shall otherwise be prohibited in any Township park or open space.
Permit required. No person shall hunt, shoot, kill or remove deer from any park or open space, or carry or possess firearms of any description in which loaded or blank cartridges may be used, or air guns, spring guns, slings or any other form of weapon potentially dangerous to wildlife and human safety, unless that person has first obtained a municipal deer management permit for such activity.
Dates and locations for hunting. The number of permits issued each year, the properties for which the permits are issued and the dates on which those properties may be hunted shall be determined annually by resolution of the Township Committee. A press release and/or notice informing the public of said designated dates and locations shall be published on the Township's website and in the Township's newsletter and shall be submitted to the official newspaper of Montgomery Township for publication.
Application process. A permit shall be obtained by application to the Clerk of Montgomery Township, which application shall contain the following:
The name and address of the applicant.
The applicant's date of birth. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older to be eligible for a municipal deer management permit. Applicants for youth hunting permits, if authorized by the annual resolution establishing dates and locations for hunting, and subject to any restrictions imposed by the annual resolution and this section, must be between the ages of 15 years of age to 17 years of age by the first day of fall bow season.
The applicant's social security number.
The applicant's license plate number.
Current firearm or bow and arrow hunting license number, or proof of application for same and participation in a state hunter education course.
A photocopy of any applicable state permits (fall and winter bow, permit shotgun or muzzleloader rifle).
A signed certification that the applicant is not prohibited by law from possessing a firearm and has not been convicted of any felonies. Any applicant who is prohibited by law from possessing a firearm or who has been convicted of a felony shall not be eligible for a permit.
A release authorizing the Township to conduct a background check for violations of the New Jersey Fish and Game Code, N.J.A.C. 7:25-5 et seq., and for violations of any local regulations pertaining to parks or to hunting. Any applicant who has violated any provision of the Fish and Game Code or violated any local regulation pertaining to parks or to hunting within 10 years of the date of the application shall not be eligible for a permit.
A copy of a certificate of insurance confirming general liability insurance with coverage with combined single limits for bodily injury and property damage of at least $1,000,000 per single occurrence and $1,000,000 annual aggregate.
The property for which a permit is sought.
For youth hunting permits, applicants shall provide all of the information required for a municipal deer management permit, but shall also supply a signed permission slip from the youth hunter's parents or guardian and a separate acknowledgment from the hunter agreeing to take responsibility for the youth's actions while hunting. Applications shall be available in the Township Clerk's office and on the Township website. Prior to any permits being issued, all applications will be reviewed by the Montgomery Township Police Department for accuracy of information supplied and for compliance with the requirements set forth herein. Applications for new, first-time permittees must be submitted in person by the applicant; new applications not submitted in person will not be processed. All other applications may be submitted either in person or by mail.
Hunter education and safety course. Prior to receiving a permit, each applicant shall be required to complete the Township's site specific hunter education and safety course.
Eligibility for permit. Permits shall be available to any licensed hunter in the State of New Jersey except Montgomery Township employees who are involved in the administration and/or enforcement of this section, or individuals whose permit has been revoked previously for violations under § 9-9i. Permits shall be issued according to the following procedures:
There shall be three drawings for permits. The first drawing shall be open only to those past permittees who have (harvested two or more antlerless deer if hunting with a bow or two or more antlerless deer if hunting with a firearm) met the minimum harvest requirements as set forth in the annual resolution, returned the end-of-season survey, and who otherwise meet all eligibility requirements set forth in this section. These permittees shall have the opportunity to request to remain on the same property where the quota was achieved, if desired.
A second and subsequent drawing will be held for all remaining permits. This drawing shall be open to any licensed hunter in the State of New Jersey who meets the eligibility requirements set forth in this section. These permits will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
A third drawing will be held after the close of the first and second drawings for any remaining open permits. Eligible hunters who already claimed a main and/or provisional property may apply for one additional property in this drawing. Permits will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Youth hunting permits will be awarded based on the order in which the youth's responsible hunter is selected in the drawings outlined in § 9-9e1 and 2. No more than two youth hunters will be permitted per property.
Rules and regulations. The following rules and regulations shall apply to any permit issued to an individual:
Prior to any hunting activities taking place, permittees shall post warning signs along the boundaries of the properties for which they have received a permit (boundary signs will be provided by the Township) and the Township shall post warning signs at the entrances to all properties for which permits have been issued.
Only portable stands that do not harm the trees shall be permitted. All stands shall be removed no later than 15 days following the expiration of the permit. Hunters shall display their Township permit number on their tree stand so that it is visible from the ground.
All deer must be checked in via the state's automated harvest report system. Within 72 hours of harvest, all hunters must electronically submit to the Township their state-issued confirmation number and a photograph of the deer taken at the property. At the conclusion of the hunting season, each hunter must submit the end-of-season survey to the Township by the designated deadline in order to remain eligible to participate in the program.
All permits shall be site-specific and nontransferable. Except as set forth in § 9-9f5 below, permittees shall be authorized to hunt only the property for which they have been issued a permit and shall be responsible for knowing where they are at all times. Each permittee shall be required to display his or her permit prominently when engaging in hunting activities.
Deer drives shall be allowed, subject to the following limitations:
Only permittees may drive deer. It shall be a violation of this section for any person to drive deer who does not possess a Montgomery Township deer management permit.
No person shall carry a weapon of any kind while driving deer, except that this provision shall not apply to those permittees who possess a permit for the property being driven.
Vehicles shall be restricted to public roads and designated parking areas.
Target practice is strictly prohibited.
All season dates and bag limits designated by the State of New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife and the Fish and Game Council for Deer Management Zones 12 and 14 shall apply.
Incidental hunting.
Permittees are authorized to take coyotes or foxes while hunting white-tailed deer on the Township property, provided that the taking of coyotes or foxes is incidental to, and not separate from, their deer hunting activities during the six-day firearm, muzzleloader rifle permit, shotgun permit, fall bow, permit bow, or winter bow deer seasons if the coyote or fox is encountered before said permittee has taken the season bag limit of deer. However, after the permittee has taken a daily bag limit of deer, he or she must cease hunting immediately. Incidental hunting of coyote or fox while deer hunting may resume the following day (provided the season remains open and the season bag limit of deer has not been reached). Coyote or fox hunting at night is strictly prohibited, and shall conclude on the last day of whitetailed deer hunting season. The hunting, shooting, killing, pursuit or removal of any other wildlife is strictly prohibited.
Permittees with a valid turkey season permit from the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife are authorized to take turkeys of either sex during the fall turkey season, provided that the taking of turkeys is incidental to, and not separate from, their deer hunting activities during the one week of the permit bow season that coincides with the fall turkey season if the turkey is encountered before said permittee has taken the season bag limit of deer. The bag limit is one turkey per permit, but only one bird may be taken in a given day, regardless of the number of permits a hunter holds. However, after the permittee has taken a daily bag limit of deer, he or she must cease hunting immediately. Incidental hunting of turkey while deer hunting may resume the following day (provided the season remains open and the season bag limit of deer has not been reached).
Youth hunting permit holders, in addition to following all rules and regulations outlined for municipal deer management permit holders, must abide by the following additional rules and regulations:
A youth hunting permit holder must be accompanied by the municipal deer management permit holder identified in the youth hunting permit application.
The youth hunting permit holder must occupy the same tree as the responsible municipal deer management permit holder identified in the youth hunting permit application.
Permittees using elevated tree stands on Township property shall use a full-body safety harness at all times. In addition, any permit issued by the Township to an individual may contain such additional conditions as the Director or Chief of Police of the Township of Montgomery determines are reasonably required to ensure the safety of Montgomery's residents, including, but not limited to, limiting the days and times during which the permittees may hunt thereon and restricting the areas within the parks or open spaces on which the permittees may hunt.
Duration of permit. Permits shall be valid only during the applicable state-approved deer hunting seasons, as said dates may be amended from time to time by the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife and the Fish and Game Council.
Permit fees. In order to defray increased maintenance, materials, labor and administrative costs incurred by the Township in connection with its deer management program, a permit fee of $100 is herewith established. Any adult who is awarded a municipal deer management permit and also accepted responsibility for an applicant for a youth hunting permit will be charged an additional $50 for the youth hunting permit fee. Any permit fees collected that are not needed to defray the costs of administering the program shall be deposited into the Township's Open Space Fund and dedicated to the acquisition or maintenance of open space.
Revocation of permit. The Director or Chief of Police of the Township of Montgomery shall be authorized to revoke a permit issued hereunder at any time if the safety of any persons or the safety of personal property, including that of the Township of Montgomery, is threatened as a result of the activity authorized by the permit. Violations by any permittee of any applicable state or local rules and regulations pertaining to hunting or use of parkland shall also cause the permit to be revoked. Where such permit has been revoked or where persons or personal property are endangered as set forth above, the Director or Chief of Police is authorized to require that such person or persons leave the park area immediately and take all steps necessary to eliminate the condition which endangers persons or personal property.
Violations and penalties. All state and local regulations pertaining to parks and to hunting shall remain in full force and effect and nothing herein shall be construed to abrogate same. Violation of this section, any special condition or any applicable state or local regulation will result in the immediate loss of hunting privileges on the property and will subject the hunter to any applicable penalties, including but not limited to, the general penalties set forth in § 1-5 of this Code.
Enforcement. The provisions of this section and provisions of any rules and regulations adopted by the Township Committee shall be enforced by the Police Department of the Township of Montgomery.
Editor's Note: Former section 9-9, County Parks, was redesignated as Section 9-10 by Ordinance No. 01-1043.
[Ord. #97-917, S 1; Ord. #01-1043, S 4]
When used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Animals shall mean and include cats, dogs, horses, any fowl or birds, and any other living creatures within the jurisdiction of the Park.
Bridlepath shall mean any path maintained for equestrians.
Commission shall mean the Somerset County Park Commission or its authorized representative as created by Authority of Chapter 276, New Jersey Laws 1946; N.J.S.A. 40:37-95.
Secretary-Director shall mean the Director of the Somerset County Park Commission.
Park Ranger shall mean any person employed by the Commission as a Somerset County Park Ranger.
Path shall mean any footpath, walk, or any path maintained for pedestrians.
Pedestrian shall mean a person afoot.
Permit shall mean any written license issued by or under the authority of the Commission, permitting a special event or activity on park facilities and grounds.
Person shall mean any person, corporation, joint stock association, firm or copartnership.
Private road or drive shall mean every road or lane or driveway not open to the use of the public in general.
Right of way shall mean the privilege of the immediate use of the roadway, drive, or path.
Safety zone shall mean any space (within a drive) established for pedestrians.
Somerset County Park or Parks, Parkways and Reservations shall mean all the real property situated in Somerset County or adjacent counties acquired by or under the jurisdiction and care of the Somerset County Park Commission or which may be hereafter acquired by it or come under its jurisdiction.
Stopping or standing when prohibited shall mean any cessation or movement of a vehicle occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, including horses.
Traffic shall mean pedestrian, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, either singly or together, while in the confines of the park's jurisdiction.
Vehicle shall mean any conveyance (except baby carriage) including motor vehicles, bicycles, tricycles, sleds, sleighs, pushcarts, or vehicles propelled by other than muscular power.
[Ord. #97-917, S 1; Ord. #01-1043, S 4]
This section shall be effective within all parks, parkways and reservations under the administration of the Somerset County Park Commission within the Township and shall be deemed to regulate the use thereof by all persons.
[Ord. #97-917, S 1; Ord. #01-1043, S 4]
Advertising. No person shall do the following prohibited acts:
Post, paint, affix, distribute or hand out any bill, billboard, placard, ticket, handbill, circular, or advertisement or any of the following without written permission of the Commission.
Display any flag, banner, transparency, target, sign, placard or any other matter for advertising purposes.
Operate any musical instrument, soundtrack, or drum for advertising purposes or for the purpose of attracting attention to any exhibition, show, performance or other display.
Soliciting. No person shall solicit for any purpose.
Animals. No person shall cause or permit any animal owned by him/her, in his/her custody or under his/her control, to go or be at large.
Dogs shall be restrained by a leash not exceeding six feet in length.
No person shall ride or drive a horse unless it is well-broken and constantly held in such control that it may be easily or quickly fumed and stopped.
No horse shall be unbridled or left unattended in any unenclosed area without being securely fastened.
No horse shall be driven or ridden in the parks except at such locations designated for this purpose by the Commission.
No person shall hunt, molest, kill, wound, trap, chase, shoot or throw missiles at, remove, or have in his possession any animal, reptile or bird; or knowingly buy, receive, have in his/her possession, sell, or give away any such animal, reptile, bird or eggs so taken.
No person shall fish in any of the rivers and canals bordering the parks unless such person has a State License. No person shall kill, wound, discharge or throw missiles at any fish in such waters; or place therein any piscivorous fish, poison or any other substances injurious to fish.
Disorderly Conduct. No person shall engage in any acts prohibited under N.J.S.A. 2C:1 et seq., including but not limited to disorderly persons offenses and petty disorderly persons offenses and, in addition, those prohibited by this Code. Not by way of limitation but by way of example, the following are prohibited:
Open burning without permit.
Possession of glass containers.
Possession of fireworks/explosive devices.
Destruction or removal of plant life.
Remaining or loitering after hours.
Possession or use of alcoholic beverage.
Firearms, Weapons and Tools. No person shall bring into or have in his/her possession:
Any pistol or revolver or objects upon which loaded or blank cartridges may be used.
Any tools, instruments, skeleton keys, picklocks, jimmies or other things known as burglar tools, except when authorized by law.
Any rifle, shotgun, air gun, spring gun, slingshot, bow, or other instrument or weapon in which the propelling force is a spring or air, excepting the lawful uses of such weapons at places and times prescribed by special permission of the Commission.
Fires. No person shall kindle, build, maintain or use a fire, except in places provided for such purposes or where a permit has been issued.
All fires shall be continuously under the care and direction of a competent person from the time it is kindled until it is extinguished.
No fire shall be built within 10 feet of any tree or building or beneath the branches of any tree or in any underbrush.
No cigar, cigarette, or lighted match shall be discarded carelessly or in a manner which may start a fire.
Closing Hours. All parks will close 1/2 hour after sunset as defined by the NOAA, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, except where and when specific closing hours are designated and posted.
Opening Hours. All park areas will open 1/2 hour after sunrise as defined by the NOAA unless otherwise specified or designated as posted.
Vending. No person shall sell or offer for sale any object or merchandise or any other thing within the parks except by special permit of the Commission.
Minors. No parent or guardian or custodian of any minor shall permit or allow him/her to do any act prohibited by any Somerset County Park Ordinance.
Motor Vehicle Operation. No person shall drive or operate any vehicle, except on roadways or parking areas provided, unless permitted by signs or directed by Park Rangers or other designated employees.
Motor Vehicle Parking. No person shall park or cause to be parked any vehicle within the parks, except in areas established for parking and designated by signs or directed by Park Rangers or other designated employees. During periods of darkness said vehicles shall have parking lights in operation.
[Ord. #97-917, S 1; Ord. #01-1043, S 4]
The following activities are permitted only at times and in areas so designated for that purpose by the Commission and are otherwise prohibited within the parks.
Swimming, bathing, wading.
Ice skating, sledding, skiing.
Model airplane, helicopter and rocket flying.
Boating on ponds.
Horseback riding.
Bicycles, skateboards.
All persons using the facilities of the Commission must obey the posted rules and regulations established for the proper, effective and safe utilization of the facility. Certain park areas have special rules and regulations. Persons using these facilities must obey posted rules and regulations for the protection of visitors and the resource.
[Ord. #97-917, S 1; Ord. #01-1043, S 4]
No person shall throw or deposit litter or waste substance in any fountain, drain, pond, lake, stream, or any other body of water in any park.
No person shall injure, cut, remove from the ground or otherwise disturb any plant, tree, or shrub in any park; nor shall any person:
Pile debris of any kind against same.
Attach rope, cable or other contrivance thereto.
Set fire or assist in setting fire to same.
Ride horses or walk animals over same.
No person shall damage, deface, or tamper with any drive or walkway, nor make any excavation of any kind in any park.
No person shall damage, deface, remove or destroy any structure, building, sign, utility or any other property or equipment, owned by or under the control or jurisdiction of the Park Commission.
No person shall throw or deposit litter in any park except in public receptacles and in such a manner that the litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements provided. All such litter shall be carried away from the park by the person(s) responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere.
[Ord. #97-917, S 1; Ord. #01-1043, S 4]
A permit authorizing a person or organization the use of a facility of the Commission may be granted upon written application to the Commission and written approval. All conditions of the permit approval must be adhered to and any violation of the terms and conditions, rules, regulations, or falsifications shall constitute grounds for its revocation by the Commission or its authorized representative.
[Ord. #97-917, S 1; Ord. #01-1043, S 4]
On subjects as to which subsections 9-10.1 to 9-10.8 are silent, or in the event of any conflict between this section and any provision of subsections 9-10.1 to 9-10.8, the provisions of this section shall govern within the boundaries of Somerset County Parks.
On subjects which are addressed by subsections 9-10.1 to 9-10.8, but as to which either (i) this section is silent, or (ii) it is not clear whether this section applies, subsections 9-10.1 to 9-10.8 shall govern.
[Ord. #97-917, S 1; Ord. #01-1043, S 4]
Any person violating any provision of these rules and regulations shall forfeit and pay a fine or penalty therefor, not exceeding $500 for each offense.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean the Chief of Police or in his or her absence, the Police Director, and in the absence of both, the ranking member of the Police Department.
Shall mean the Township official(s) appointed or third party contracted by the Township Committee to be responsible for the Township's collection, processing, maintenance and review of information obtained for purposes of conducting criminal history record background checks pursuant to this section.
Shall mean a determination of whether an individual has a criminal record by cross-referencing that individual's name and fingerprints with those on file with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Identification Division and the SBI.
Shall mean the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety.
Shall mean any individual under the age of 18.
Shall mean occurring on at least six separate dates in a calendar year.
Shall mean a committee comprised of the Chief of Police, Township Administrator and Recreation Director.
Shall mean the State Bureau of Identification in the Division of State Police, Department of Law and Public Safety.
Shall mean: (i) any facility owned, leased or used by the Township and under the Township's control, including without limitation, Township offices, meeting rooms, parks and recreational areas; or (ii) any facility used for youth programs for which the Township pays usage fees.
Shall mean to have direct contact with minors without the constant supervision, direction and/or oversight of other individuals 18 years of age or older.
Shall mean a planned series of organized recreational, cultural, educational or social activities intended: (i) for the participation of a single group of minors; and (ii) to be supervised by the same volunteer(s) or employee(s). A youth program shall include, but not be limited to, the practices and games of a single youth sports team during a single sports season.
Shall mean any individual, corporation, association or other person or organization, but excluding public and nonpublic schools, that provides one or more youth programs in the Township. Youth-serving organization shall not be construed to include visiting sports teams that are based outside of the Township during tournament play or the like.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
Unless otherwise provided in this section, a youth-serving organization shall comply with facility: the following for each of its youth programs that regularly utilizes any Township facility:
Request through the Coordinating Agency that the SBI conduct a background check on its prospective and current volunteers and employees who may have unsupervised direct contact with minors during the youth program, in accordance with subsection 9-11.3 below;
Authorize only those volunteers and employees who have not been disqualified following completion of the background check process set forth in subsection 9-11.4 below to participate in the youth program; and
Ensure that the youth program is supervised at all times by at least one volunteer or employee who has completed the background check process set forth in subsection 9-11.4 below and not been disqualified.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
When background checks are required under subsection 9-11.2 above, the youth-serving organization shall submit requests for background checks by providing to the Coordinating Agency the names, addresses, completed fingerprint cards and written consents of the volunteers and employees on standardized forms approved by the Township Committee and to be supplied by the Coordinating Agency at least 60 days before the youth program is scheduled to begin. Any volunteer or employee who does not provide the information and documentation required by this paragraph to conduct the background check, including but not limited to the written consent, shall not be permitted to participate in the youth-serving organization's youth program.
The Coordinating Agency shall forward the requests for background checks, along with the information and documentation required by paragraph a above, to the Attorney General in the Department of Law and Public Safety who will actually conduct the background checks.
The youth-serving organization shall designate in writing a representative who will be authorized to receive written notification, pursuant to subsection 9-11.4 below, indicating whether or not its volunteers and employees are disqualified based on the results of the background checks. The written notification shall be used by the authorized representative exclusively for the purposes set forth herein and shall not be disclosed or disseminated to any persons for unauthorized purposes.
Each youth-serving organization shall bear the costs associated with conducting the background checks in accordance with the fees established by the SBI under N.J.S.A. 15A:3A-2d, as amended from time to time. In the event the Township hires a third party contractor to serve as the Coordinating Agency, each youth-serving organization shall also be responsible for paying an additional processing fee for each background check conducted based on the actual cost paid by the Township for same. In addition, the youth-serving organization shall be responsible for any additional fee for fingerprinting completed by the Township Police Department, as set forth in subsection 2-12.4 of the Code.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
Following the Department of Law and Public Safety's completion of the background checks, said Department will provide written notice to the Coordinating Agency indicating whether any of the background checks reveal convictions of any of the disqualifying crimes or offenses specified in subsection 9-11.5 below.
Whenever a background check does not reveal a conviction for a disqualifying crime or offense, the Coordinating Agency will provide written notice to the individual that was the subject of the background check, the Recreation Director and the authorized representative of the relevant youth-serving organization that said individual is not disqualified from serving as a volunteer or employee during the youth-serving organization's youth program.
Whenever a background check reveals a conviction for a disqualifying crime or offense, the Coordinating Agency shall provide written notice of same to the individual that was the subject of the background check and the Chief of Police. The written notice will also advise the individual of the following:
Before the individual may be disqualified, the individual will have an opportunity to confirm, deny or challenge the accuracy of the results, or otherwise demonstrate why he or she should not be disqualified, by filing a written request for review with the Review Committee;
If the individual chooses to file a written request for review, said request shall be filed within 10 days of receipt of the written notice from the Coordinating Agency with the Chief of Police. The written request for review shall indicate that the individual is requesting not to be disqualified and shall explain the reasons substantiating the request. The Chief of Police may extend this ten-day period for reasonable cause; and
If the individual does not file a written request for review within the ten-day period (as may be extended), the Chief of Police will notify the Recreation Director of same and the individual shall be disqualified from serving as a volunteer or employee during the youth-serving organization's youth program. The Recreation Director shall then provide written notice to the individual and the authorized representative of the youth-serving organization that the individual is disqualified from serving as a volunteer or employee during the youth-serving organization's youth program.
In the event the individual files a written request for review with the Chief of Police, said official shall immediately transmit copies to the other members of the Review Committee for consideration. The following procedures and standards shall apply to the Review Committee's consideration of the request for review:
Within 15 days of filing the request for review, the Review Committee shall notify the individual what, if any, additional information and supporting documentation the Review Committee will need to consider the request, including but not limited to copies of the individual's criminal record, police reports and court dispositions. The Review Committee shall provide the individual with sufficient time to submit the information and documentation. The individual shall cooperate with the Review Committee's reasonable requests for information and documentation. All information and documents provided to the Review Committee shall be confidential.
Within 15 days of the Review Committee's receipt of all information and documentation that is reasonably necessary to complete its review, the Review Committee shall decide whether to disqualify the individual based on the following standards:
When the basis of request for review is that the results were incorrect. If the individual demonstrates to the Review Committee's reasonable satisfaction that the initial results were incorrect and that the individual's criminal history information, as corrected or completed by the SBI, does not reveal the conviction of a disqualifying crime or offense, then he or she shall not be disqualified from serving as a volunteer or employee during the youth-serving organization's youth program. If the individual is unable to demonstrate to the Review Committee's reasonable satisfaction that the initial results were incorrect as set forth above, however, then the individual shall be disqualified from serving as a volunteer or employee during the youth-serving organization's youth program.
When basis of request for review is that individual should not be disqualified despite conviction of disqualifying crime or offense.
The Review Committee may decide not to disqualify an individual from serving as a volunteer or employee despite the conviction of a disqualifying crime or offense, if the individual demonstrates that good cause exists, as more specifically set forth in paragraph d2(b)(2) of this subsection. If the Review Committee is unable to find that the individual has demonstrated that good cause exists, the individual shall be disqualified from serving as a volunteer or employee during the youth-serving organization's youth program.
In determining whether an individual has demonstrated that good cause exists to allow that individual to serve as a volunteer or employee despite the conviction of a disqualifying crime or offense, the Review Committee shall consider the following factors:
The nature and responsibility of the position which the convicted individual would hold or has held, as the case may be;
The nature and seriousness of the crime or offense;
The circumstances under which the crime or offense occurred;
The date of the crime or offense;
The age of the individual when the crime or offense was committed;
Whether the crime or offense was an isolated or repeated incident;
Any social conditions which my have contributed to the crime or offense; and
Any evidence of rehabilitation including good conduct in prison or the community, counseling or psychiatric treatment received, acquisition of additional academic or vocational schooling, successful participation in correctional work release programs, or the recommendation of those who have had the individual under their supervision.
The Review Committee shall notify the individual in writing of its final decision within the above fifteen-day period and the Review Committee's decision shall be final. All materials generated by the Review Committee shall remain confidential except as set forth in paragraphs d4 and d5 immediately below.
In the event the Review Committee has decided not to disqualify the individual, the Review Committee shall also provide written notice to the authorized representative of the youth-serving organization that said individual is not disqualified from serving as a volunteer or employee during the youth-serving organization's youth program. No other information will be provided to the representative of the youth-serving organization.
In the event the Review Committee has decided to disqualify the individual, the Review Committee shall also provide written notice to the authorized representative of the youth-serving organization that said individual is disqualified from serving as a volunteer or employee during the youth-serving organization's youth program. No other information will be provided to the representative of the youth-serving organization.
All time periods set forth in this paragraph may be extended for reasonable cause by the Chief of Police.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
The following crimes and offenses are the disqualifying crimes and offenses as set forth in subsection 9-11.4:
In New Jersey, any crime or disorderly persons offense:
Involving danger to the person, meaning those crimes and disorderly persons offenses as set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:11-1 et seq., such as criminal homicide; N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1 et seq., such as assault; N.J.S.A. 2C:13-1 et seq., such as kidnapping; N.J.S.A. 20:14-1 et seq., such as sexual assault; or N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1 et seq., such as robbery;
Against the family, children or incompetents, meaning those crimes and disorderly persons offenses set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:24-1 et seq., such as endangering the welfare of a child;
Involving theft as set forth in Chapter 20 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes;
Involving any controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog as set forth in Chapter 35 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes except paragraph (4) of subsection a of N.J.S.A. 20:35-10 (possession of 50 grams or less of marijuana or 5 grams or less of hashish); or
In any other state or jurisdiction, conduct which, if committed in New Jersey, would constitute any of the crimes or disorderly persons offenses described in this subsection.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
The Recreation Director may authorize a youth-serving organization to permit one or more volunteers and/or employees to have unsupervised direct contact with minors during a youth program, notwithstanding the fact that the background check process set forth in subsection 9-11.4 above has not been completed for said volunteer(s) and/or employee(s), if the following is established:
The youth-serving organization has satisfied its responsibilities as set forth in subsection 9-11.3 above for the subject volunteer(s) and/or employee(s) at least 60 days before the youth program is scheduled to begin;
The subject volunteer(s) and/or employee(s) have not received written notice of the results of the background check(s) pursuant to subsection 9-11.4 above and the youth program is scheduled to commence in 10 days or less;
The youth-serving organization has submitted to the Recreation Director a sworn statement completed by each volunteer and/or employee attesting that the volunteer and/or employee has not been convicted of any of the disqualifying crimes or offenses enumerated in subsection 9-11.5 above; and
A review of the Coordinating Agency's files does not disclose that the subject volunteer(s) and/or employee(s) have previously been disqualified pursuant to this section.
In the event the results of a background check reveal any disqualifying crime(s) or offense(s) after permission has been granted under this subsection, the individual that was the subject of the background check shall no longer be permitted to serve as a volunteer or employee during the youth-serving organization's youth program until and unless the individual is subsequently deemed not to be disqualified pursuant to the review process set forth in subsection 9-11.4 above.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
Except as otherwise provided for by law, results of background checks shall be effective for three years from the date they are issued by the Department of Law and Public Safety.
Except as otherwise provided for by law, results of background checks received by the Coordinating Agency, Chief of Police and Review Committee, and any records generated through their review, shall be retained by the Coordinating Agency for a period of three years from the date issued by the Department of Law and Public Safety.
A current or prospective volunteer or employee who has or may have unsupervised direct contact with minors shall not be required to submit to another background check if the individual was previously subject to a background check conducted pursuant to this section and not disqualified as a result no more than three years prior thereto and the Coordinating Agency confirms same.
Use of the results of background checks by the Township, Coordinating Agency, Review Committee and youth-serving organizations shall be limited solely to the authorized purpose for which they were given and they shall not be disseminated to any persons for unauthorized purposes. Any person violating Federal or State statutes or regulations governing access to criminal history record information may be subject to criminal and/or civil penalties.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
As stated in subsection 9-11.7, the results of background checks are effective for a period of three years from the date they are issued by the Department of Law and Public Safety. When this period of effectiveness has expired, a current or prospective volunteer or employee who has or may have unsupervised direct contact with minors and was previously subject to a background check conducted pursuant to this section and not disqualified shall be required to submit to a recheck in accordance with this subsection.
Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a recheck shall consist of a name check only, which is a determination of whether the individual has a criminal record by cross-referencing that individual's name with those on file with the SBI.
Name checks are conducted pursuant to same procedures set forth in subsection 9-11.3 above, except that fingerprinting shall not be required. The individual shall provide his or her name, social security number, written consent and other information necessary to complete the name check. The individual shall also certify that he or she has been a resident of the State of New Jersey during the entire period since the initial background check was completed. If the individual has not been a resident of the State of New Jersey during the entire period since the initial background check was completed, then the individual shall be required to undergo a new background check.
All other requirements and procedures set forth in this section shall apply to the recheck procedure, whether the individual is required to undergo a name check or a new background check. Wherever the term "background check" is used, it shall be construed to mean a name check or new background check when in the context of rechecks, as applicable.
Results of rechecks shall be effective for a period of three years from the date they are issued by the Department of Law and Public Safety. When this period of effectiveness has expired, a current or prospective volunteer or employee who has or may have unsupervised direct contact with minors and was previously subject to a recheck conducted pursuant to this section and not disqualified shall be required to submit to a recheck in accordance with this subsection.
For purposes of this section, results of a recheck shall have the same effectiveness as the initial background check.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
The Coordinating Agency shall take all steps necessary to ensure that any information it receives pursuant to this section remains confidential, and the Township when entering into an agreement shall have the authority to require that the Coordinating Agency implement such specific procedures as in the opinion of the Township may be appropriate and necessary to ensure said confidentiality.
Each authorized representative designated by a youth-serving organization pursuant to 9-11.3c above shall be required to certify to the Township in writing that he or she (1) has read and is familiar with the provisions of this section, (2) understands that any information he or she receives pursuant to this section is to be used solely for the purposes set forth herein and shall not be disclosed or disseminated to any persons for unauthorized purposes.
To the extent reasonably feasible, the Township, Coordinating Agency, and youth-serving organization shall ensure that all written documentation required to be provided by this section shall be reviewed only by the individual or individuals authorized to receive the information, and shall not be reviewed by, disseminated, or otherwise disclosed to any other employee, agent or volunteer of the respective entity, except as required in the performance of his or her duties.
The confidentiality requirements set forth herein and throughout this section shall apply to all employees, agents and volunteers of the Township, Coordinating Agency, and youth-serving organization, and failure to comply with any one or more of these requirements shall constitute a violation of this section.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
The Recreation Director shall establish, upon consultation with the Recreation Committee and approval of the Township Committee, policies and procedures to implement this section, which policies and procedures shall be consistent with the terms of this section.
[Ord. #07-1255, S 1]
Any person or youth-serving organization who violates the terms of this section may be subject to any or all of the following:
The Township prohibiting the use of Township facilities by the youth-serving organization; and
Such other fines and penalties that may be imposed under this Code or by law.