[Amended 5-9-11 by Ord. No. 6-2011; 10-22-12 by Ord. No. 10-2012; 3-9-2020 by Ord. No. 3-2020]
A. Installation
of trees and/or hedges that form a fence-like barrier, both new and
replacement of existing, requires a site development permit and zoning
approval from the Zoning Office prior to installation.
B. Installation
or replacement of material of any kind, including trees, bushes, plant
arrangements in any form, retaining walls, walkways, etc., located
in the Borough right-of-way adjacent to all properties in the Borough
of Avon-by-the-Sea requires a site development permit and zoning approval
from the Zoning Office prior to installation.
C. Landscaping. Landscaping plans shall be provided for all site plans
in accordance with the following requirements:
(1) All areas in a development not used for construction of buildings,
roads, accessways, parking or sidewalks shall be fully landscaped
in accordance with these regulations.
(2) All landscape plans shall have a schedule of the Latin and common
name, the quantity, the size, spacing and method of planting of each
plant material.
(3) A minimum landscaped area of five feet wide shall be provided along
all property lines including public streets.
(4) Parking areas and other strictly utilitarian improvements shall be
screened as fully as practicable.
(5) All street trees and on-site deciduous shade trees shall not be less
2.5 inches in diameter measured one foot above the root crown.
(6) In the event that any required plantings do not live within one year
of planting, they shall be replaced by the developer prior to the
end of the next planting season.
(7) A minimum of 10% of the total lot area shall be landscaped.
D. Additional requirements for hedges and vegetation for all parcels
in all zones.
(1) All hedges, trees or shrubs shall be properly cut, trimmed and maintained
by the owner of the property on which the base of the plant is located.
(2) No hedge shall be allowed within 15 feet of the curb bordering the
premises, except as otherwise required or permitted in this chapter.
No hedge row, that forms an organic fence-like barrier, shall be permitted
along lot lines in a front yard, with the exception that hedges and
plantings are permitted in the area adjoining a porch or dwelling.
(3) All trees, shrubs, and other vegetation overhanging the sidewalk
and/or the public way, such as streets and lanes, shall be trimmed
for clearance thereunder of not less than seven feet in height. The
property owner whose property abuts the Borough right-of-way is required
to maintain the landscaping and sidewalks located in the right-of-way.
All shrubs and plantings shall be trimmed and maintained to a minimum
of one foot from the street and sidewalk.
(4) No vegetation, with the exception of street trees that are trimmed
for a clearance thereunder of not less than seven feet, shall exceed
2.5 feet in height within any sight triangle. "Sight triangles" are
defined as:
Main thoroughfares: a line connecting the two points 25 feet
from the street-side edge of the curb of each intersecting street.
Lanes: a line connecting the two points 20 feet from the curb
of the intersecting street and along the edge of the lane as measured
along the property line.
(5) No "organic fence" (see definition) or row or cluster of three or
more trees or shrubs that exceed four feet in height, or hedges that
exceed four feet in height, will be allowed between a street and the
closest wall of a principal building unless otherwise permitted in
this chapter.
(6) No row or cluster of three or more trees or shrubs that exceed 10
feet in height, or hedges that exceed 10 feet in height, will be allowed
in any side or rear yard unless otherwise required or permitted in
this chapter. For the purpose of this section, "row or cluster" shall
describe an arrangement forming a fence-like barrier.
E. Fences on all parcels in all zones shall be subject to the following
(1) No fence of any type or material whatsoever shall be erected or constructed
without obtaining a zoning permit. Installation of fencing, both new
and replacement of existing, requires a site development permit and
zoning approval from the Zoning Office prior to installation. An existing
fence may be replaced provided that the replacement of the fence is
of the same type and style, is situated in the same location, is of
the same height which cannot exceed the height limitations as set
forth in 113-18E.
[Amended 4-25-2022 by Ord. No. 08-2022]
(2) No fence shall exceed four feet in height, except that a fence not
in excess of six feet (5+1 maximum) in height may be permitted along
the side lines up and along the rear property line commencing from
the rear of the dwelling for the purpose of enclosing the rear yard.
All fences shall be properly supported and braced and shall not be
electrically charged, spiked or barbed-wired. All gate openings must
be not less than three feet in width.
(3) All fences shall be symmetrical in appearance, posts separated by
identical distances and fencing confirming to definite pattern and
size of uniform design, separation for open construction. The same
shall be kept in good repair, regularly painted, good appearance and
clean condition. The finished side of all fences and walls shall be
constructed to face toward the adjacent property.
(4) No solid architectural fence shall be permitted above five feet high except as specifically required by §
113-29B of this chapter. For the purpose of this requirement, a solid architectural fence shall mean any fence where the structural components form a solid physical barrier. Examples of such fences include a stockade or solid vinyl fence. Fences may be permitted up to a height of six feet provided that, at a minimum, any portion of the fence above five feet in height shall consist of a screening material such as lattice.
(5) No fence shall be allowed within 20 feet of the intersection of any
road, or located between a street and the wall of the first floor
of a principal building.
(6) Fences shall be permitted between the principal building and a river
or lake, provided the fence does not exceed four feet in height. A
solid fence may be permitted up to a maximum height of three feet.
Any fence above three feet in height shall be an open fence, or a
three-foot-tall solid fence may contain up to one foot of open lattice
on top to reach a maximum height of four feet. Organic fences shall
be kept trimmed to a maximum of four feet.
[Amended 5-9-2011 by Ord. No. 6-2011; 5-24-2021 by Ord. No. 11-2021]
An application for a permit shall provide documentation that
the intended use will comply with the performance standards enumerated
below. In the case of a structure being built where the future use
is not known, a construction permit may be issued with the condition
that no certificate of occupancy will be issued until such time as
this documentation is submitted with respect to the particular occupant.
A new application and a new certificate of occupancy shall be required
in the event of a change of any use of any structure.
A. Drainage. No storm water or natural drainage that originates on the
property or water generated by the activity, e.g., air conditioners,
swimming pools, shall be diverted across property lines unless transported
in an approved or existing drainage system.
(1) Roof
leader. Roof leaders may discharge through the curb of the street
or tie directly to a stormwater inlet. If the property has no direct
access to the street, roof leaders may spill into the lane. All drainage
for roof leaders must be shown on a drainage plan.
(2) Sump
pump. Sump pump discharge must not be directly through curb. All sump
pumps must discharge into a recharge trench with pop-up emitter on
private property and shown on a grading plan.
B. Electrical and/or electronic radiation control. All electrical or
electronic devices located within the boundaries of a dwelling unit;
manufacturing industrial or commercial building; medical clinic; or
professional office, shall be subject to the provisions of Public
Law 90-602, 90th. Congress, HR 10790, dated October 18, 1968, entitled
"An Act for the Protection of Public Health and Safety from the Dangers
of Electronic Product Radiation". Radiation products, as defined in
DHEW Publication No. (FDA) 75-8003, shall be so limited and controlled
so that no measurable energy can be recorded at any point beyond the
property boundaries. Applicant shall, upon request, produce certified
data wherein measurements made in accordance with the procedure and
standards set forth in the DHEW Publication No. (FDA) 75-8003 adequately
demonstrate compliance to the minimum standards established by the
Act. All other forms of electromagnetic radiation lying between 100
kHz and 10 gHz shall be restricted to the technical limits established
in the Federal Communication Commission's Rules and Regulations.
C. Glare. No use shall produce a strong, dazzling light or reflection
of a strong, dazzling light or glare beyond its lot lines. Exterior
lighting shall be shielded, buffered and directed so that glare, direct
light or reflection will not become a nuisance to adjoining properties,
adjoining dwelling units, adjoining districts or streets.
D. Heat. No use shall produce heat perceptible beyond its lot lines.
E. Noise. Noise levels shall be designed and operated in accordance
with local regulations and those rules established by the New Jersey
State Department of Environmental Protection as they are adopted and
F. Odor. Odors shall not be discernible at the lot line or beyond.
G. Storage and Waste Disposal. No materials or wastes shall be deposited
upon a lot in such form or manner that they may be transferred off
the lot by natural causes or forces, nor shall any substance be deposited
which can contaminate an underground aquifer or otherwise render such
underground aquifer undesirable as a source or water supply or recreation,
or which will destroy aquatic life. All materials or wastes which
might cause fumes or dust or which constitute a fire hazard or which
may be edible or otherwise attractive to rodents or insects shall
be stored indoors and enclosed in appropriate containers adequate
to eliminate such hazards, provided however that indoor storage of
materials for commercial purposes is prohibited in residential zones.
H. Ventilation. No use shall obstruct the natural ventilation of adjacent
uses nor contaminate the air with excessive heat or odor. Further,
no air conditioners or exhaust fans for any use shall be permitted
to discharge exhausted air unless set back from all property lines
ten (10) feet or equipped with baffles to deflect the discharged air
away from the adjacent use.
I. Vibration. There shall be no vibration that is discernible to the
human sense of feeling beyond the immediate lot.
J. Grade change. Existing, natural grading on a lot may not be significantly
changed (more than one foot) for the purpose of increasing allowed
building structure and is not to negatively impact the adjacent properties.
K. Stormwater
recharge required. All new structures or additions 750 sf or greater
shall be piped directly to dry wells. The dry well shall be sized
to have a volume of one cf for every 12 sf of roof area of the proposed
L. Basements.
Basement floor slabs shall be a minimum of one foot above the seasonal
high groundwater elevation to be determined via a minimum of two soil
borings and signed by a professional engineer unless the basement
is designed to be watertight and suitably anchored and structurally
designed to resist the hydrostatic pressure. All applications proposing
a basement floor elevation less than one foot above the seasonal high
groundwater elevation shall include signed and sealed calculations
and structural details prepared by a professional engineer licensed
in the State of New Jersey certifying the structural design.
Unless otherwise specified for a particular zoning district,
no more than one (1) principal structure shall be permitted on one
(1) lot.