The following sections of "Standards for the Construction of Public
Non-Community and Non-Public Water Systems," N.J.A.C. 7:10-3.10 et
seq., commonly referred to as "Chapter 199", and specifically adopted
by the Board of Health in Ordinance #56-78 on October 11, 1978 shall
apply with equal force to the construction of heat pump wells, except
that any reference in the following sections to "Department" shall
be construed herein as reference to the Board of Health.
S7:10-3.36 (pruning systems)
S7:10-3.33b (duplicate wells)
S7:10-3.52a, b, c, d, e and g (general construction requirements
for wells)
S7:10-3.53 (well casings)
S7:10-3.54 (well screens)
S7:10-3.55a, b and c(2), c(3) and c(4) (grouting of annular
S7:10-3.56 (well head)
S7:10-3.57a(1), a(2), a(3), a(4), b, c (pitless well installation)
S7:10-3.58 (records)
S7:10-3.70 (design of pumping equipment)
S7:10-3.71 (location of pumping equipment)
S7:10-3.72 (pump controls)
S7:10-3.73 (pump down control)
Three copies of "Standards for the Construction of Public Non-Community
and Non-Public Water Systems," with marking made therein to plainly
indicate the portions thereof herein incorporate have been placed
on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Health of the
Township upon the introduction of this chapter, and will remain on
file in that office for the use and examination by the public.